Good Grief, Just Beat Iowa State
I’m so excited
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Good Grief, Just Beat Iowa State:
I’m so excited
are you at the game, crimson? Wave next time the camera pans around
I absolutely loved going to amazing sunny days like that during my time in Lawrence. The team stunk except for 1985 but it was still a great experience.
Nice play call
Next week. Youngest son is there with buddies, could be trouble
Awesome play!
Love casey
Wheels! Dumbass announcers
I hate refereees
kind of a weak hold. Looked like bean got hit out of bounds too, but what do I know, I’m a homer.
That was a weak hold
Announcers might as well wear gym shorts and tshirts.
not gonna be easy. these guuys avg only giving up 75 yds rushing per game
At least we have a gal on the field
Have 42 already
Offense showed it can move the ball. Defense must hold
@stoptheflop That’s the thing I worry about most with this team.
Good D
We have a 47 on offense and a 47 on defense?
@wissox yes
@wissox said in Good Grief, Just Beat Iowa State:
We have a 47 on offense and a 47 on defense?
only 99 numbers and apparently we have 180 players
Major hold in the backfield on that first down pass.
@DanR Good grief, no wonder we’re good!
i might be exaggerating about the number of players. I don’t get it either
no penalty here, please
Crowd noise
Runners and receivers need to learn the art of the stiff arm. Guys just run out of bounds when they could gain more yards. Walter Payton would be pissed if he saw it.
go for it you cowards
ha ha
Call ISU’s center for false starts. What the hell
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in Good Grief, Just Beat Iowa State:
Call ISU’s center for false starts. What the hell
yeah, that guy is definitely doing something illegal
Iowa State ball control - - -ovr 8 minute drive and yte - - -NOTHING
Good pressure on QB by KU so far
@wissox said in Good Grief, Just Beat Iowa State:
Runners and receivers need to learn the art of the stiff arm. Guys just run out of bounds when they could gain more yards. Walter Payton would be pissed if he saw it.
Too dangerous. Wide receivers are barely wearing any pads these days. Running backs still use the stiff arm once in a while
@DanR Ok, but they still need to stop running out of bounds. Drives me nuts!
Forward progress had been stopped
We’re about to get screwed by this review I’m afraid. Whistle blew apparently. Knee down too?
well, forward progress was definitely stopped. Maybe the ref blew the whistle
I mean, how long can defenders hold a guy up and rake at the ball?
Ref show
Good! KU ball
ISt has -12 yds rushing. So far so good defense
Good PI call
grimm doesn’t miss that catch without PI
Good cover up on
That was sexy