BLOG for Tourney Games
@RockChalkinTexas I’m in 8,578,374th place.
It keeps me humble.
@nuleafjhawk you make me laugh, keep posting, humble guy!
Let’s see if this works.
The board doesn’t support ! [text] (url ) any more for some reason, so it won’t show up as inline video.
@Wishawk that format only embeds YouTube videos
@approxinfinity Thanks, Approx! That makes sense.
Watching Michigan blow out Texas. Michigan strikes me as a team that is very jump shot happy that relies on them to win. Their defense is pretty good as well. However, I think they rely on jump shots too much and don’t have anyone to drive the lane. Its why they lost to Michigan St. in the Big 10 tournament. Michigan St. guarded the perimeter extremely well and they couldn’t score.
Someone remind me next year, don’t rely on big 12, happens to me every year!
Getting prepped for Stanford !
From that info I’d say we do what we should do against most of the teams in this tournament… try to win the foul war!
This Stanford team is prone to foul trouble and has really no depth. We need to pound the ball inside, and Andrew needs to become alpha-dog again and drive the ball. When he drives, he gets fouled.
We need to be more cognizant of the foul wars from here on out. Most of the teams we will play have very little depth. Without depth, one or more guys in foul trouble spells doom.
Plus… when we don’t get a team in foul trouble, there is a better chance they get us in foul trouble! It is hard for players to play physical and try to draw fouls when they are in foul trouble themselves.
I’m begging our team… begging… PLEASE USE FAKES! BALL FAKES, HEAD FAKES, BODY FAKES… get your defender in the air and then push the contact and draw the foul. It’s as easy as taking a Yorkshire terrier for a walk!
And while you are at it, quit falling for fakes. Keep your feet on the ground until the shooter leaves his feet.
Basic basketball…
Lol, bye bye Syracuse and your zone defense.
This sets up nicely. Just need to beat Stanford.
@Hawk8086 just?
Got to say how impressed I am w/these bb kids, all these reporters in their face. Some dumb-a$$ guy asked Jamari how we stacked up with Stanford, smart-wise. He answered w/his act score. Somebody asked the 3 WSU players if they were recruited by Kentucky. One by one they said no. Pretty impressive kids.
@drgnslayr good stuff! Excited
@Crimsonorblue22 Don’t read too much into that. I didn’t say that it would be easy.
@Hawk8086 I know!!
Sometimes the path to the final four (or wherever) is made for you. You couldn’t ask for more than to have a 10 and an 11 seed in your path to the Elite 8. Now…that doesn’t mean we will win or that it will be easy. But whatever happens, I still prefer this path than the “chalk” path.
@Hawk8086 me too! Not ready to go home!!!
I’m pissed off… I wanted Syracuse. We were going to be the team that exposed how over-rated they were all year.
I’m more worried about playing Dayton.
You have to be careful when these teams come from nowhere and challenge everyone. They are hungry and playing well.
I hope JoJo is back by then… but first things first… I hope we advance that far!
@drgnslayr I wanted them too!
Go Badgers!
Harvards not laying down, crazy games’!
@drgnslayr what a game!
This has been a crazy year! Been enjoying it so far. I’m surprised the refs haven’t screwed up more.
Wow… Harvard!
Dumb Duck run amuck.
Badgers move on… one step closer to a game of beat down on Zona!
Actually I wasn’t 100% sorry to see them (Syracuse) dropped. I still feel the 2003 sting with Carmello. And Dayton has been a fun Cinderella to watch. Yes it would have been fun to take Syracuse down but we aren’t sure we will have Embiid back if we beat Stanford tomorrow (fingers crossed). It seems Dayton doesn’t have much inside so if we get past Stanford we just take it to the paint all day long, watch the perimeter and don’t worry much about protecting the rim. Congrats to the Dayton Team for a great run and love the senior depth.
@drgnslayr I can understand wanting Syracuse again. I also understand your point about the lower seeds. But, at some point these lower seeds run come to an end. That’s why I like the odds of playing the lower seeds.
I still feel the sting, too… that’s why I wanted them. I had no doubt we would slaughter the Orange this year.
We often have trouble with those low seeds… like VCU… UNI…
We could have problems with Dayton from the outside and penetration. If they get our bigs in foul trouble that takes away our inside advantage.
If we can get more stellar play from Bam Bam and Black Death… no problemo!
