Ok , I realize I'm probably in the minority

  • Well , we are now # 1 in the Nation, At least that’s what CBS has us , haven’t seen the ESPN AP or Coach’s poll yet.

    Here is the thing for me , and I mean this in all sincerity. It really wouldn’t bother me if we weren’t # 1 - -actually wouldn’t really bother me if we were NEVER # 1 in the Nation during the regular Season.

    The reason ? - -Because actually in the long run being ranked # 1 during the Season isn’t really all that, oh sure for the fans they like to stick their chest out and HEY look were # 1 in the Nation , boasting & strutting - getting all full of themselves. I mean looks good - - sounds good, but other then that it really doesn’t amount to squat. - -Oh sure ya might even get you the overall # 1 seed in the NCAA tourney , but in reality - -you can still get beat on any given day , especially the way things are playing out this year. We all know KU’S history of the early round exits in the NCAA tourney - -even being the overall # 1 might not change that.

    If you were to ask the Coach’s - -the players how they felt , oh ya sure they would say ya it’s cool , why not be # 1, BUT in the over all grand Scheme of things if you ask what is their goal for the Season? - - you can take it to the bank their response is going to be that they would much rather be #1 at the END of the year - and the NCAA Championship, would take that in a New York minute over being ranked # 1 during the Season. - How does it sound if your in a conversation and someone spouts off and says - - we wee Ranked # 1 during the Season - -or we were ranked # 1 throughout the whole year - and they respond ya? - - So tell me again who won the NCAA Trophy? -did your # 1 ranking get you the Championship? - -just think really not even close between the two - -regular season being ranked # 1 OR being ranked # 1 at the end with a NCAA trophy in hand. - -that’s just me I know probably in minority but it’s ok

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  • Everyone wants to be first in the end! Nobody cares or remembers the rankings, it’s just an honor, for now. Maybe we fight harder to keep it? Maybe recruits think it’s cool? I’d rather be higher than lower. Let’s see how we respond. We’ve always had a target, maybe this group will be tougher.

  • Crimsonorblue22 said:

    Everyone wants to be first in the end! Nobody cares or remembers the rankings, it’s just an honor, for now. Maybe we fight harder to keep it? Maybe recruits think it’s cool? I’d rather be higher than lower. Let’s see how we respond. We’ve always had a target, maybe this group will be tougher.

    let’s hope we fight harder. - - For me, the way I look at it is , in the regular season a long as we remain in the top 5 , I’m good. - just doesn’t make that big of difference unless like I said for a little chest thumping

    I think I can say pretty confident, remember seeing it sometime back that we led the Nation for being ranked in the top 10 consectutive weeks in a row – same went for the Top 25 - just an insane number. - Now that shows consistency, being # 1,2,3 in the nation in the regular Season - -just doesn’t have that or do that much in the long run.

    I saw well at least in CBS poll, that N Carolina is not in the top 25 - - when is the last time you saw that happen? - -I think this year is just going to be one wild huge crap shoot

  • @jayballer73 yep, crazy year! I’m praying for health!

  • Banned

    I think we look at the rankings in a distorted view. The sports media loves the rankings because it helps promote the games they are going to broadcast. You know the sales pitch, “Saturday at 3:30 #1 versus # 15 only on ESPN. The fans love it because we can go around touting our team. Think about it? How many times have we fans found our selves using the “Hey #1 in the nation” card?

    The reality is you can just about take the top 10 in any year and swap them out in the rankings.

    For me I think achieving the #1 ranking is a reward and a test for the players. Sometimes we forget they are just kids. They love the #1 ranking. Its an achievement so few get to experience. It’s a reward for the effort these kids put into their craft. It is also a test of their mindset, their spirit. Being ranked #1 comes with a big old bulls eye. No longer can you just go out and play. All eyes are on you. No longer is a win just a win. It’s how many points did you win by, what was the quality of the opponent. How many times have we seen a team grab the golden ring of #1, only to go out and lose their next game.

    In conclusion I’d say College basketball rankings in the grand scheme of things really mean nothing on the court, but in the minds of the kids and the wallets of those that make money. It means everything.

  • DoubleDD said:

    I think we look at the rankings in a distorted view. The sports media loves the rankings because it helps promote the games they are going to broadcast. You know the sales pitch, “Saturday at 3:30 #1 versus # 15 only on ESPN. The fans love it because we can go around touting our team. Think about it? How many times have we fans found our selves using the “Hey #1 in the nation” card?

    The reality is you can just about take the top 10 in any year and swap them out in the rankings.

    For me I think achieving the #1 ranking is a reward and a test for the players. Sometimes we forget they are just kids. They love the #1 ranking. Its an achievement so few get to experience. It’s a reward for the effort these kids put into their craft. It is also a test of their mindset, their spirit. Being ranked #1 comes with a big old bulls eye. No longer can you just go out and play. All eyes are on you. No longer is a win just a win. It’s how many points did you win by, what was the quality of the opponent. How many times have we seen a team grab the golden ring of #1, only to go out and lose their next game.

