West Virginia Mountaineers - Saturday - 3pm - Phone or Laptop ESPN+
Famous Alumni
Famous West Virginians

Good job lump!
West Virginia only moving up to #16 is a bit of a joke. They should be ranked ahead of Michigan St, Michigan, Maryland, and maybe Ohio St.
@wrwlumpy The game was in Cleveland too, almost a home game for Ohio St. It’s like if we played at the Sprint Center in Kansas City.
I thought I heard, ? Hugs wasn’t feeling well either, that game. Just saw bits and pieces.
There’s not much better in life than seeing Ohio St lose in basketball and football in the same weekend. Now if only their baseball, softball, volleyball, rowing, chess, hockey and livestock judging teams had lost as well…
These guys are good. Typical WVU team…athletic and physical. But bigger than most of their teams have been. I don’t think they have many shooters though.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I thought I heard, ? Hugs wasn’t feeling well either, that game. Just saw bits and pieces.
He never looks like he is feeling well … always looks like he ate some bad tuna.
well I have been thinking and they JUST said the same thing on the sports program - -this Saturday truly think that yes we are going to have to play our two big’s more then usual
West Virginia is big - -really physical - -two big’s that can match up with Doke and Dave - -they still can’t shoot worth a dam looks like - -but Culver and company are legit.
still a bunch of hackers but their freshman the 5 star is going to be a load. - One thing about WV - with all their defections last year, guys being kicked off , leaving or whatever. The one thing it did was give some of those other players experience - they took their ass kicking LAST year, I knew Huggie wouldn’t be down for long - -they took it last year - -gonna be a challenge for sure - -best be ready. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I thought I heard, ? Hugs wasn’t feeling well either, that game. Just saw bits and pieces.
Gotta feel better than that time his defibrillator went off during a game. Ouch!!!
Not a big ESPN+ fan… For real, who negotiated the television contract, Epic fail.
Better to have games on ESPN+ than on Time Warner that half of the Metro Area doesn’t get.
Flying over West Virginia you can see how underground coal mining jobs have ended. Cutting off the tops of mountains with dynamite has eliminated the coal miner and ruined the landscape throughout the state. Slag drainage has poisoned many of the pristine streams in the state.
wrwlumpy said:
Oh thanks for this for sure. - Was kind of bummed today , then I saw this that you posted. - -Brought a big time smile to my face - - goose bumps. I love these boys - - EPIC COMEBACK - -thanks again , you just lifted my spirits 100000 % - -I’m gonna watch it again - - - AND AGAIN. - -gotta say the music helps me get jacked too lol. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Can’t wait for ESPN+ to red screen on me again.
@BShark Are there any other factors that could be causing you to have ESPN+ problems? I’ve had them for …6 months now, maybe longer and have had no problems at all. Seems strange.
@nuleafjhawk Had been flawless until the last game for me. Wide spread reports of the redscreen issue made me feel slightly better.
Kcmatt7 said:
Better to have games on ESPN+ than on Time Warner that half of the Metro Area doesn’t get.
Yup the last two deals have been total bullshit. Obviously negotiated by amateurs or someone trying to undermine Kansas. KSU grad AD…
@dylans I feel so bad for my mom! Our love for KU, Chiefs and Royals started w/them! Her and dad never missed a game. No way could she get these games. My sister and fam can’t get them on the farm in M L. People in ne ks forget about rural ks.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@dylans I feel so bad for my mom! Our love for KU, Chiefs and Royals started w/them! Her and dad never missed a game. No way could she get these games. My sister and fam can’t get them on the farm in M L. People in ne ks forget about rural ks.
The internet is absolutely atrocious in rural areas still. Up until maybe two years ago my only options were dial up and sattelite with a joke bandwidth cap. Wouldn’t have been able to watch a single game with that cap. And I live only a bit over 10 miles outside of Topeka.
dylans said:
Kcmatt7 said:
Better to have games on ESPN+ than on Time Warner that half of the Metro Area doesn’t get.
Yup the last two deals have been total bullshit. Obviously negotiated by amateurs or someone trying to undermine Kansas. KSU grad AD…
Agreed. Before, almost every big game was on ESPN/ESPN2 or U, CBS, ABC or whatever… Now, almost all are on the shoddy - to say the least - ESPN+. A bigtime money grab, leaving many fans out in the cold. Meanwhile Duke, UNC and UK are still business as usual, being seen by everyone. Nice.
We’ve cancelled ESPN+. I may take a stand and not resubscribe. Such BS.