@approxinfinity Thomas does write opinions. He just doesn’t ask questions at the oral arguments.
@mayjay you are correct. I misinterpreted something I had heard.
@approxinfinity I agree I deleted it I don’t need to get into again with anyone lmao.
Maybe we should start referring to the losing side as “the simple majority minus two”
The problem with this FBI investigation is it doesn’t reach a conclusion, or should say it’s not supposed to. It is merely a fact finding investigation. The real problem is that a woman can come forth after 36 years later saying something happened to her. Yet she can’t remember where or when. Not to mention the persons she mentioned being at this supposed event all deny or don’t have any memory of such occasion… Meaning the person that is accused can’t even defend himself. Thereby creating a her world against his. Not really fair. Especially in this me too movement. You make not like this nominee for what ever reason, but the truth is he being treated quite unfairly. Also lets not forget Judge Kavanaugh has already been investigated by the FBI six times, and the FBI signed off on him every time.
Is this going to be the standard for all nomiee’s from here on out? Do we expect our Supreme Court Justices to walk on water, raise the dead, and heal the sick? This isn’t the Republicans messing up. As Judge Kavanaugh is more than qualified to be a supreme court Justice. As he is respected by many judges of his elk. Lib and Conservative. He has a long proven history of being a champion for woman’s rights. No this is the Dems doing anything even destroying a good person. trying to keep the seat open tell they can get into power.
If you can’t see the logic in this. I just hope your children don’t ever have to face a similar situation. To be accused by someone with no facts, yet be found guilty with no real chance of defending themselves.
Sad days indeed.
@DoubleDD or three women… you know, whatever, details shmetails.
Yet no evidence. Yea you know.
@DoubleDD Right, because all three are liars working for deep state Democrats. Because that’s logical.
@DoubleDD also, when you say “found guilty” I’m afraid you’ve fallen for the innocent until guilty BS the Republicans are peddling. This isn’t a criminal trial. I can’t stress that enough. This is selecting a Supreme Court Justice. Someone whose history should be Sterling, beyond reproach, not someone who acts like an entitled child when testifying before Senate, or pretends that he was of drinking age when he wasn’t, and pretends like he didn’t drink heavily when he clearly did. Just tell the truth.
You know I’m a bit taken back by your ascertains. Are you not the one that always has a open mind? Aren’t you the one that always calls for the proof and facts?
You’re the reason why when I post a opinion piece. I let everybody know it’s a opinion piece. What gives? Why are you so ready to accept Kavanaugh as guilty without any evidence? Would you feel the same if Kavanaugh was a liberal judge?
No you’re right this isn’t a criminal trial, but these accusations can, and have most likely already have. Will ruin his life. Keep in mind with no evidence. Should his life be ruined by a woman that can’t remember where or when, and only supposably remembers under hypnosis. Which is not accepted as legit evidence in a lot courts across the land and states. Even liberal States like New York don’t accept hypnosis as legit evidence.
Do I think politics are involved? Yea I do. For one reason. Why did Feinstein sit on this accusation for so long? Why did she wait? If she didn’t leak the story then who did? and why right when the vote was about to come down for Kavanaugh? coincidence? Umm Ok?
@DoubleDD I never said he was guilty. I said the Republicans almost screwed up by not allowing the investigation to happen, as I believe we should know as much as we can from an impartial third party. I also think that when the ABA calls for an investigation you should listen. No, I dont believe garbage about the FBI being biased.
Trump is limiting the scope of the investigation, not allowing Swednick to be interviewed and not allowing the investigation to look at discrepancies in Kavanaughs story about not drinking heavily.
I also don’t like how Kavanaugh acts; I think he acts like a d-bag, and I don’t understand why this guy is the best we could find.
Oh no, a rapist scumbag might have his life ruined because this woman had the courage to come out about it now… I’m tearing up.
If you don’t like him that is one thing. But are willing to accept the demise of a person of a claim with no evidence?
Yea if you can’t have a civil take on the topic maybe you should just not post?
