Marcus Garrett Appreciation Thread
Incredible Jayhawk. He didn’t always play in situations that were the best for him, but he always played his ass off. He’s going to make life hell for a lot of good pros. Godspeed, Marcus. Jayhawk nation loves you.
Thank you, Marcus. You are one of my favorite Jayhawks of all time.
Hope he kills it in the pros.
I love D! All heart!
I saw where the guys got rings from last year saying consensus number 1
Thanks Marcus. Best defender in the self era
One of the only players we have had that bought in completely to Self ball. He will be missed.
Think people is gonna fully appreicate Marcus even more when he is not here don’t think some people gave him enough credit tendency more to critize him then appreciate him, and 100 % right he busted his ass of - -ALL the time
Garrett was recruited by KU and he signed, and he always gave it his all. It is true, I am going to appreciate Marcus even more now that he is going to be gone.
Juan and Marcus could have been pretty lethal if they overlapped a bit longer, i think. Just stay, Marcus. The real world is overrated.
yep- I actually bough his jersey last year - a first for me in over 27 years of following the team - some guys you just like more than others for some reason, and I liked him imediately. I aways was drawn to the role-player do it all defensive guys, who are 100 percent Jayhawk from the get-go. All signs point to him leaving to make some money somewhere. I don’t see him sticking to an NBA team, maybe G-league, or perhaps better overseas, then ,most likely getting into the coaching ranks. HCBS will help him get a coaching job at some point. He was also one of Self’s fav all time guys I feel.