KU Basketball related stories...
TRob signed a non-guaranteed contract with Atlanta. Hopefully this is a long term destination for him.
Ben McLemore seriously misquoted in a sensationalized TMZ story. Ben disputes the article and issued a release, the full text is here. No wonder the MSM has lost all credibility.
@wrwlumpy GOOD FOR HIM. I Love TROB.
@JayHawkFanToo Geez Louise. It’s going to get to the point where no athlete will talk to the press. Get the politics OUT OF SPORTS!
@KUSTEVE not as much as I love him!
Geez lol- -all the mush mush for T-Rob - -all goosie gobblie -well guess what? - - - I LOVE HIM EVEN MORE - lol. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Realizing Nike’s already sell for as much in China as they do in USA, and in time will sell for higher there, and in vastly greater numbers, it hits like ton of chow fun: the politics at just starting in sports!!!
Whatever happened to TRob’s little sister. Did she come to KU yet?
@JayHawkFanToo Since when is TMZ the mainstream media?
Perhaps it is not to us older folks but It is to the younger generation who is influenced by this type of media and social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook a lot more than we are. Our parents got the news from Cronkite, we got the news from Kopel and CNN and the younger generation gets is news from a Twitter and bloggers.
Nobody believes tmz
Politics are in everything anymore, can’t turn on anything with hearing something about it, that’s one of many reason I don’t watch TV these days. It’s seems most media outlets are like click hate articles, they twist around whatever they can to make more people view the story.
TMZ is a celebrity gossip news site. It’s MSM in the same vein as Style Magazine or Cosmopolitan. It’s not MSM the way that ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc. are considered.
Even most younger people that follow TMZ regularly don’t consider it “news” at least amongst the college students I have talked to. They look to it for celebrity news, like who is dating who in Hollywood, etc.
@JayHawkFanToo Who you calling old mister?
@JayHawkFanToo speak for yourself!
I think you are getting the terms interpreted in a very narrow form. The Term Main Stream Media is not unique to hard news but to all form of media . The currently accepted definition is: Mainstream media (MSM) is a term and abbreviation used to refer collectively to the various large mass news media that influence a large number of people, and both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought. Whether we like it or not, sources such as TMZ, Bravo, A&E, TLC and ET are considered part of the MSM since they report entertainment or lighter news in the same way ESPN and Fox Sports report sports news and both are considered MSM; many of these notworks have larger audiences than traditional outlets like CNN.