New teammate for Wiggy

  • And just a little bit more good news regarding Wiggins staying in Cleveland:

    This also confirms what I’ve been saying, and that Minnesota isn’t making the deal without Wiggins.

  • @icthawkfan316 Solid synopsis on all of this, agree with everything. Of course as I contemplate a 2guard replacement…I think of our KU guys in the League, but Rush nor McLemore have the handles that DWade has. DWade in his prime could pull up anywhere within 10 feet for a high%finish, or could change direction on a dime, still getting to the rim & finishing from any angle. BMac and Rush do not possess such handles. Wayne Selden & Marcus Smart would do well to study film of what 05-11 DWade did against NBA bigs in the paint, it was amazing to watch. But a 6’4-6’5 guy needs tight handles and a change of direction to do all that. Things beyond the classic2 mold of just a pretty shot.

  • @ralster DWade in his prime is easily one of the 5 best 2-guards in the history of the league. Maybe #3 after Jordan & Kobe. Even despite my souring on some of his dirty tactics the past few years, I still count myself lucky to have watched the guy play.

  • @DoubleDD

    " However if the Cavs keep Wiggins, with this Lebron decision. I will be buying a CAVS Jersey."

    Me, too! It would be the first piece of NBA-licensed gear I ever bought!

    “I would think for a guy like Andrew, to have the opportunity to play with arguably one of the best players of all time, and to learn from him and to be tutored by him and to play alongside him – which he will – I gotta think that’s a tremendous boost to his confidence.” – Cavaliers coach David Blatt

  • @icthawkfan316

    This also confirms what I said that the Cavs will not trade Wiggins.

  • Other KU related NBA news. Hinrich re-ups with the Bulls and Pierce is headed to Washington.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Mario resigned, 2 yrs.

  • Mario sign 2 year deal with Miami…


    I wonder if he had to take a pay cut from his $4M per year contract.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Sorry Crimson, I did not see your post.

  • Check out this dunk from Wiggins in warm-ups:

    P.S. What’s the key to getting the links properly posted? Right now it’s just copy & paste guys. Sorry!

  • Banned

    @drgnslayr Dude he didn’t sign with Adidas? Or are just trying to get Jaybate’s goat?

  • Story on Tarik, classy as always!

  • @DoubleDD

    I was going for everyone’s goat.

  • @DoubleDD

    Dude, I’m a goat-free board rat. 🙂

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Man though, that reporter teed it up for him to throw a shout-out and props to KU and instead he lumped us in with Memphis (“two top notch programs” ).

    Major faux pas Tarik!

  • @JayHawkFanToo Regarding Mario’s deal, Marc Stein is reporting it’s in the $8 mil range ($4 mil/year), so if that’s accurate no pay cut.

  • @icthawkfan316

    This is how you do it:

    You will notice that there are several icons on the top line of the response:

    Posting links 1.JPG

    Select the one highlighted ion yellow and you will see:

    Posting links 2.JPG

    You will notice that the line has two parts surrounded by square brackets and parentheses.

    Now, replace the text of the first part “link text” with whatever name you want to assign to the link, and replace the second part “link url” with the actual link. Be sure to leave the square brackets and parentheses in place.

    The resulting line should look like:

    Posting links 3.JPG

    In your post, the link will look like:

    Link to dunk…

    And that’s all there is to…

  • @icthawkfan316

    Mario is also being projected as the starting PG for the upcoming season. As far as the Heat, replacing Hasslem with McRoberts is an upgrade. Replacing James with Deng and Grainger is yet to be determined. If they sign Wade, then they have three starting players coming back, one upgrade and one unknown. Depending on how much they pay Wade, they might be able to bring one more quality forward and be in decent shape…not bad considering that they had pretty much nothing a few days ago

  • @JayHawkFanToo Thanks for the link posting tutorial. I was close at one time, as I would get blue “clickable” text, but it would never take you anywhere.

