Is this website a joke?

  • @DoubleDD We should be friends here.

    First of all, you will notice (or now you can notice) that I’m not in on the politics conversations. I am 100% ignorant on politics. If I’ve ever called you a name ( and I’m pretty sure I have not), I sincerely apologize.

    But, the points you make are why I would discourage political talk on this board. It’s a no win situation. You can not win, so why talk about it. There are Republicans and Democrats alike that would vote for Satan himself because he was Republican or Democrat.

    As far as Donald Trump goes - I didn’t like him before he was president. I thought he was an arrogant, pompous ass. My opinion of him hasn’t changed, but if you like him - so what? You may know or recognize a lot of things about him that I don’t see. (Especially since I’m so politically ignorant)

    Just don’t let it get to you, brother. Know before you start that if you’re talking about politics or religion it’s not going to end pretty.

  • This Op Ed was reprinted in the KC Star last week. I thought it was enlightening. (about Biden’s stuttering and how it effects the way he talks/communicates).


  • @DanR I saw him last pm on a late pm show. He was talking about how he like poems and reciting them helps him w/stuttering, the cadence.

  • @DanR Thanks for posting the link to that article. I agree that it is very enlightening. I’ve long admired Joe Biden and I hate hearing him accused of having dementia or being senile.

  • 84DF5A33-5609-4B5F-8BB8-9A226DFE73FF.jpeg

  • Banned

    @nuleafjhawk said in Is this website a joke?:

    @DoubleDD We should be friends here.

    First of all, you will notice (or now you can notice) that I’m not in on the politics conversations. I am 100% ignorant on politics. If I’ve ever called you a name ( and I’m pretty sure I have not), I sincerely apologize.

    But, the points you make are why I would discourage political talk on this board. It’s a no win situation. You can not win, so why talk about it. There are Republicans and Democrats alike that would vote for Satan himself because he was Republican or Democrat.

    As far as Donald Trump goes - I didn’t like him before he was president. I thought he was an arrogant, pompous ass. My opinion of him hasn’t changed, but if you like him - so what? You may know or recognize a lot of things about him that I don’t see. (Especially since I’m so politically ignorant)

    Just don’t let it get to you, brother. Know before you start that if you’re talking about politics or religion it’s not going to end pretty.

    I respect you as you are respectful. One of my favorite posters. I do enjoy you’re work.

    The problem isn’t talking politics, it’s about being fair. What I’m to to think when posters hold a rep president to a different standard than a president that has a D beside their name? What that they are my friends?

    I like realism. Love doing what is best for our country. Yet so many here want to blame Trump for the Coronavirus, yet completely looked the other way when it came to the h1n1 with Obama.

    This is why I voted against mitt Romney, and voted for Obama. What man can leave a dog tied up to a bumper of his car and drive down the road yet will be coherent enough to lead the greatest nation on earth. A man that is willing to spend money on a deck so you can stand on top of it until his employees he’s letting them go?

    I have been fair I’ve tried to talk to issues but because I’m a Trump guy or person I’m just bad. There’s no discussions there is no meeting of the minds. It’s mocking, laughing, and name calling.

    I’ve called nobody any names. Just to try to talk the issues. That doesn’t seem like talking politics to me? And what is that ? the same people are going to vote biden. The guy doesn’t know he’s talking to you. He got confused who is sister was and wife wife. This isn’t a flub this is a man losing his mind. It is saying people are going to sit here and tell me that Trump isn’t worthy to be president but they’re going to vote In a Manchuria president.

    Sorry @nuleafjhawk count me out.

  • Banned

    @approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:

    @DoubleDD actually i would love to hear stories. Stories would be way more interesting and productive than us discussing ideology I think.

    Actually I think you are closer to your Ideology than you think. Everybody’s worried about the coronavirus yet nobody’s worried about what’s going to happen afterwards. This is a game changer I know you know what I’m saying.

    So many sheep. I hope you are right.

  • Banned

    @nuleafjhawk the Dem party had so many good candidates. Yet the liberal and Dem voters were so full of hate for Trump they gave us a man that is losing his mind. That’s not caring, that’s not love of country. That is extreme politics. Trying to grab power no matter what.