    In conclusion I’d say College basketball rankings in the grand scheme of things really mean nothing on the court, but in the minds of the kids and the wallets of those that make money. It means everything.

    I agree with you pretty much 100 %. - - The one thing is , we ( KU ) has a bulls eye on them anywhere they go - - -everywhere they go doesn’t matter if were ranked # 1 or not. - for a lot of teams we ARE their game of the year. We have that bulls eyes because we have been ranked in the upperside for so long - -for so many years. Other teams recognize us upper echelon a blue blood. Being # 1 doesn’t matter as much for us to other teams - - it’s KU , same goes for Kentucky - - N Carolina – Duke - -other teams will always get jacked up for us.

    We play at other places normal 1/4 full or 1/2 full and it’s a sell out. - Your right though for sure ESPN makes a lot more out of these then others

  • I’d rather be a team that is #1 periodically, becoming a target etc, than be a team that was never #1. Notoriety helps with recruiting and overall school rep.

    People here forget what it was like in the mid 70’s to early 80’s, when it was exciting to get into the top 10. 345 schools or so would be thrilled to worry about how “meaningful” it is. It is no guarantee of any season result, but it is fun to know that you are perceived as good, and by many, as the best.

    Does it matter in the long run? Of course not, but so what?

  • It’s a sign of respect and it’s not bad for recruiting. It’s a good sign KUs in the running for a one seed and and easier path to being the last team ranked #1 too. Mostly worthless, but it’s good to know the national perspective.

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Great post

  • Loving being the top dog. We deserve it. Team has played at a good level for weeks now.

    Now let’s see if we can go on the road and defend that spot

  • mayjay said:

    I’d rather be a team that is #1 periodically, becoming a target etc, than be a team that was never #1. Notoriety helps with recruiting and overall school rep.

    People here forget what it was like in the mid 70’s to early 80’s, when it was exciting to get into the top 10. 345 schools or so would be thrilled to worry about how “meaningful” it is. It is no guarantee of any season result, but it is fun to know that you are perceived as good, and by many, as the best.

    Does it matter in the long run? Of course not, but so what?

    I really don’t think KU has any problem recruiting even not being number 1. - -like I said as long as we stay in the top 5 which we have pretty consistency kids are gonna know who we are. - -I don’t have a problem with being # 1 don’t get me wrong - - it’s just that I think a lot of people make TO MUCH out of being # 1 during the regular season.

    As far as forgetting about the 70’s & 80’s - umm that wouldn’t be me I was right there - -lean times with Teddy - great recruiter couldn’t coach with a dam - lots of empty seats for a spell - was a struggle

  • @jayballer73 I’ve asked enough dumb things and this may be near the top but doesn’t CBS use the ap poll? I also thought that the coach’s poll and ESPN’s were the same.

    And let’s be real. What does being ranked #1 mean before conference play even mean? I like to see us at #1 and it is a sign of recognition for KU’s early success but don’t get too excited.

    PS: There are bad/dumb questions. Ask anyone who ever taught middle school.

  • @jhawk7782 Yes to all, but ESPN has a power ranking as well.

  • jhawk7782 said:

    @jayballer73 I’ve asked enough dumb things and this may be near the top but doesn’t CBS use the ap poll? I also thought that the coach’s poll and ESPN’s were the same.

    And let’s be real. What does being ranked #1 mean before conference play even mean? I like to see us at #1 and it is a sign of recognition for KU’s early success but don’t get too excited.

    PS: There are bad/dumb questions. Ask anyone who ever taught middle school.

    no - - not dumb question by any means and I’m not really even sure. – I do know that the AP & the Coach’s poll are listed together on the ESPN site - -but often can and do differ on where a team is ranked.

    I do not think CBs and the AP coordinate together because they too have differences in their rankings - -I think even USA today is a separate vote , but wouldn’t swear to that. - I jus tdon’t freak out that much about rankings during the regular season. - - Sounds good but about all it does. - -I’m perfectly happy to be anywhere in the top 5 which we do on quite the regular bases - Being # 1 at the END is a lot more sweet lol

  • Generally, I don’t subscribe much to rankings, especially early in the season. Like others have said, the Top 5-10 teams are often interchangeable and the ranks do tend to be used as promotional tools.

    That said, after everything this team, this coach and these players have had to deal with recently from the NCAA on down, getting the #1 ranking in spite of it all, to me, is a giant middle finger to the whole establishment. And I hope we wave that finger high and proud and as close to the smug face of the machinery as humanly possible.

    Kudos, boys! Now put the foot down firmly onto the neck and slowly apply the pressure.

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