Here with a heavy heart today

  • Well , these are the types of days or anytime frame as far as that goes I could for sure do without. Please bear with me here my friends, this is a situation where I just need to release. Thanks:

    Well yesterday not more then two blocks from where I live there was a double homicide, police responded to trouble at a residence. When they got there AMR which is Ambulance declared them dead. Boy that was only the start of things. Rumors were running wild as to what happened , didn’t give it an extra amount of thought - -sad situation but yet.

    So this morning wife was reading an update from the police and it said that they had arrested THREE men in connection with this - - So she starts reading the suspects names, THEN she reads the last one and dammit - as soon as she says the name I go OH HELL NO . turns out the third suspect was a friend of mine - I mean it has been a few years since I had contact but still just floored me. Even worse is one of the Victims was his ex ol lady - -which was ANOTHER friend of mine - - -just devastated. - This sweet lady was only 28 yrs old Lisa Sportsman - this piece of shit is Brad .he lived with me long before Lisa was around. worthless piece of crap - -so sorry to ever having to admit that he was a friend. - -Brad is 40. They both lived with me in my current house , dam she was so sweet always laughing - -all the time I would say Lisa what the hell you laughing about? - - now this.

    Then the other victim was a 17 yr old boy , this just makes me sick. to say I’m hurting right now is an understatement. - -and the sad part this worthless piece of crap ( Brad ) - didn’t even have the chones to do it himself. - - He was charged with 2 counts of conspiracy to commit murder - fricken gutless wonder. - - the other two suspects were a 31 yr old and a 19 yr old. they have 2 counts of 1st degree murder and aggravated bulglary. It just doesn’t make any sense - - - WHY? WHY would he do this? - -the police said the victims had been stabbed to death , come to find out they had been stabbed AND shot - the 17 year old boy was shot in the head. - I’m just sick about this WHY?

    Lisa was just getting her kids back , the state had stepped in and taken them from the last domestic. was supose to get them TODAY , so this wortless piece of crap comes over to see where his kids are going to be living , Lisa always keeps her windows locked for fear that Brad might break in , well he came over and somehow got a window unlocked - -cut a little slit in the screen & police say sometime between 3 in the morning and noon they broke in when the bodies were found. - -Now they have no mommy - -And I’ve lost a sweet friend precious lady - -it fricken hurts and the 17 yr old boy’s mom is the one who found them , can you imagine she was coming over to pick him up for work, this sweet kid didn’t even get to graduate high school - -they were robbed of thier lives.

    Hopefully this piece of crap will get what he deserves when he is in prison. - -I feel so bad , I feel like I should of done something but I had no idea - I feel bad for ever calling this gutless piece of crap a friend. - He killed my other friend - she had just got out of this abusive relationship. He told her that he would kill her before any other man would be around his kids. - -I’m sorry my KU brothern - -just need to vent thank you for putting up with me on this - - listening - it’s not a good day - -won’t be good for some time- -I’ve lost a special lady - -I just don’t get it. Anyways ok I’m finished just hurting the ol heart aches today - - - yes as always STILL - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer73 So sorry for your loss! There’s probably nothing you could have done to help her, so don’t blame yourself. Pray for her kids.

  • @jayballer73 Love you man. Sorry for your loss. There is no explaining the heartless nature of sociopaths. Just take solace that the murdering sob is in jail and not walking free.

  • dylans said:

    @jayballer73 Love you man. Sorry for your loss. There is no explaining the heartless nature of sociopaths. Just take solace that the murdering sob is in jail and not walking free.

    Really appreciate that.- -I hope he never gets out. - not sure what a sentence like that carries but he has two counts of it. - I guess what bothers me more is the fact I called this piece of crap a friend.

  • @jayballer73 Sorry to hear. This is terrible. Do you know who will take care of the kids?

  • @jayballer73

    Gerald, I read where Sportsman was also was sentenced in 2003 for lewd and lascivious behavior of a child less than 16 and aggravated indecent solicitation oc a child less than 14. Were these his children?

  • approxinfinity said:

    @jayballer73 Sorry to hear. This is terrible. Do you know who will take care of the kids?

