
  • If Cliff doesn’t get blackballed by execs, he can make it in the NBA. But that’s a big if.

    Cliff isn’t a sure fire NBA star, but his talent indicates he could make a team if given a real chance. Whether he gets that chance or not is anyone’s guess at this point. If he does get blackballed, he wouldn’t be the first (or the last). Every now and then, the NBA likes to show guys who is running things. Hopefully Cliff isn’t the guy they have chosen as the latest example.

  • Let’s not forget that Cliff’s actions hurt not only him but KU as well since it had to play out the season and go to the dance short handed.

  • @hawkmoon2020 like it or lump it read the public records on dispersion of taxpayer funds. PS: always glad to assist with the thought process to those who are interested - to those who aren’t … go ahead & make an issue out of someone else’s opinion but do allow a little free speech…life is full of choices & Cliff made one or more of an idiot. End of story

  • @hawkmoon2020 try harder or go away…we ain’t interested in being liberal to those who think responsibility only belongs to the other guy when you’re blowing your own horn.

  • Apparently you missed my comment on it being Free Speech and this site accepting free speech. I did not dis you, nor did I go off on a liberal tangent. What makes you think “we’re” interested in your diatribes?

  • @JayHawkFanToo Why is it a “bad day for KU?..” KU had NOTHING to do with Cliff’s demise. If he translates not playing all those games as KU’s fault, then he’s a fool and his parents aren’t teaching him much. These kids want the responsibility of an adult, but they have no idea what they’re doing. If there’s a problem, they want to whine and blame a coach, program or a school.

    What was Self and KU supposed to do? Play him, knowing there were illegal issues pending and then get penalized for playing Cliff? STUPID! Cliff needs to grow up, take responsibility, shut his mouth, and address the individual who caused this…NOT KU. Now, he needs to man up and go to work. It’s time to put his big boy pants on in a man’s league. He’s a boy playing with men, mentally. He’s reminding me a bit of Demarcus Head Case Cousins. Even Cousins is growing up and settling into the league. This proves these boys are still way behind in so many ways.

    Man up Cliff, you’re going to play with the big boys now.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Cliff didn’t hurt KU. Cliff hurt Cliff. KU did the smart thing by not playing Cliff. KU actually benefited by not playing Cliff. You’re looking at the situation the wrong way. You’re looking at from a purely KU program and fan situation. This is all Cliff, not KU. I really don’t know if Cliff would’ve made that much difference against WSU or any other team. KU lost as a team, not as individuals. KU could’ve beat WSU without Cliff. KU didn’t show up and doubt Cliff would’ve made much difference.

  • Speaking of KU BASKETBALL, freedom of speech, and riffs with Cliff, I had a very astute observation :

    Lou Diamond Phillips …yes, that guy - the kid from La Bamba, now stars in a wonderful show called " Longmire", and as Lou has aged, his cheeks have went from super - small all the way up to jumbo-sized. His cheeks make the “Big Gulp” look small. I am thinking we might have found that 4th chipmunk for Alvin and the gang.

  • LOL And though I like their acting abilities, how about Val Kilmer and Mickey Rourke? Hard to recognize them these days.

  • @hawkmoon2020 Am I beginning to see a pattern here? If I recall correctly about a month ago you jumped in a conversation I was having with brooks & vail you were pretty quick to inject your own political views as another jerk did & I told him the same thing. Its really fairly obvious through blowing your self up , that youre only interested in those who agree with your opinions. So if you want the last word knock yourself out-or butt the hell out. I won’t sit & waste time exchanging insidious or suggestive remarks with you or anyone else. I know another site where you’ll be quite at home

  • @globaljaybird Relax bud. Please. Let’s move on. If you go political you’re going to catch some heat if people don’t agree… That’s just how it is. Let’s just not escalate and move on OK?

  • Boy, someone is GRUMPY. Wish you would relax.

    You’re probably talking about the one where someone posted a pic of their return drive from CO with snowcapped mountains in the Spring, and brooks had to make the snarky comment about Global Warming (as a hoax.) What the heck did that have to do with the topic or thread? I wasn’t I who was quick to inject my own political views. I simply countered.

    And who was quick to inject their own political view on this thread? Hmm.

    BTW - I left the other site (like most of us) due to the angst and rudeness. I love this sight because of all the insightfulness and broad topics, and the fact that it usually omits personal, political or religious angst and rudeness. Sure hope I’m right moving forward.

    We’re all Jayhawk fans, and I respect you for your KU input and opinions. Let’s just let this one go.

