Why Kansas Prefers February Madness

Posts made by AzHawk97
RE: Opinion: For Weis, cover-up worse than punt fake
Hey, how did winky face get in there? Obviously I should stay on the varsity bench.
RE: Opinion: For Weis, cover-up worse than punt fake
Even if this is Keegs just trying to stir things up, I do agree it was refreshing to read.
I posted on the article over at Kusports under my “real” name, Chandler Accipiter ( I know, what a coincidence that I live in Chandler, AZ and "accipiter is latin for “hawk”). I now feel like when I comment over there it’s like playing with the JV team , and then I can come to KUBuckets to play with the varsity. Oakville started back up this week, so next week he’ll be ready to make the leap over here.
RE: WSJ: Wiggins Spotting
Wish - There was also an article about Arsenal’s reliance on foreign players on that same page in the WSJ. Just thought I’d throw that out there in case you weren’t just a fan of Ozil’s pretty bug eyes. Ha! I love that you have one of the most irreverent avatars on KU Buckets.
WSJ: Wiggins Spotting
Half page article with photo from today’s Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303661404579179643217130068
Steady changes provide little impact for KU attack
It looks like the football stories need a little boost, so here is a good read from Kevin Haskin at The Capital-Journal: http://cjonline.com/sports/2013-10-24/kevin-haskin-steady-changes-provide-little-impact-ku-attack
It seems like a real matter-of-fact assessment of the state of the KU’s offense and program as a whole.
RE: Who are you?
I was commenting on KUsports with a valid, verified, and vetted facebook account under Az Hawk, which could be a totally legit name, and unbeknownst to me all my posts were not visible to anyone else. When I was signed in it looked like my posts were there, but when I logged out or erased cookies, then the posts were gone. I only found this out because my dad was looking for my comments, and I told him they were on the site. How cruel (and funny) is that? I was posting away what I thought was awesome commentary, so good in fact that nobody even dared repying to these magnificent comments, only to find out they were only for me.
I guess KUsports made my comments unviewable to others because of my “sketchy” name, but they didn’t inactivate the account right away. Maybe others are caught up in this without realizing it. They are posting away over there under the facebook approved “Jay Bate” into the great void. I bet there is someone out there named “Jay Hawk” as well, but I’ll be damned if we will ever see them post at KUsports. As for me, I hope they don’t know latin over there at KUsports and think “Accipiter” is just a weird last name.
A Football Slam Dunk from the WSJ
The WSJ’s The Count has an article this morning about football teams outscoring their basketball teams against common opponents in the same school year. The jump off is that Baylor is basically posting basketball scores this season and since 96-97 Oregon has done this the most. Here is the link: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304402104579149611207357416
At here is where it gets good for KU basketball but bad for KU football: “No football team has been on the other side of this inter-sport rivalry more than Kansas’. Between 1996 and 2013, there were 13 basketball games in which teams scored less against the Jayhawks than their football teams did. Those in Kansas’ camp include basketball blue bloods like Kentucky (11 times), Duke (8), Indiana (8) and UCLA (8), but the Jayhawks could further separate themselves from the pack Saturday—when their football team hosts Baylor.”