From the 6th row facing the team bench that was freakin awesome!!!

Best posts made by cragarhawk
RE: Final Four bound!!!
Thank you Jayhawks
Great season guys. Thanks for the ride. Which lasted longer than I anticipated. Stand tall and walk proud. It took a helluva lot of fight to get this far.
14th straight Big12 titleBig 12 tournament championship
Final four
Great job players and unbelievable job Coach Self. Very fun season and most especially fun post season.
I’m a sucker for teams that overachieve
RE: Bob Knight
IDGAF what anyone says. Coach Knight is the real deal. And always will be in my book. Love that guy!
RE: KU Players Leaving/Staying Tracker
Im still sad we lost. But much more so that I dont get to see FM in a KU jersey any more. That is heartbreaking and maybe a person shouldn’t become that invested. But how can you not with a guy like Frank… There’s been alot of kids I was sad to see go. But nothing like this. FM is my favorite all time. Of every kid I ever watched play here. He just is. A great guy and even better role model for others. The kind of story you love to hear about let alone watching unfold. If there’s any justice in this world FM is player of the year
RE: KU Elite 8 game chat
Get up.
Coffee up
Check out of motel
Downtown to pick up Tix
Pregame party
Pep rally
Epic Elite 8 blue blood contest in which I hope Kansas prevails and I don’t care how.
Game day in Omaha. Rock Chalk all!!!
RE: Final Four bound!!!
Whatever happens from here. This is absolutely Bill Self’s best coaching job. And is Malik Newman Mr March or what?
WTH is gonna happen
Well. I’ll tell ya WTH is gonna happen. This team is gonna find itself. Its going on a minimum 8 game win streak. Riding a wave of swagger all the way thru the S16. Winning #11 and a conf tourney title along the way. And why? Why? You ask are they gonna do that? “Based on what Cragar?” “Are you outta your mind?”. This team that can’t win on the road and poorly dispatched of lowly TCU at home. I don’t have an argument for you. Its WTH is gonna happen. Because WE ARE KANSAS!!! I don’t need another argument
RE: Big 12 Awards - call to comment by the board rats!
Ill get eaten alive for this. Stupidest quote “Fools Gold” sorry
RE: KU Players Leaving/Staying Tracker
3 days removed from the end of the season… still not over FM being done… Not gonna be. Good to see his unanimous AP first team honor. Well deserved. All day I’ve been thinking… Geez it’s gonna have to be a tough ticket on the night they hang the MASON III number O in the rafters of the Phog. You can bet I will be there on that day
RE: Why is there no news on Preston?
The whole situation makes me wanna drink the 5th…
RE: Bullet Points: KU 70, KSU 56 pathetic points
Some call it coach speak. Bill Self has it mastered. I suggest in our case we could probably call it Billshit
RE: That was a F***ing Big Boy game KU fans!
Newman has been bringing the ball up more. Which is helping Graham rest a lil. And… I may get stoned to death here but lately I’d rather have Newman driving the ball late clock/late game. He simply finishes more often than does DTG
RE: Bracket Discussion
Look. We got beat by teams that didn’t make it. And we beat alot of teams that did. We know we can lose to anyone. I believe we can also beat anyone… In this field. This year.
Take care of business boys. It’s yours for the taking. One at a time
RE: Walking wounded invades TCU
I wish for nothing else from the season except you boys play this hard everyday.
RE: K-St Game Thread
I have Tix to Ksu vs KU at the Phog. Stupidly excited
Ya this hurts. It always hurts anytime when we don’t win it all. We’re fans. We’re FANATICAL. We want another weekend. We want another game to look forward to. We wanna see the kids grow just that much more and the success that comes with it.
It’s a late night. A sad night. I just hear the highlights of games, results, etc. Texas just made their first sweet16 since 2008 . Read that again.
2 Nattys in that time span and countless other successes. And we always know that KU basketball is forever legendary.
As fans it’s okay to be spoiled. Love this game. Love this program. Rock Chalk forever!
RE: What to Expect at the Champions Classic?
What I love tho. CS having fun coaching this team. Even when we didn’t look good. He was smiling and enjoying himself. Soaking up the atmosphere. Letting the team find their identity to an extent. They need to be tested in pressure situations. Nobody knows this better than he
RE: Mitch and the Miracles vs The Ghost of Gene Keady's Hair Game Thread
Defense won the game. Hitting shots is what won it by 30. What terrific ball movement this team is capable of. You simply can’t defend ball movement like that
RE: Why not just Free Billy right now?
