KU Buckets Go Fund Me Campaign
@Crimsonorblue22 How about a drone control stick with a Hellfire missile button?
I tried to donate 1,000,000 but it wouldn’t let me. Oh well, I guess I’ll kick in a few bucks. Thanks Mr. Approxinfinity!
@wissoxfan83 haha, thanks bud.
If anyone does prefer donating via PayPal my accnt is my name here at Gmail.com (move along bots, nothing to see here)
@mayjay Either way works great man! Whatever is easier for you.
@approxinfinity Already did. Hey, everybody, ante up!
I challenge everbody to donate at least $10. I did $20 because I am a heavy user and love the site. So, for every donation of $20 or more in the next 72 hours (until 10:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time on Monday night, April 3) I will donate an additional dollar!
Give $20 or more and make me pay!
@mayjay Hmmm, I see what you did. You challenged everybody to donate at least $10, but then you changed the challenge to $20. You SC fans are sneaky. And you might want to add something about only one challenge per board rat. And does that go for either the gofundme or paypal?
@brooksmd It wasn’t a switch. I challenged everybody to donate at least $10 because that seems like a fair amount. If people can double that amount, I want to give them an extra incentive to do so by adding the dollar kicker.
And if anyone wants to donate $60, or $20 three times, my extra will be $3 either way. $1 extra dollar per $20 increment by anyone. $500? I add $25… Feel free!
On which one, I don’t know how to tell on paypal. Gofundme shows totals and amounts of each if people don’t give privately. It was $110 or so on 4 donations when I did it.
Let’s make him pay board rats!!!
@mayjay Maybe @approxinfinity could give you info on the paypal route. BTW, hope you took my “sneaky” post as just messin’ wit ya. Had alot of good friends when we lived in SC.
@brooksmd All in good fun! Remember, I told my wife when we were looking for places to retire that we would only go to SC over my dead body. 6 months later, we were here after moving here because her sister did.
Fortunately, the lovely wifey didn’t hold me to it.
@mayjay When my wife said she wanted to move back home to Louisiana I didn’t make any stipulations. I just said “yes dear.” I always dreamed of Northern Colorado, Montana or Idaho as my final place on earth.
I generally don’t look in this discussion thread. I bet a lot of folks do not either. I just happened up on it.
What is the total amount you are trying to get to @approxinfinity ? $150?
@Blown good point. OK, I moved it to basketball news. Several people have expressed the same thing so even though it’s not basketball news, I guess it makes sense to move it there.
I’m aiming for a years cost plus the cost to upgrade to latest version of the board. Check out the go fund me campaign for the details.
@approxinfinity cool. Done. That should be a very attainable goal.
@approxinfinity Thanks for all that you do so we can share our love for KU basketball!
Getting close to the goal. @approxinfinity have you received any paypal payments? I’m happy to see people willing to carry their weight. Unfortunately that’s not as common as it should be. It’s great to be surrounded by good people!
@dylans Yeah!! This is fantastic!
Thanks so much to all that pledged so far! I’m blown away by your generosity and this is proof that this board is truly all of ours. We all make it great!
I’ve received $20 in paypal thus far
. Any additional amounts over our goal that I collect on paypal I’ll save for additional months of the board and state on here where we end up.
= It’s been so long since I’ve used paypal I don’t remember my password. To reset my password I need my cell phone to receive a text. My cell phone died this week and my old cell phone’s SIM card is dead. Heading to Verizon store in a moment to get the old SIM fixed. When modern cyber security goes wrong it feels like that “I know an old lady who swallowed a fly” song! Long story short, I only saw one email for paypal donation; so I believe we’re at $20 at the moment, but will log in and verify shortly.
Sounds great! Anyone who pays on paypal might leave a message here in case they have the wrong address. I’ve done that and the money just sits in limbo until the sender takes it back.
I told my wife I’m on an ad free website (don’t get any ideas!) that I visit about 367 days a year so I should probably kick in our Friday date night money. The couch worked fine for my sleep so don’t worry.