    The Heat have done about as good a job as could be expected in recovering, especially considering how they kind of got shafted by LeBron’s waiting period. Many players they might have targeted were already off the board and signed, and they were too late to get in on many others (like Pau Gasol). Not sure how wise it was to pay Bosh what they did. They probably wouldn’t have signed Granger at all had they known they had the LeBron money to play with. Gotta wonder if they would have bothered trading up to get Napier. McRoberts is a nice piece, an upgrade over whoever - Birdman, Haslem, Rashard Lewis.

    All that being said, I can’t see them being all that close to last year’s team unless Wade dips his legs in the fountain of youth.

  • @icthawkfan316

    If Napier develops quickly, I can see Mario sliding into the SG slot and taking minutes from Wade.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Class act all around. He was easily my favorite player on the team last year and it’s not even close!

  • The Knicks re-signed Aldrich and The Wizards re-signed Gooden for 1 year. I believe all current KU NAB players are accounted for. I have no Information on Tyshawn that last season played, and had a good showing in the Development League or Selby who bounced around Eastern Europe for the last couple of years.

  • Riles did exactly what he should have done. After I read up on Cav owner Gilbert and his Rock holdings, no one can dare compete with him until the next crash, maybe not even then. Gilbert is an EMPIRE builder of scary vision and integration.

    Riles got Napier and Mario locked in and next drives down Bosh and Wade’s salaries. Next he positions for the next super center, or retires.

  • @HawkInMizery did u get married yet?

  • @JayHawkFanToo rush signed w/warriors and X Henry hasn’t signed yet.

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    How can I miss them? Indeed, Rush has a one year contract with one additional year option he can exercise.

    It looks like the Bulls and Pacers, in addition to the Lakers, are interested in Henry who is only 22 years old and had his best season with the Lakers, although injuries limited his playing time.

  • I’m practicing linking text and adding photos, etc…


    PETA against animal murder, kills modeling career instead

  • @drgnslayr Looks like you have the procedure figured out. I can’t wait to hear the comments on the article…lol

  • @JayHawkFanToo Multiple sources now reporting the Cavs willing to trade Wiggins to get Love.


  • @drgnslayr practice makes perfect 😉

  • @icthawkfan316 wiggins and Tarik playing now.

  • @icthawkfan316

    I saw that. ESPN had a roundtable of writers and all but one thought Cleveland should not trade Wiggins for Love…but then, the Cavs have a long history of bad decisions.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I saw that too. On their website their 5-on-5 article all 5 said they should make the trade. The Grantland article had perhaps the best arguments I’ve seen for keeping him. The article was by the Grantland staff, and they were split about 50-50 on making the trade.

  • Hypothesis: Wigs and adidas want out of Cleveland and LBJ’s shoe market shadow. Next.

  • @icthawkfan316

    I read both and I still believe Cleveland should hold on to Wiggins. Superstars have not always gotten a Championship (Barkley, Ewing, Malone); however, regardless of the supporting cast they usually made the playoffs; in six seasons The Timber Wolfs have missed the playoffs every year. Here is an article that nicely outlines the situation:

    link to story…

    I am not convinced on well the LeBron-Love combination would work. Kevin Love is commonly referred as a “stats stuffer” more interested in padding his personal statistics than advancing the cause of the team; also, his defense is sub-par and offers no rim protection like other comparable players do. Of course, it worked OK in Minnesota where he was the alpha dog, but in Cleveland with LeBron and Irving, two renown ball hogs, i am not sure if there are enough plays to satisfy all three.

    As I said before, Cleveland has a long history of making bad decisions and this is a s big a decision as they come.

  • @jaybate 1.0

    Embiid signed with Adidas. The conspiracy continues…

  • @icthawkfan316 Since Cavs have not signed Wiggins yet, what would happen if, say, Wiggins’ agent got him a decent contract overseas for a year? Would T’wolves make the deal? If so, for how long would they hold the rights to Wiggins? With no contract, could Wiggins make some money this year in Europe and get re-drafted next year?

