For those who cannot post new topics.
I’ve submitted an issue with nodebb detailing the problem. Hopefully They can help out.
@BShark also, I believe this may work as a workaround:
Add a post to an existing thread. Click on topic tools, fork thread, click on the post and fork it. If that works can you let me know?
No go!
Same deal? same error?
So I’m ok with waiting for a response from those guys instead of pulling the plug on this version and downgrading, unless you guys feel otherwise?
@approxinfinity yes
Try again? I found a category that had no id in the database and deleted it. Hopefully that wasn’t doing anythign important
@BShark reports he can post again and I’m thinking this issue is resolved! I’ve added comments to the issue on their github regarding my resolution. Please let me know if this isn’t the case and also let me know if iOS devices still can’t post. That is a separate issue.
IOS still does not work off data.
@approxinfinity I was able to create one, then deleted it.
Great job as always!