    Thanks. - No but I’m afraid they will land in custody of the State now again - just become numbers in the system. - Seen this idiot again yesterday on the news at noon for his 1st court appearance on video with the judge where they set bail - -all 3 bail was set for One Million Dollars - -I feel he should have no bail , but that’s ok as there is no way there is anybody that has the kind of money to bail him out thank GOD. - -When I was watching him yesterday , just got me all riled up all over again -the sorry shit comes in - -slouch’s back in the chair – crosses his arms and just has this look of like I don’t give a F - - - , like who the hell cares attitude - -really chapped my ass, about makes me sick to think at one time I considered him a friend HA what a joke

    I thought seriously about going down to see him on visitation day , let him know what I think of his sorry as - -but then I thought better not - -I could end up in jail for disturbance - -really hard to deal with

  • hawkfanbymarrage said:


    Gerald, I read where Sportsman was also was sentenced in 2003 for lewd and lascivious behavior of a child less than 16 and aggravated indecent solicitation oc a child less than 14. Were these his children?

    No those were different kids from my understanding. HEY got a question umm just curious , it’s cool no problems but can I ask lol how you know my birth given name? - Do I know you personally from somewhere? - -I’ve just noticed a couple of times when you have hollered you have used my Birth name rather my user name lmao. - I’m mean it’s all good no problems but just curious maybe I know you from somewhere other then here? - -Have a great day my friend. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • I’m touched by violence too often in my line of work. It hits close to home sometimes. Last 6 months have been particularly rough. Hang in there.

  • @jayballer73 Your name is apparent both in the past here for those who remember, and on the LJW posts. A certain style you use is unique.

    Plus, I think you posted it awhile back in discussing whether you knew someone, or had lived somewhere, or something like that.

  • mayjay said:

    @jayballer73 Your name is apparent both in the past here for those who remember, and on the LJW posts. A certain style you use is unique.

    Plus, I think you posted it awhile back in discussing whether you knew someone, or had lived somewhere, or something like that.

    OH, ok just curious. I mean it’s no big deal at all just wondering. = - - on top of that I’m getting old and senile lol thanks for the info. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Sad deal my friend, unfortunately some of the kids I grew up with are in jail for the same reasons. One of them was a damn good hs running back too. Sometimes I truest feel like you can never know a person a 100%.

  • kjayhawks said:

    Sad deal my friend, unfortunately some of the kids I grew up with are in jail for the same reasons. One of them was a damn good hs running back too. Sometimes I truest feel like you can never know a person a 100%.

    ya I know what you mean - -I mean you think you know these guys and then something like this. - - I jst feel really bad to ever have called this thing a friend. - - Now I found out they have him on suicide watch – ya, you watch this idiot is going to try and claim temporary insanity card. - -I can see it coming

  • @jayballer73 that’s all you gotta do in this day and age. Too many pantywaist judges in the system, like the babysitter that killed a 9 month old up around your neck of the woods is gonna get less than 10 years in jail for it. Bring back trees and ropes.

  • @jayballer73 read this

    TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Authorities have found a possible bomb while serving a search warrant at the home of one of the three suspects in a double homicide in Topeka.

  • Crimsonorblue22 said:

    @jayballer73 read this

    TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Authorities have found a possible bomb while serving a search warrant at the home of one of the three suspects in a double homicide in Topeka.

    Ya I saw that , that was at Show Walter’s house. - - I was talking to a guy that was dating Lisa and he said if Sportsman was trying to turn evidence like a plea bargain - - evidence like the bomb in exchange for leinency . -I was afraid he would use this suicide watch thing t his advantage BUT the State prosecutor updated the charges.

    This sorry shit’s former charge went from conspiracy to commit murder to - - -2 counts of 1st degree murder - - -a count of conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & aggravated battery. - -hope he burns .

    My poor friend and the 17 year old were both beaten - - and stabbed over 50 times each. - -The county guy said there would be no viewing cause of the condition of the body. - At least Thank GOD I was wrong about being shot - - - -still stabbed over 50 times each though - just burns my ass to no end