Well I don’t believe I’ll ever grab a donut again without thinking twice… Could be a terrific dietary plan
RE: GAMEDAY is here Chat
I’ll be passing the time on the drive to Omaha. Rock Chalk all!!
RE: This KU Win Over Duke and the Refs Ought to Be Dedicated to All the Teams that Have Appeared to Have Had to Play Duke AND the Refs
I was there up close and personal. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the officiating was very much pro Duke. The whole building knew it. That 5th foul on Carter was probably the wrong call. But it was definitely needed after the multiple wrong and noncalls all game. Its just a great example of a team not letting the calls change their demeanor or how hard the fought. There’s always more you could have done to win the game even in those situations and these Jayhawks did that very thing. It was beautiful. We win that game by 15 if called evenly.
RE: The Disappointment.
It is disappointing… Dammit. It just is. Even though I could probably say I’ve had the assumption everything isn’t above board for years… There have been some things that one could argue made it look as though “above board” was at least the goal of the staff. The sitting of Cliff, Selby, DJ, Preston. Idk…
Where do we go from here? Who knows. I don’t think the university is firing a hall of fame coach no matter the outcome here minus an indictment perhaps. Can’t say I’d even want that outcome. Although, I must say if we have been buying recruits all along we really haven’t been getting out money’s worth with 1 NC to show for that… Hope that’s not the case. But is that just as naive as believing it doesn’t in fact go on everywhere? Including here apparently…
Integrity is not a tricky business. People just like to make it gray to justify their own actions. It’s that simple. For instance, and I’ve said this for years, nobody comes home after the game and talks about how the refs jobbed the other team. Right? No. Fans just come home happy they won and don’t care why. Now if you’re team gets jobbed by the refs and they lose then it’s all that’s talked about by fans. In the same manner that if this was UK/calipari most KU fans as well as the rest of the country would be allover it like white on rice. That slimeball!!! I knew it all along!!! Yada yada and yada…
But now we have fans that want to change that tone to… “Well, there’s really not a dollar amount discussed”. “There’s really not a smoking gun”. “Our coaches really didn’t know”. “As long as we don’t get caught”. “As long as we don’t get in trouble”. “Everyone’s doing it, it’s been going on for decades”.
Ask yourself these questions. Is it okay with you if Duke and UK cheat and go the FF and win NC’s because of it?
Is it okay with you if your kid illegally(yes for now illegally) smokes pot cause other kids are doing it?
Is it okay with you if your kid cheats on academics but maintains a 4.0 gpa and is successful? Maybe cause other kids get away with it?
Turning a blind eye, pretending it doesn’t happen, or doesn’t matter… SMH…
You really wanna teach your kids that? You really want the university and the program we all love to teach the students and student athletes that? That it’s not only okay but it’s supported by many, to start out their adult life learning how to bend and break the rules?
That’s the message you want to send?
Integrity is not a tricky business. Not a slippery slope. Not a gray area.
@HighEliteMajor applaud you for bringing up the tough topic. The one none of us really wanted to face. Well done sir.
RE: Sunflower Showdown Redeux
I am going!! I’d hope we win either way. But they have to win if I’m going right?? Lol
RE: What was that? "MOJO TRANSFER!"
I don’t think I’m ready to anoint him Goat yet. Definitely best active coach. But. And I say this with the hope that he will stay longer than many think he will. CS could imo do things over the next 10-15 seasons that are somewhat unfathomable outside of John woodens consecutive NC streak. I honestly think he has adapted to what the game needs so well, and to what the kids need so well that he could pull off another 4-5 NC’s in that time span. Hope I’m right and if so there won’t be anymore need for Goat discussions. Lol
RE: Arkansas….
Doesn’t matter who we play. It only matters how. Intense d and energized play all around we beat anyone in the nation. The secret to winning any game for this team is energy
RE: Welcome Nick Timberlake!
@BShark I would argue that adults aren’t 18 anymore. Which is absolutely a societal change. They are far too coddled to be adults at that age by-in-large these days. Everyone as parents including me is guilty of this. But let’s not BS ourselves. My grandaddy volunteered to get on a plane and go fight japs in iwo jimo at 18. These kids are not adults until 23 plus imo. And. Honestly. Probably thru no fault of their own
RE: What to Expect at the Champions Classic?
Was Bilas an ass clown tonite or what? I usually don’t mind him unless he’s covering Duke. Not so much today
RE: Time To Re-Evaluate....