I think your post is a little over the edge and uncalled for.
That’s what the investigation is for, to review the evidence.
Come on you know the FBI is going to do their thing, and produce the same things we already know.
@DoubleDD no, I don’t know that. I do know Trump is banking on that happening. Says he doesn’t need a backup plan for Kavanaugh. Meanwhile shutting Swednick out of the investigation, which is absurd. Let the FBI determine whether Swednick is credible. Not for Trump to say.
Thing is we are dealing with something that happened almost 40 years ago. Not many will remember or even care. Already those that have been indentified as being there. Don’t have any memory of such pre party get together.
What about the fact that he was showing obvious pathological lying tendancies on his crazy person rant in front of congress? When you lie and get upset about smaller things, that’s a bad sign too. Could you imagine if it was a woman being that emotional, it’s literally ALL people would talk about to say she was wrong.
DoubleDD said:
Yea if you can’t have a civil take on the topic maybe you should just not post?
I think your post is a little over the edge and uncalled for.
Nope. He’s a scumbag. No sympathy. Sitting back is how the enemy wins.
approxinfinity said:
@DoubleDD no, I don’t know that. I do know Trump is banking on that happening. Says he doesn’t need a backup plan for Kavanaugh. Meanwhile shutting Swednick out of the investigation, which is absurd. Let the FBI determine whether Swednick is credible. Not for Trump to say.
Trump is trying to stomp out the investigation to get this goon in for the GOP.
@BShark alright maybe it wasn’t civil. Dropping the F Bomb. Unfortunately I feel
how you do. So we both aren’t very civil right now, possibly.
@approxinfinity I edited out the swear just now actually. It was definitely not needed.
good man I’ll go abbreviate mine
Well I appreciate the effort but most of this is opinion stuff. One persons word versus another.
Kavanaugh has a track record that is pretty impressive. There is a saying That a person shall bear the their fruit. How can Kavanaugh be such a serial rapist for a couple years. Yet spend the rest of his life being a champion for women’s rights? Doesn’t add up.
Your link is about women who have never met Kavanaugh and proved what?
It’s more like this piece:
DoubleDD said:
Kavanaugh has a track record that is pretty impressive. There is a saying That a person shall bear the their fruit. How can Kavanaugh be such a serial rapist for a couple years. Yet spend the rest of his life being a champion for women’s rights? Doesn’t add up.
Did Bill Cosby add up?
Cold open from SNL was pretty good yesterday
@DoubleDD Most of us did some things as kids that were regrettable. Some of us did things that were extremely regrettable. Some of us were never held accountable for these actions. And some of us lie about those things now, and attack others in order to get what we want, instead of making amends.
This is not primarily about the past. It is about what kind of man Brett Kavanaugh is when confronted with his past. If he said he was a stupid high school kid, and he’s not that kind of man any more, I might not like it, but it would be a lot more acceptable than using the Deny Deny Deny playbook and being belligerent in answering Senators.
Something to remember it that this isn’t a legal trial, it’s about Kavanaugh becoming a SCOTUS. It’s not the same standard. And the more that I, and most rational people see of Kavanaugh, he is not fit for that position.
I don’t claim any party affiliation and share views with Democratic and Republican policies. Kavanaugh is absolutely a Republican attack dog. He is simply, again, not fit to be SCOTUS.
I would be just as against such an extreme Democrat with a similar history becoming a SCOTUS, to be clear.
Edit: And I am aware how it really works. Only biased and partisan af people become SCOTUS. A sad reality.
approxinfinity said:
DoubleDD said:
Kavanaugh has a track record that is pretty impressive. There is a saying That a person shall bear the their fruit. How can Kavanaugh be such a serial rapist for a couple years. Yet spend the rest of his life being a champion for women’s rights? Doesn’t add up.
Did Bill Cosby add up?
Yet in the Bill Cosby situation. It was over a long period of time. Not just a year or two stint.
The thing about Bill Cosby the evidence was quite clear. Again are we to presume someone guilty without any real evidence other that the memory conjured up through hypnosis.