    Having signed with adidas, would he even be able to sign with a Euroleague team?

  • @EdwordL These are good questions that I don’t have the answers to. I’m not sure how long Cleveland would retain Wiggins’ rights should he go overseas, and if Wiggins contract with Adidas is contingent on him playing in the states.

    It would also be pretty unprecedented for a North American player to bypass the NBA as a rookie for a gig overseas. Not sure how viable that really is, but it would be interesting if nothing else.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Thanks for the link. Good read.

    Yeah I’ve been saying for quite awhile (see six days ago on this very thread in a response to HEM) that Love hasn’t made the playoffs and that he is a stat stuffer, so you don’t have to sell me on those points.

    As I said on another thread, I think the best course of action is to let this play out a bit. See how LeBron AND Wiggins mesh with the team. If after 30 games or so it is apparent that the one thing missing is a guy like Love, then you make the trade. It’s all about winning that elusive championship, so if that’s what needs to be done…so be it. But at least take the time to find out what you have with this team before shaking it up again.

  • @EdwordL

    I posted just about the exact same thing in a different thread. I don’t believe it would be an issue with Adidas. they rule Europe in soccer and signing Wiggins to play BBAll there would be the greatest coup ever; it would be the equivalent of having the best European soccer prospect come to play in the MSL. It most certainly would throw a monkey wrench in the Cavs plans.

    At this point the process is like a chess match where teams need to look not just at the next move a but a few moves ahead. having a good agent is crucial and can make all the difference; helpfully Wiggins has a chess-master of an agent…

  • @JayHawkFanToo I’ve said before the only NBA I watch are teams of Jhawks and the playoffs. If many think Lebron would be a great mentor to Wigs, what if your theories are true that he doesn’t want wigs there, for whatever reason? Does he treat Wigs(19) worse than he did Mario? Since Lebron is running the show, could he make wigs life miserable?

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I’m with you on watching only teams with Jayhawks on the roster - and honestly, I rarely watch more than a couple of minutes then. I just don’t like the pro game.

    It makes no difference to me WHERE Wiggins winds up - I’ll watch two or three minutes of those games and then move on to Survivorman or something.

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    I am not sure how that would work out. Mario was a lot more outspoken where Andrew is the quiet type. On the other hand, Mario was a second round pick with a small contract, limited potential and no leverage, who in many ways has overachieved ; Andrew on the other hand is the top pick with a huge upside and a lot of leverage.

    As I said before, LeBron’s move to Cleveland was a calculated business decision that he spun into a favorable publicity stunt in an effort to improve public perception. He might be the best active player and one of the more popular players as well but he is also one of the more disliked players.

    On a similar note, looks like the Warriors are willing to trade Klay Thompson…go figure…

    Warrior willing to trade Thompson…

  • @JayHawkFanToo Xavier back to the Lakers on a one year minimum contract, per ESPN’s “league sources”.

    Good job btw, previously running down all the locations of the former 'hawks.

  • Gooden resigned, not sure if we posted that yet.

  • @icthawkfan316

    Good news. I think that is all the Jayhawks in the League. Still waiting to see if Tyshawn, Tarik, Josh and Elijah are able to hook up with a team. Tarik has been playing well in Vegas with the Houston team; maybe not well enough to grab a roster spot, but maybe a pace in the Development League. EJ is in the 76ers roster but has yet to play, definitely a long shot. Tyshawn still pretty busy on Twitter (he should really,really stop) and I believe he is now in Lawrence; maybe Coach Self’s connections can get him an audition somewhere.


    Really cool pic of wilt

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    He was one skinny dude back then. The caption says running high school track in 1962. Will was at KU from 1955 to 1958, so I will guess that maybe it should be 1952? Also, it does not look like much of track, maybe a park? I like the shoes, Chuck Taylor or PRO-Keds?

  • @JayHawkFanToo did wilt have many injuries in his career? Just thinking of all the sports he did.

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