  • Banned

    @approxinfinity what really upsets me is you. You come across as this person that is fair, and wants to hear the conversation. Yet I was called a homophobic and a middle aged alcoholic (by you) yet you do nothing. If I would have said half that, you would have messaged me personally and told me to cool my language.

    You don’t want a conversation on the issues! You want people to agree with you. If a member doesn’t they face the rath of the posters.

    Well I disagree with you. I vote for the best person. I can’t help it the DNC fixes their elections.

  • @DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:

    @nuleafjhawk said in Is this website a joke?:

    @DoubleDD We should be friends here.

    First of all, you will notice (or now you can notice) that I’m not in on the politics conversations. I am 100% ignorant on politics. If I’ve ever called you a name ( and I’m pretty sure I have not), I sincerely apologize.

    But, the points you make are why I would discourage political talk on this board. It’s a no win situation. You can not win, so why talk about it. There are Republicans and Democrats alike that would vote for Satan himself because he was Republican or Democrat.

    As far as Donald Trump goes - I didn’t like him before he was president. I thought he was an arrogant, pompous ass. My opinion of him hasn’t changed, but if you like him - so what? You may know or recognize a lot of things about him that I don’t see. (Especially since I’m so politically ignorant)

    Just don’t let it get to you, brother. Know before you start that if you’re talking about politics or religion it’s not going to end pretty.

    I respect you as you are respectful. One of my favorite posters. I do enjoy you’re work.

    The problem isn’t talking politics, it’s about being fair. What I’m to to think when posters hold a rep president to a different standard than a president that has a D beside their name? What that they are my friends?

    I like realism. Love doing what is best for our country. Yet so many here want to blame Trump for the Coronavirus, yet completely looked the other way when it came to the h1n1 with Obama.

    This is why I voted against mitt Romney, and voted for Obama. What man can leave a dog tied up to a bumper of his car and drive down the road yet will be coherent enough to lead the greatest nation on earth. A man that is willing to spend money on a deck so you can stand on top of it until his employees he’s letting them go?

    I have been fair I’ve tried to talk to issues but because I’m a Trump guy or person I’m just bad. There’s no discussions there is no meeting of the minds. It’s mocking, laughing, and name calling.

    I’ve called nobody any names. Just to try to talk the issues. That doesn’t seem like talking politics to me? And what is that ? the same people are going to vote biden. The guy doesn’t know he’s talking to you. He got confused who is sister was and wife wife. This isn’t a flub this is a man losing his mind. It is saying people are going to sit here and tell me that Trump isn’t worthy to be president but they’re going to vote In a Manchuria president.

    Sorry @nuleafjhawk count me out.

    The Romney’s kept their dog in a windshield equipped crate on the top of their car, nowhere near the bumper. That dog was in less danger than my coyote dogs in a dog box. Shoot, my old mutt got car sick riding in the back seat of my car. Non-story and part of the absolute hatchet job the press did on Romney to protect Obama. Now Romney is the darling is the D’s since he voted to convict Trump.

  • Banned

    @FarmerJayhawk you are truly my nemesis. Ty

  • Banned

    If Do you believe in Wikipedia then you might like this?

  • @DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:

    If Do you believe in Wikipedia when you might like this?

    Jives with my recollection! I’m a HUGE dog person (literally my dad and me had a greyhound operation back in the day. I fed, watered, and exercised at least a handful of greyhounds 365 days a year) and thought it was a non-story. I would never eat dog meat, but Pres. Obama tried it as a part of that culture and it is what it is. I’d never do it because of my own ethics but ¯_(ツ)_/¯. To each their own. But here in the States we really do need bans on domestic animal meat and ownership of exotic animals. Call it a soft spot for charismatic megafauna.

  • Banned

    Yea I agree. Sadly this going to sound messed up. But here in America our poor are rich. They are able to get their hands on certain animals they have no knowledge of or right too.

    I used to have a walker dog show up at my house everyday. It was like clock work. They would show up in the morning then I would call the farmer to come get his coyote hunter. You know I loved that dog. It was like we were good friends.