Thanks to all involved for the great board.
@wissox DUDE! Hope you got a comfy couch!
@wissox said:
The couch worked fine for my sleep so don’t worry.
See, that’s why Kentucky fans burn their couches: they don’t get punished for using their date night funds to help pay for a great BB board like this because they ain’t got one.
Plus, they sleep in barns when they get lucky on date night anyway so they don’t need sofas.
Wow! We made it already! Thanks so much everyone! You guys crushed it. I will reach out to Julian and let him know we want to move forward with the upgrade and will keep you guys looped in on when that will be and can’t wait to try out the new features once that’s done. Exciting! Wow.
I verified I got $20 bucks on paypal (thanks @BShark !) so thats $560 total now. Didn’t just meet the goal of $450, we smashed it, so assuming all goes well with migration that should be 5 extra months of server cost. That makes it easy to just run the board I love without worrying about cost, and keeping it ad-free and up-to-date! So sweet.
@approxinfinity Okay, the mayjay challenge is over since we have reached the goal early. On the gofundme site there are a number of high level contributors, and the total was $540, about 430 more than when I issued the challenge last night. So, we will round up my “punishment” to another $25. This, plus the paypal of $20 he said he received should give @approxinfinity at least $585 to work with.
Good job, everyone. @approxinfinity, great idea!
@mayjay thx!!!
@approxinfinity thx!!!
@mayjay lol. you the man! Thanks for doing that!
@approxinfinity I’m happy to see that you ACHIEVED YOUR MONEY GOAL! It goes without saying … There is a GREAT GROUP here posting and willing to chip in when needed. I believe I was perhaps the first to donate to the cause and I certainly can do more in the future. You don’t have to wait a year to ask for more $.$$'s. If you need some money during the year to fix and/or improve the product … PLEASE ask again and I believe we … (ALL of us) would be willing to help again, and again, and again.
I feel BLESSED to be a member of this FORUM and enjoy it each and every day. Reading this site is one of my daily activities that I enjoy during my retirement years. And lastly, "THANKS to all my KU Buckets FRIENDS.
@Red.Rooster would you update us on your wife? I’ve been wondering how you guys have been doing. Only if you feel like it.
Guys, I am too old and wary to engage in online listing of credit card info. That said, I do have a PayPal account, but have no idea how to go about contributing via that route. Would much prefer to mail a $25.00 check, but am aware that gets into the revelation of approxfinity’s private security. So…any suggestions? If so, please outline in detail. As I said, I am old, old, old. This is a terrific site which I call up daily. I hope it is maintained until I kick.
@REHawk you are not that old!
@Crimsonorblue22 Yeah? Well, I can yet clip my own toenails. But barely!
@Crimsonorblue22 Anyway, aren’t you still a youngish woman? You should be able to help me figure out this donation route. But then, if you are older than eleven, maybe not!
@REHawk just click on donate now and fill out what they ask from your cc. Should be safe, we all did it
I try to act young!
@REHawk whatever you do, don’t admit to being old!
@Crimsonorblue22 THANKS FOR ASKING. Four months ago I responded to a similar question from @REHawk with the following:
“As for my wife’s situation … nothing has changed! We have been to the Emergency Room, to Dermatologists, Neurologists, our Family Doctor, etc.,. I am continuing to spend big bucks on across the counter medicine, creams, oils, salves, etc.,. to no avail. “Bless her heart” she is much tougher now and is putting up with her situation without “all the crying out with pain.” We still have NOT found an answer yet. I’m still doing laundry every couple days, washing bed sheets and covers that have a lot of blood on them due to her numerous wounds that she scratch’s the scabs off of them. We both are dealing with it as best we can. I do think that the number of open wounds have decreased from 400 - 500 to 300 -400 which is a little progress.”