Not true. Multiple people have come forward with similar testimony about Kavanaugh. The FBI just doesn’t want or get to hear from most of them because they have been kneecapped by the POTUS/white house.
Someone must really like Kavanaugh though because he could be exchanged for an identical monster in seconds.
The issue here isn’t a politic one. It’s much bigger than that. A man’s life is being destroyed by accusations that a woman has made, without any real burden of proof. It makes no sense. So now if any woman comes forth and accuses any man of wrong doing she is to presumed telling the truth? Is this the new standard? Is this the kind of justice we want? Is this the kind of society some have been talking about and longing for?
Bottom line there is no evidence any of this took place. None. Yet we are condemning and judging him guilty. If this was a criminal trial no judge or lawyer would continue with such a lack of real hard evidence.
Be careful what you ask for. One day it could be you or your sons that are being accused my some woman from the past of wrong doing without any real evidence.
Oh yea I forgot the lady that said Kavanaugh pulled out his junk and waved it around. At this point anybody could say anything and some would believe it doesn’t matter if there is any proof.
This is how the Salem witch trials got started.
Look I get you don’t like the guy, but there is no evidence he has done any of these things. Ask yourself if he was a womanizer. Why did so many woman from his past come out to defend him? Why did so many woman that he has worked with in his professional, and adult life come out to defend him? What he just flipped a switch? Went from rapist to the guy on welcome to my neighborhood?
You’re ready to crucify this guy because a memory that was brought up through hypnosis. Remember the people identified as being as this get together have all denied or have no memory of such a get together.
Ah I’m just wasting my time. You don’t care about justice. You just want to see this guy go down. Doesn’t matter how.
Have a good day.
You really believe him? His acting was so poor. His insectile bits were poking out from his flesh suit. Ford kept her composure while he cried, screamed and rambled about the Clintons. But I digress…this particular insect is unimportant.
That is really what this has been turned into, you are right. It’s all a show that both parties are using to further an agenda at this point.
The Democrats claim they want everyone to believe all women, but there will never be a criminal trial pursued. Ultimately, there will be Democrats confirming Kavanaugh*. This whole thing is like the police investigating police brutality and corruption. WE INVESTIGATED OURSELVES AND FOUND NOTHING WRONG. CARRY ON. Maybe the goal is to trot out just how corrupt the American government system really is. Increase the number one electoral party: non-voters due to apathy.
*It’s pro wrestling. Entertainment for the masses with nothing actually on the line because again Kavanaugh is completely replaceable. Another key aspect of pro wrestling is that everyone is employed by the same guy. Which is why I fully expect Kavanaugh to be confirmed anyway, including lots of confirmations from Democrats. They don’t really want him out. Neither side seemed interested in an actual investigation into Kavanaugh. Or they could have pushed the hearing back. Again, dog and pony show entertainment.
Whoever Trump puts there at the end of the day will adhere to a specific agenda. It was even a campaign promise, basically. I mean, good lord, Gorsuch stole a seat in broad daylight. Long live the plutocracy.
I am interested in justice, and a fair Supreme Court. But I also realize it’s impossible. I’m not THAT naive. Anything attempting true reform in regards to money and corruption will be shot down in seconds. Nothing brings Democrats and Republicans together faster.
I channeled my inner jb with this post. Who knew I had it in me?
@DoubleDD Hypnosis? A Fox commentator says she thinks Ford underwent hypnosis, and you treat that as a fact. But someone’s testimony under oath you say is not evidence?
You need to go back to law school. I think you missed something!
I was wondering where that came from. I never watch Fox.
I don’t really want to say much here, but kavanaugh has to think we are really dumb to believe him about what he said about those nasty words on his calendars!
@BShark can you throw a link to this?
@approxinfinity https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-confusion-surrounding-the-fbis-renewed-investigation-of-brett-kavanaugh
LOL @ the NewYorker. If you want to discount Fox News or any conservative news organization then the same can be said for them.