  • Banned

    @FarmerJayhawk wasn’t Obama just a kid when he ate dog meat not sure? Lack of research. Sorry to night @approxinfinity is right middle aged man drinking some beers.

  • @DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:

    @FarmerJayhawk wasn’t Obama just a kid when he ate dog meat not sure? Lack of research. Sorry to night @approxinfinity is right middle aged man drinking some beers.

    Yeah, I think so. I don’t blame him, we’re all the product of our upbringing to some extent. I’m a 20-something having a few! Hope you and approx work things out. I love the diversity of this board. Would gladly have beers with any poster here.

  • @DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:

    @FarmerJayhawk wasn’t Obama just a kid when he ate dog meat not sure? Lack of research. Sorry to night @approxinfinity is right middle aged man drinking some beers.

    Cheers! 🍺

  • Man. Does this guy even English? 🙂

  • It just amazes me how people still want to turn this virus into a Political thing at such a critical time in OUR Nation. - - Trump did not bring this virus to America, some people just still don’t get it,

    you talk about a country divided - holy crap. Save the cheap shots at Trump for another time. THIS is not the time. we can talk LATER bout your almighty delegate who will save the Country - this about the virus and us coming together to make it through this

    I mean if you feel the need to throw shots then do what you feel you need to do I guess what ever floats your boat. but you want to go that route just remember when Trump was on this back in January the other party led by the demon Pelosi was so set on impeachment , her and her little clan so wrapped up trying to find witness for impeachment they were so blind to actually what was coming - -Well NANCY you didn’t get the impeachment - wasn’t removed from office was he ? - his approval rating was at an all time high - and we thought Hilleary was a mess - Nancy makes her look like the Virgin Mary.

    I’m NOT Republican - - I’m NOT Democrat, I vote for I feel is the lesser of the two evils , Govt is so corrupt, but this is not a time to see who can talk more smak then the other about who. - -Now is the time to focus of the plague the Corona Virus -dam we have to come together.

  • @jayballer73 saying “this is not the time to be political” is a political statement.

    In fact, your whole post is political rhetoric.

    Just another political attack vector. “Look at the other guy all angry about politics!”

  • @approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:

    @jayballer73 saying “this is not the time to be political” is a political statement.

    In fact, your whole post is political rhetoric.

    Just another political attack vector. “Look at the other guy all angry about politics!”

    that’s exactly why I made it a political statement really gets old. Much more important situation thing to be worried about and yet THERE YOU ARE - -what I put was EXACTLY what I wanted to state. If you look I said if you feel the need to post make this political although that’s pretty dam sad then so be it.

    As for as your cute little comment about " Look at the other guy all angry about politics " - -What the hell you think I have been doing? - -that’s all I have been LOOKING at is politics at the totally wrong time - - for the entire time now - but thanks for telling me - time to relax it’s gonna be ok. How about worry about the real problem at hanD and THAT’S THE VIRUS. - -Save all the political bullshit for another day.

    I know you won’t though - -so go ahead and throw your aimless bullshit back at me I’m ready - -Go ahead I’ll wait

  • @jayballer73 This thread is about politics. See post #1. Specifically, it was a video discrediting Biden as a candidate via a montage of his verbal stumbles. Therefore I think a hatchet job video enumerating the countless slurring of words of our current president belongs on this thread.

    I think we have been talking pretty meaningfully about not political stuff on other non political threads.

  • Look, whatever the reason… blame whoever you want… but the US did not respond as quickly as it should have and was not as prepared as it should have been given we have the most resources in the world and supposedly are the world leaders economically, militarily and intellectually (I mean we have historically been the center of gravity – a magnet for innovators from everywhere in the world, across all sciences-- tech, energy, medicine, engineering, areospace… you name it.)


  • @bskeet said in Is this website a joke?:

    Look, whatever the reason… blame whoever you want… but the US did not respond as quickly as it should have and was not as prepared as it should have been given we have the most resources in the world and supposedly are the world leaders economically, militarily and intellectually (I mean we have historically been the center of gravity – a magnet for innovators from everywhere in the world, across all sciences-- tech, energy, medicine, engineering, areospace… you name it.)


