Offense Only vs Chris Beard's Group of Ragtag Misfits Game Chat
Same team guys, same team.
3 on none there to knock it out of bounds.
And a hush falls over the KU fans.
Jayhawks playing defense.
@DoubleDD no hush! Cheering
I am at the game, pretty low energy thus far.
Despite Graham’s drought, Jesse picked him as hawk to rock.
Defense better except Landon has to get fouls in the first half.
@kjayhawks no students yet, step it up then!
Who is the Hawk to Rock?
The kid visiting is retweeting errrrthang re:KU.
Bs call!
I would get a t
@RockChalkinTexas graham
@Crimsonorblue22 Yea shot is falling but that def made me think HCBS will rip ass for fouling late in the shot clock & DG just let
Him have it…?
@BShark what?
Bragg has 2 boards.
The kid visiting:
Game has been sloppy for awhile now, stagnant.
@RockChalkinTexas Don’t know but DG ain’t bashful l wit da rock tonight. Maybe be it’s his night .
@globaljaybird He is on his way
Fun to watch guards dunk.
Jayhawks attacking the defense of glass
Daddy is happy.
@wrwlumpy want more
He was pretty much retweeting anyone that tweeted at him about visiting KU.
@Crimsonorblue22 redneck for “everything.”
I never tweet at recruits though, just lurk on twitter.
Found @kjayhawks at the game
I ain’t no redneck! Everything, got it! Slow!!!
So many travels.
@BShark they might think a cat is weird
Tight rims tonight.
Pad stats!
Seems like we hear same stories every game!
Jackson got from one side of the lane to the other to get his miss and get the and 1. Uncanny.
Wow JJ shots from the left of the basket, and is there for the rebound on the right side of the basket ???
Are you kidding me.
@crimsonblue22 lol I’m loud enough for 4 average fans.
@DoubleDD beat you to that observation!
@DoubleDD Bad shot but very aggressive and athletic follow-up…
@kjayhawks I need to sit w/you.
Love JJ playing low he so much faster than most bigs.
@Bwag you win!can have Fran!
@Crimsonorblue22 by a hair. we both had the same reAction.
So, that last defensive “stand” was indicative of the issue this year - their player went by Jackson and Bragg provided absolutely no interior D - didn’t square up to draw a charge, didn’t leave his feet for a block, or didn’t draw the hard foul to deny the basket and send a message. Just stood there and let him score…