Reverse Court Storming....
Hey… we WON at Ames! First time in 2 or 3 years!
I estimate that we had maybe 200 fans in attendance.
If I was one of them I would have organized a court storming!
What a scream… a couple hundred KU fans storm the ISU court…
Man! That woulda been absolutely stunning…and likely would have caused a riot.
White trash soulless people could have hurt someone
@drgnslayr we yell not over rated?
Weatherwax would NOT approve.
@drgnslayr Shame, shame on you…
Maybe one of the KU fans could’ve taken a swing at the Iowa state coach. LOL
Guess who was at the post game
@Crimsonorblue22 where did you get that shot? Fascinating.
@bskeet think it was KU sports guys
@bskeet jesse newell
Ah… very nice work!
Wasn’t he banned by ISU?.. I guess not…
@JayHawkFanToo looks like he gets royal treatment
But of course…he is a Royal a-h%l#
He is probably a huge donor and you would never ban a huge donor.
@Crimsonorblue22 Not Hillbillies that’s WVU. They are White trash in Iowa. Whiny, sore sports, white trash. They don’t have enough character to qualify as hillbillies. Not an interesting sole in that arena. Don’t know how to win, don’t know how to graciously accept defeat, throw crap and and yell obscenities at the games. White Trash.
Quick prayer:
May you never have to sit by an Iowa State fan during a game. Amen!
@BShark even if he’s charged w/battery? Self could have done more about that, but he’s a good guy. Was wondering about the TT fan?
If he had got some jail time then maybe you distance a little bit but ISU people were probably high fiving him after the incident.
@Crimsonorblue22 A restraining order could be drawn up, but I doubt Self would give him the time of day. Not worth drawing attention to that loser or his program.
Was I the only one that heard the idiot screaming “bull snit” 4 times after Burton was called for the phantom foul?
ESPN will have to bring a production editor next time to Ames just to bleep out the profanity.
@drgnslayr The arena was quiet except that beacon of light of an Iowa State fan. Yeah his character was quickly identified, one of limited vocabulary. My kid was next to me so I didn’t point it out, but the 3rd time was too plain.
The crowd wasn’t very good last not very racaus in support, but rather a bunch of boo-birds. Boring, unoriginal, middle class, middle age, Idiots Out Wandering Around.
@dylans you know zenger would be right on that!
he looks emotionless at the games
I could be using that seat and having far more fun!
I give them about two more years before the crowds start thinning out in the Hilton. I don’t think they have the stomach (or the character) to support a team that doesn’t do well.
Let me think… will any of the Mayor’s recruits be left after this year?
Maybe we need to continue to toy with them in Ames? Keep it close for the sake of the Big 12. But still win (of course)!
@Crimsonorblue22 I sat behind him at a game last year. He really doesn’t exude much emotion. Quiet. Disappeared quickly after the game too (maybe before it was 100% over?) He does get to sit next to Max. If I had those seats all I’d do is listen to him talk (if you could get him going)! I miss Max and Bob too.
@drgnslayr see what I mean about embarrassing themselves on natl TV, they cant help themselves. Now see what the KStoopids do in Manlesshattan…
@drgnslayr dont worry about “toying” with them in Ames, since the REFS will keep it close.
Whats the end result of inbreeding? Not just re-tards (80s expression), but clones…all alike, no variation, all stupid.
Yeah, I saw those Cyclone alley creatures hoping to storm the court, but we know cyclones suck, & I heard there was evidence that KU brought a BIFM bomb, set it off, and forced that B-tch alley to stay seated, & suck/inhale/swallow ALL of their own stench!
Sorry, not pretty, but every superpower has dirty business to handle, which we did…
@ralster did anyone see the sign that said Frank Mason shoot bricks? The leading scorer, Frank Mason? Duh!!
@Crimsonorblue22 I didnt see it, Frankly, I’m surprised it was legible? But today, I guarantee those Clonies feel like Frank hit em in the head with several bricks! Nope, his aim was dead-on. Knocked their noggin. Bashed em on the bean. Put a pop-knot on em. Cold-cocked em.
No way man, remember when ksuck rushed the field and tore down the goal post in lawrence in the early 90s after the first time they had beaten us there in years. Lets not get down to there level.
@kjayhawks Agreed, but it was a nice visual…show up with our own fans, just to storm your home court!
@drgnslayr HAHAHAHAHAHA!