Our current situation is a little bit better … as the number of open wounds is estimated to be down to the 200 - 300 range. Bless her heart … she is 79 years old and I now actually believe things are a bit better. We have eliminated a lot of the “Over the Counter” medicines and have now focused on two types. (1) Healing Salve’s, and (2) is Tincture Merthiolate. It is kind of funny as I get weird looks when I purchase 10 bottles of Merthiolate at a time at Walgreens.
One of the things she likes to do is to take a shower at least once per week. This is GREAT, however the shower softens up all the scabs and they start falling off in the shower. When she finishes showering she goes straight to bed. So … I better have a couple long bath towels on the bed because most of the scabs soften from the warm shower water and come off. Needless to say, she will have 200+ open wounds all of which are bleeding when she goes to bed. So it is my job to dab on the Merthiolate and wrap her legs with Rolls of Gauze. Bless her heart … She never complains as she says “We have to Play the Hand that is Dealt to US.”
In summary, she is better than what I reported previously. Don’t worry about US as we are BOTH close to our LORD. I’m 74 years young and together we will get through this.
Thanks for asking !.!.! Your KU Buckets friend.
The “Red.Rooster”
@Red.Rooster I can’t say anything but I’m so very sorry and I wish, pray someone could help you both!
I just know there is a dr out there w/some answers, I’m in awe of your love and devotion to your wife! How long have you been married? You a very special person! God put you 2 together for a reason. Many blessing my friend!
@Crimsonorblue22 You tell me, just fill out the credit card info and submit it; should be safe, as we all did it. YIKES! Dontchew know, not many of the posters on this site are folks who play it safe??? One of my offspring is going through hell trying to straighten out a stolen identity mess which likely originated from one of his distant internet revelations. I am a wary old cuss. Oops, there is that word OLD again. By the way, if you actually are aged beneath year 12, I probably should not be communicating with you here on this or any site! The one thing I need less than my credit card info being stolen is to be labeled an old pervert!
@Crimsonorblue22 You said "I’m in awe of your love and devotion to your wife! How long have you been married?
Thanks for asking. We were married in Overland Park, KS. July 18, 1975. So that means we were married nearly 42 years ago … (that is over 1/2 of our lifetimes).
@approxinfinity I just sent you some $ via PayPal. I missed most of the discussion and am too lazy to read thru posts, when should we expect the upgrade and is it accessible thru this same site?
Thanks again! What an awesome gesture.
@Red.Rooster that’s cool!
@Red.Rooster Oh man. 42 years! We’re at 9 and counting. 9 is short for a marriage but long for an NCAA title eh?
And thank you for all the support my man. You’re a good soul.
@ZIG Thanks Zig!
@approxinfinity YOU are right as usual.
@REHawk You’re not old man. You figured out how to be a meaningful member on an online community. That makes you not old! We’ve hit the target and we’re set for a while I think, but if you’d like to contribute at this point I’d put it in the coffer and save it until we need it. If you’d like to contribute via paypal, it should be pretty straightforward. I just went and looked and what you’d have to do is tap the “pay or send money button” on front page and then put in my email address and the amount you want to send and probably a send button. If you want to hold off until next time, that’s cool too!
@ZIG So yeah, I should tell you guys. The reasons for the upgrade are:
- Take advantage of awesome new features / plugins.
- Save our historical data and not have to do a cold restart (this includes all our accounts, reputation points and posts. I didn’t want to lose that to upgrade, so was at an impasse).
- Move over to mongo backend as it uses less memory.
- Hopefully improve SEO to keep getting quality new users (us showing up in search results).
I hope to get prepared for the upgrade tonight and then whenever Julian is ready, he’ll upgrade us.
Please note! There is the possibililty for a bit of downtime / miminal data loss. Hopefully very minimal, like… an hour. We shall see. I’ll try to give a bit of heads up before upgrading (figure out the time we’re going to do it), but if for some reason we’re unstable at a time you’re online, I apologize in advance and hope to keep it as minimal as possible.