  • @truehawk93

    I did not say KU did anything wrong, but the programs is in many ways like a family and when one of the kids goes through hard times the entire family is affected. No question that having Cliff on the team would have helped, maybe not much but it would have helped some all the same. I did not say that Self should have played him either; KU went by the book and in many ways, it really did not have much of a choice

    Now, don’t you think that other programs will use Cliffs situation against KU when recruiting top prospects? I bet they will and they will mention how a top prospect went from being a OAD to not-drafted…fair or not, it will happen.

    Yes, Cliff is 6’-8" and 200+ pounds but emotionally he is still an 18-19 years old kid and as such, naive and stupid; probably most of us were at that age. As a parent I would not like to see my kid go though something like what Cliff is going, regardless of whose fault it is…it is just not in my DNA to wish ill on anyone. Having some empathy for others is not a bad thing…just my personal view on the subject and I don’t expect you or anyone else to agree with me or to see it my way; if you do, great, if you don’t…that is OK too.

  • A number of people here have indicated that Cliff can make it in the NBA if it is based simply on basketball skills. Why is Cliff better now or show a higher ceiling than does TRob? Many here including myself think that TRob was on the of best players at KU in the past 5 years or more. He has been traded all over the place and appears to be hanging on by his finger nails. If he can’t make a good career, how can Cliff?

  • @approxinfinity Touche. The thing is infinity that sports has become a big part of economy, and economy is a huge part of politics, and as three elements become more interrelated, some of us see KUBB is not mutually exclusive from politics (ie Big12 conference not to mention Nike lobbying, etc). As human beings, it’s a natural progression to apply reason and logic and saunter into the forbidden land of politics. Rather than being “defensive” and “attack” any opposing views, could we learn to dialogue with respect for one another, politely agree to disagree, and exercise simple human kindness one would show to one’s neighbor since we are ONE Jayhawk Nation of civility!? We should promote Freedom of Speech, not rudeness or petulant jerks. Thanks infinity for reading 🙂

  • @HawksWin it’s a good point.

    I agree that saying most young people don’t want to work is a generalization that some may find insulting. I also think that doesn’t need to provoke a hostile response. One can remind in a friendly way that lots of young people work very hard to find their place and that the workforce is very competitive.

    If @hawkmoon2020 is hot about insulting young people, it is probably because he/she is a young buck, and headstrong, and that’s the way young people are. Passionate and loose and gung-ho to battle any perceived injustice. And we need young people here as much as we need our salty worldly regulars.

    So @globaljaybird it’s easier to ask for a ceasefire from you my friend than to ask a young guy I don’t know as well not to act young. Though I know you can be young and headstrong when you want to be!

  • @KUSTEVE Too damn funny Steve !

  • @sfbahawk

    Cliff can have the same type of career that TRob or Tarik has. He won’t be a star, but 95% of the guys that go to the NBA have no chance of being stars. Most guys will just be roster guys.

    Being a college star has no bearing on NBA potential. The level of play is so much higher and most players can’t continue to improve to those levels.

  • @justanotherfan He gets his chance, he better not blow it. He was right, he did get dealt a bad deck at KU, now he has to learn from it and grow as a person, player, teammate. Nothing is holding him back from making a D league team until he gets his game in order and has the time needed to show it to the NBA scouts.

  • @approxinfinity

    Go Cliff!

  • It looks like Cliff has landed in a pretty decent situation with Brooklyn. The Nets don’t have a lot of frontcourt depth, particularly if they are not able to re-sign Brook Lopez. They are pretty thin at PF/C so Cliff has an opportunity to make that team if he plays well and get a chance to really make an impression in the NBA.

    As of right now, Cliff is in at least as good a position as anyone taken in the second round of this year’s draft, maybe better because of Brooklyn’s current lack of depth at his position(s). If he plays to his potential and talent, he will make it. If he doesn’t, he won’t. From here on out, it is about production.

  • About a few of the other hopefuls that didn’t get their name called:

    There were others on Thursday night, too. Robert Upshaw from Washington, Brandon Ashley from Arizona, Aaron Harrison from Kentucky, Chris Walker from Florida, Trevor Lacey from North Carolina State, Michael Qualls from Arkansas — all left college early to declare for the NBA Draft. All went unselected.

    Did anyone else notice Trevor Lacey didn’t get drafted? And Chris Walker.

  • @justanotherfan

    Lots of rumors about Lopez going to LA. He played at Stanford so I am sure that would be preferred destination for him.

  • @approxinfinity

    Remember back… when all the talk was about Chris Walker at Florida? I remember hearing so much hype on his potential. He was supposed to be a surefire star and high draft pick.

    I’m more shocked that Lacey didn’t get drafted.

    If you read what Self said about Cliff… it is to Cliff’s advantage that he didn’t get picked in the second round because he has total freedom to tryout anywhere he wants to. He isn’t locked to a team. Good point.

  • @drgnslayr Cliff better kick some @$$!!

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