Can’t allow ksuck to live in our heads rent free my friends. The football program is where we’ve wanted it for a long time now. Respectable. Yes. Relevant? Not yet. Let’s look long haul. This one game against ksu should not be our superbowl. The goal is that moving forward it won’t be. So let’s not let it be now. It’s the equivalent of ksu beating us in basketball once in a blue moon and thinking they won the ncaa title and are now the dominant superpower. We live rent free in their heads. Can’t give them the same satisfaction folks.
RE: Bragg Commits to KU!
Geez im really slow i guess. Finally found out where everyone went… Horrible element going on over at kusports. Had my fill. Anyways. Hello all. Super excited to get Bragg!!!
RE: Bring on the Shockers!
Well folks. I didnt think we would go. But. My family and I look forward to this trip every year. And since im confident in my ability to stick with what ive said all year long about this team(no expectations. Only hopes) we will be there to support our team. Im a Jayhawk and I love it. And i love this game Rock Chalk Jayhawk Go KU!!!
RE: "Fool's Gold" makes its debut
Well now we have sacrificed a loss while continuing to go with experience. Will that change anything?
RE: Bill Self Outside The Tunnel Of Acceptability
@HighEliteMajor Great stuff. It is very fun to see this adaptation. It will only create even more success moving forward in my opinion. The thing that makes it even better for me is. It’s like you said. Coach isn’t battling the team over this. In fact. To me it looks and sounds like he has embraced it. Feels like he is honestly enjoying it. Fist pump in the air after this big top 5 toughed it out from behind road victory. Stoking Coach Selfs fire this team is…
RE: Day 10 Tournament Game Thread
So far the pace certainly favors UK. Can’t say I’d ever root for either team under any circumstances. Will say I’m ready to be done hearing about “ball”
Other games
Wow. Butler hangin 53 in a the first on the #1 team in the land.
RE: Bill Self
I still believe the 12’ title run ranks as his best coaching. This year is close right now though
RE: Takeaways from the game
Dedric doesn’t seem to have the explosive type of play. Above the rim …
But he has basketball savvy in every cell in his body. Kid has great footwork and court awareness, positioning. He is gonna find himself in the right place at the right time much of the time. Just looks likes he’s that guy. Should be a great watch
RE: OSU game. Starting a thread early today
Enjoying in the Phog today. Happy game day all
RE: I miss Jaybate, I miss last year.
Count me with those that appreciated @jaybate-1-0.
Especially on those long lonely late nights when I just needed something of substance to read. Of course he wasn’t for everyone. Nobody on Earth is for everyone. I’ll even admit at times for me he was longwinded and probably speaking on a level above my ability to process. But I prefer to be challenged overall. @jaybate-1-0 and @HighEliteMajor have both been enjoyable to me in that regard. Stepping out of the box, building a whole new box, and then destroying that box and starting another one. Making you think in new ways. Asking the hard questions. I enjoy it. The absolute beratement and disrespect from some here towards the guys that travel in those unknown and for some here apparently too dark of places are as big a reason I keep coming back as anything.
We could all just constantly Yee haw and yippee… Oh my gosh we’re phenomenal, everything about the program is majestic…blah, blah, blah. And we would of course have plenty of grounds to do so. Personally, I like to think a lil harder than that.
RE: Let's beat the Cyclops chat here.
4 seed isn’t awful for this group. If you consider the body of work since Dokes went out it’s probably actually a gift
RE: Liberace Game Thread
Fight lasted longer than McGregor vs cowboy and didn’t cost us $65. So we got that goin for us
RE: OU Game
Sometimes ya just chalk them up to the Phog. That boys and and girls is how you play for actually less than 10 full minutes and somehow win
RE: K-St Game Thread
Guys. We’re alright. What an awesome college basketball game.
RE: K-St Game Thread
Great game and the kids did great too. It’s a fun season. Enjoy it
RE: Sunflower Showdown Redeux
Rock Chalk with :50 to go. I’ll take it. Absolutely awesome atmosphere tonite. Great win
RE: Mark Adams Resigns
Over a bible verse? It really does go to show how ridiculously easy it is to offend anyone with anything these days
RE: KU Played Bad, OSU Played Worse; Predicted--KU +10, Actual--KU +10
@KU62 Oh we ran some $#!+ thats about all we ran
RE: So you love the high low?
Whats not to love about the high/low? Whats not To love about playing inside/out. I mean come on. We had 3 “bigs” combine for 3 pts and 8 rebounds. Thats a pretty good line isnt it??? Ugh…
Huggy bear said “There are some things that happened that are just hard to explain”. That sir is why it says Pay Heed all who enter. Beware of the PHOG