Thursday Night games.
@wissox I don’t mind Weber. Gives it everything he has, which is a bit limited. Probably inspires mediocre players to play above their talent too.
One thing I don’t like is our nickname for him.
@wissox Squeaky or Liberace? Not worth too much creativity until he makes the rivalry relevant nationally.
@wissox Idk. I see the resemblance
They both definitely look good in purple.
Refs keeping Kentucky in this
Hope KState can survive all these fouls.
Weber has proven he can coach talent but has lacked massively in developing it. This years team is the exception not the rule, He will have no excuses not to win the conference next year, they return every single player that plays on this.
I hate that the “best refs” grade wise are typically the refs that call the most fouls.
Ok, refs. You seem dialed in now
Man, I hate rooting for kstate. They should be up 20
This is the most I’ve ever cheered for Silo Tech. Easier for me maybe since I didn’t grow up or ever even lived in Kansas except my KU years.
@wissox if only we could all be that lucky…
The amount of fouls called is getting absolutely absurd.
Hay Zues.
@Kcmatt7 Starting to get one sided too.
23 freebies for uk in one half. So far. Thanks refs!
Of all the games that I would predict a “fix” to be in on by the NCAA it would be this game. As far as TV ratings go.
@Kcmatt7 You think the execs would like a Kentucky Loyola matchup for TV? I do.
Refs came to play tonight (for UK).
I don’t want to hear Calipari say he gets bad matchups and bad calls. If not for the refs this game is not even close.
Refs shut this game down when ksu was up 13-1 and uk couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. Carrying the ball call on brown, then every possible foul, making it a free throw contest ( which ksu failed)
Every time UK gets the margin down KSU has pushed it back up this game is incredible.
JayHawkFanToo said:
I don’t want to hear Calipari say he gets bad matchups and bad calls. If not for the refs this game is not even close.
Complete joke!
On better news, Coach Self said Doke will be playing unrestricted.
@wissox I do. And definitely not two Kansas teams. And they do not want Loyola to win another game. This is basically the perfect distance for a Cinderella as far as ratings. Basically if it isn’t Blue Bloods or upper echelon teams in the FF, ratings drop significantly.
To be honest I really don’t know who to root for at times. I definitely don’t want see Cal to get another FF or NC but I feel the winner of this one sleep walks to the NC. In terms of KSU if by some grace of God himself they make the FF or win the darn thing that all we will hear about for the rest of all of our lifetimes.
kjayhawks said:
To be honest I really don’t know who to root for at times. I definitely don’t want see Cal to get another FF or NC but I feel the winner of this one sleep walks to the NC. In terms of KSU if by some grace of God himself they make the FF or win the darn thing that all we will hear about for the rest of all of our lifetimes.
Loyola thanks you for your service.
I love Loyola against KSU. Loyola could make the FF if KSU wins tonight.
Michigan played really well earlier and Gonzaga is also very good.
I just hope whomever wins this game losses to Loyola
@JayHawkFanToo Michigan played amazing. Should come back down to Earth Saturday. But I also think it was a mix of them playing great and us seeing the TAMU that we saw all season long. Good enough to beat anyone, bad enough to get curb stomped by anyone.
Who do you guys think refs want to win the KSU Uk game?
JayHawkFanToo said:
Michigan played really well earlier and Gonzaga is also very good.
Gonzaga might just lose to FSU.
KSU’s start to this half has me opening a bottle of saké, good grief.
@Blown zero chance KSU wins this game
ya too bad. they played good d first half. but kentucky has better ft offense.
Well the UK losing talk was fun but this things over, UK probably blows this wide open in the next 5 minutes and gets Cal to the NC without playing a team with a decent seed.
hard to stay composed when you have to play zebras also
Blown said:
hard to stay composed when you have to play zebras also
I’m not usually into ref conspiracies but this game is getting me there…
Kstate could help their cause by not playing like sh*t too.
ksu def playing physical defense. but not sure uk isn’t either
The saké is helping me stomach this game.
we will see a phantom foul on sneed in a minute if he keeps this up haha
Good grief, ref. Call the stuff that has an effect on some outcome not some random, “shot clock is winding down and I need to bail out Kentucky” bs
@DanR but it gets them to the double bonus faster this way
If this was a regular season game, I would not be watching this. I’d be cleaning out the garage or something.
DanR said:
Good grief, ref. Call the stuff that has an effect on some outcome not some random, “shot clock is winding down and I need to bail out Kentucky” bs
Seeing the light.
DanR said:
If this was a regular season game, I would not be watching this. I’d be cleaning out the garage or something.
Very much agree.