Red Dawn
As I sit here after KU’s win. I’m just tripping. No not like the shrooms or chemical induced tripping drugs. Yet I’m just amazed at our Coach. Here is a guy who cut is teeth on Okia ball. A guy that has always played the tried and true. This man, this coach has made a living of pounding the ball inside. This man has made a legend of playing the High/low. This coach would force the ball between two tanks in the post.
I’m just amazed and stunned. You don’t meet many people in your life that can switch gears like what Coach has done this year. I’m sorry but you just don’t. History teaches do what you have alwasy done, and yet histroy also teaches if you do what you alwasy done, then your kingdon will fall. I just think it’s just crazy that on the eve of setting NCAA history that Coach would switch gears with this KU team.
I"m shell shocked on all levels. I can’t even begin to explain what I want to say. Yet what I will say is Coach, You’re awesome. What you have done this year is unprecedented. You have switched from what will put you into the hall fame, to giving you the best chance to win. You’re not only teaching your players but us fans as well.
A tip of the cap and
yes sir an old dog can learn new tricks.
Dude please censor yourself. I won’t be here to censor you all the time. I appreciate your passion, and I understand that most of the active readers are adults, but the biggest reason I draw a line in the sand on dropping the f bomb is that it’s a slippery slope. Your usage of the word might be innocuous, but I just don’t want that language here because it has the potential to be extremely offensive quickly.
@DoubleDD said:
As I sit here after KU’s win. I’m just tripping.
Did you watch the game with Grayson Allen?
Didn’t take long for him to get back to his old tricks.
@drgnslayr most think that it was an accident, hmmmm
Understood. My bad. Consider me in the dog house.
It was an accident. He was trying to rack the #ell out of him and failed.
@DoubleDD you are w/Grayson allen
No I don’t trip. @approxinfinity is a fair person and he called it right. I was a bad boy and needed a talking to. I’m good.
@DoubleDD I met he’s in the doghouse w/you
Oh yep. I’m in the dog house.
Hey wait a minute. Grayson tries to hurt people. That was never my intentions. I maybe in the dog house but it wasn’t because I was trying.
@DoubleDD hey guess you have learned your lesson
Yea rub it in.
@DoubleDD no more potty mouth?
F bomb? I don’t see no stinking F bomb.
@wissox it’s been fixed!
@Crimsonorblue22 Well, that sure gets confusing!
It’s always ok to ask us to clean up the house.
Way to take it in the spirit @approxinfinity intended.
Your ownership will make us all man and woman up on the F-Bomb right along with you.