I wouldn’t mind seeing the Gators go down now so we can skip them, too!
One year, we ONLY had to take care of VCU to get to the Championship, but we all know what happened. So I’m not looking at anything beyond Stanford. We need to take care of business, drive at them and get their bigs into foul trouble early.
Right on… one atta time!
Come on, Harvard!
Based on all this vast knowledge!!! Who do you all pick for hawk to rock? Considering their scouting report and why. I’m going w/wiggins, think he and selden will d up their perimeter guys and I think wigs is the guy to cause them to get into foul trouble. You guys thinking Lucas will get some time?
Dayton reminds me a bit of EKY, only a bit better. KU has to control the boards and reduce TOs. I hope Tharpe comes to play this game.
@truehawk93 don’t forget Stanford first!!
@Crimsonorblue22 Not too familiar with Stanford. Didn’t follow them much. All the Pac attention was on zona, ucla, and oregon. So, they are a good team or wouldn’t be here. I think this will be a relatively well scouted game. I expect a much better game against Stanford than EKY. The EKY game was a good game and a great gut check for KU. I hope Tharpe comes to play both games. Tharpe has to wake up and play. Thankfully CF stepped up for Tharpe.
Wiggins said he needs to come on harder. He usually doesn’t make those statements so I’m betting he comes alpha dog!
Wiggins family will be there, including Nick… He’s going to come ready to play! The key is we need a PG who will protect the ball and feed it to him.
dragon, Been reading your posts long enough to know your knowledge of the game is at a different (higher) level than mine so I trust what you say. I like the idea a low seed took them down (and Duke, etc.) since we’ve been down that road before, I like that other Blue Chip programs sometime suffer the same fate so it isn’t rubbed in our nose.
Anyway the older I get the more I own up to chinks in our armor. If all goes our way let them (Syracuse) say, we we could have beat KU, advanced, Yada, Yada. Yada. I just hope we can survive and advance,
in 2008 many KSU fans tried to tell me they could and should have beat KU, advanced and would have won it all. Woulda-coulda-shoulda
We all hate the woulda/coulda/shoulda chatter… especially when it comes from us!
This is a crazy year. The team that comes ready and wants it more wins…
I’m counting on that tomorrow for the shockers. Hoping they spank Cal!
I think it’s safe to say that teams have a game plan against KU to draw charges. This is an interesting trend against them. Let’s see if Stanford resorts to drawing charges. They can’t play defense so they have to stand in the way. Wigs, Selden, and Traylor need to be prepared and watch them set up. They have to make the defense react and not let them set up in the driving lane or simply pull up in front of the extended arms of the defensive player. This is true of Wigs. Teams will try to draw charges on him. There’s always a lob option around the rim. I say the “charge” rule has made charging even worse. I think most have been called pretty close at this point. But, charges are still too quickly called in most cases.
@truehawk93 pretty hard to get charges this year, if that goes the wrong way, they’re hurting more than we are w/ fouls. Although there were some called against us in the first game. Selden needs to pull up.
Even more than that… teams scout us and realize ball/head/shoulder fakes get’em to the FT line!
@drgnslayr I thought our bigs handled EKY’s fakes fairly well. But they still jumped out of the dome in most cases.
@drgnslayr plus we try to block every shot!
Black has got to stay out of foul trouble!
Down to just the UCONN / VILL game.
If I was God of earth, I’d schedule NIT games in the middle of the night for us hardcore bball nuts!
Everytime Wigs drives, I hold my breath and hope for the best. Then a whistle blows and my heart stops for a milisecond. Then it’s usually against the defender. It just bothers me because he’s aggressive and gets to the line, but I guess the B12 Smart ordeal is still in my mind.
He needs to lower his dribble and get a better grip on the ball!
“Watch this…” -Mario Chalmers I believe the Nova v. KU game clip is the clip when Chalmers dribbled over to Wright and then lobbed to Arthur.
This game is one of my fav KU games, next to '88 and '08…and a few others. I hope they have a game or two like this game.
Jay Wright’s commercial cracks me up.
According to the Rivals scouting report on Stanford,, they have good players, but are very inconsistent. Their bigs tend to have foul troubles. So we need to drive at them and get them into foul trouble. So Wiggins in beast mode will be a great advantage for us. If we make up all the 3s we missed in the first game, we will beat them by 100.
OK, I will take a 30 point beat down.