    Hint: Don’t say because impeachment. That is a ‘political’ excuse which does not explain all the evidence that spans far more than the past 6 months leading up to the pandemic.

  • @jayballer73 politics have played and continue to play a huge role in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Look at the states that still don’t have stay at home orders. All Republican governors. Lives continue to be lost because of Trumps stupidity. The fact that he has refused to declare a national stay at home directive and has relegated the handling of the issue to individual governors while continue to undermine the CDC (his latest declaration stating that he himself would not wear a mask) has created chaos. Leaders lead. This loser says it’s not his problem (“I’m not a shipping clerk”) and has his unqualified son in law running a shadow coronavirus reponse operation declaring that the states can’t access the federal reserve of medical supplies.

    So… Much… Bad…

  • @approxinfinity Welcome to the United States of America, a Trump Enterprise.

    Run exactly as he would one of his businesses. Which means he will rely on a heavy dose of nepotism, run it into the ground and then look for a bail-out, throwing associates under the bus left and right.

    This is what a Trump Enterprise looks like. And when this enterprise goes bankrupt, we all will be paying the price. It’s all on the backs of us. Yertle the frickin’ Turtle.

    America wanted a business man to run the executive branch… The best presidents historically have had executive experience… so it resonated. But Trump had to be one of the worst possible executives we could have picked. Carly Fiorina would have been WAY better. And she was not the best executive by far, but she had experience running a public company, working within regulations.

    He seems to know how to say exactly the wrong thing every time he gets involved with the coronavirus response. He diminishes what the experts say when he should be endorsing it, amplifying it, modeling it.

    He should recuse himself, but that would require self-awareness.

  • @approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:

    @jayballer73 politics have played and continue to play a huge role in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Look at the states that still don’t have stay at home orders. All Republican governors. Lives continue to be lost because of Trumps stupidity. The fact that he has refused to declare a national stay at home directive and has relegated the handling of the issue to individual governors while continue to undermine the CDC (his latest declaration stating that he himself would not wear a mask) has created chaos. Leaders lead. This loser says it’s not his problem (“I’m not a shipping clerk”) and has his unqualified son in law running a shadow coronavirus reponse operation declaring that the states can’t access the federal reserve of medical supplies.

    So… Much… Bad…

    OMG LMAO - - ok love ya anyways man - -have a great day lmao

  • @jayballer73 you’re right, it’s a joke.

  • @approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:

    @jayballer73 politics have played and continue to play a huge role in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Look at the states that still don’t have stay at home orders. All Republican governors. Lives continue to be lost because of Trumps stupidity. The fact that he has refused to declare a national stay at home directive and has relegated the handling of the issue to individual governors while continue to undermine the CDC (his latest declaration stating that he himself would not wear a mask) has created chaos. Leaders lead. This loser says it’s not his problem (“I’m not a shipping clerk”) and has his unqualified son in law running a shadow coronavirus reponse operation declaring that the states can’t access the federal reserve of medical supplies.

    So… Much… Bad…

    The President doesn’t have the power to issue such a directive. Only governors and mayors can issue stay home orders. And to be fair to those who haven’t issued such orders, they’ve all closed non-essential business, schools, and banned gatherings of more than 10 people.

  • @FarmerJayhawk I get that the president doesn’t have the authority technically to issue a stay at home order, but he could certainly call for it with precise guidelines, creating a uniform response. No governor would have stayed “open for business” and tried to be “rarin’ to go by Easter” if the president has dictated the need for a nationwide stay at home effort.

  • @approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:

    @jayballer73 you’re right, it’s a joke.

    See I KNEW you could figure it out have a great night

  • @jayballer73 we will get through this and see eye-to-eye in the end. Just a bump in the road.

  • @approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:

    @jayballer73 we will get through this and see eye-to-eye in the end. Just a bump in the road.

    oh no doubt for sure. we will always see eye to eye at the end of the day, wouldn’t want it any other way. No one see’s eye to eye on everything buddy. We gonna be ok. – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

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