Jayhawks to Badgers...
Jayhawks to Badgers… calling all Badgers for an important message:
Normally, we’d say “Beak’em, Jayhawks!”
But this time, we are all in up north -
“Claw’em, Badgers!”
…and if you want to chew off their faces to the point of being unidentifiable… please feel free to do it!
Can we get a group rally together for this one?
I’ll be rooting (pun intended) for the Badgers big time. BEAT KENTUCKY!!!
@drgnslayr I’m on the bandwagon. Out of all the teams left they are the only one I can stomach winning it.
@drgnslayr Amen from this corner !!
Bring the Beatdown you Bad-Boy Badgers!
I would say that except for a portion of the State of Kentucky (the others are Louisville fans), most fans around the country will be rooting for the badgers; I know I will.
I think I’m selfishly rooting for the left side of the bracket. It provides us something to aspire to.
Two programs that have won multiple national titles in the last 10 years. For UConn, it would be their fourth in the last 15 seasons.
If either wins the national title, they stake claim to the best program in recent years. Easy. Going away.
Every program would trade places with their success.
Highlights my thoughts on the value of national titles vs. anything and everything else.
Still curious how many conference titles UConn has won, and if it even matters …
Imagine if Kentucky wins it – 1/5 of the national titles in the last 20.
The “Calipari can’t coach” and “Calipari is a sleeze ball” tripe seems to be waning a bit.
I can’t do it. Cheer for a Big10 team in anything (besides MSU).
I can’t do it. Cheer for Bo Ryan. I have no affiliation to the guy in any way shape or form.
I can’t do it. Cheer for the Badgers. I just can’t do it.
Now this doesn’t mean I will be cheering for Kentucky in any way shape or form, just that I don’t care about this game.
I am rooting for Florida, now that KU has been done.
@JRyman Wisconsin is the only team in the FF that doesn’t make me want to puke.
Kentucky - puke.
Florida - puke.
UCONN - puke.
If i’m being honest, I didn’t even know UCONN was in the tournament at all until I saw the Final Four pairings. They are as relevant to me as Missouri. Not as hated, just as relevant.
@nuleafjhawk I could care less about the four teams left, but I have always like Pitino and thats where Donovan came from.
The final four is full of teams that make me puke like the first time I kept doing tequila shots just to prove I could keep it down.
Not so much.
Dragon my requested preview of the Badgers is forthcoming. For now here’s why everyone should cheer for Bucky on Saturday:
My four children were born in Wisconsin
The floors for most Final Fours is made in a little plant just down the road from our old house and a good friend purchases the wood that goes into those floors.
Scandal free
UW Whitewater won D-3 championships in football and basketball this year. It’s a breeding ground for champs!
I still love the Jayhawks more! I graduated from KU and don’t spend hours on UWbuckets.com. I’m just an adulterer in the basketball sense who enjoys having a second basketball option!
I have to admit to only catching minutes of Badgers games before March. Since March, I’ve caught most of their action and found myself in a man-crush with Frank Kaminsky.
I love his long ball. It’s something to have a 7-footer who can nail the long ball. 42.9% from 3? Are you kidding me?
I hope he can go 100% from 3 against Kentucky. Suddenly, UKs ‘no player shorter than 6’6"’ concept doesn’t add up to a hill of beans (or the sum of presumed impact a hill of beans could have on someone’s lower tract)!
Ahem, please don’t hate on me, but “ROCK CHALK BADGERS!!!”
@drgnslayr…Saw your post about being in London and Reading in the 70’s. I was at RAF Greenham Common, Newbury, just down the road from Reading in '83-'85. Dated and almost married a lady from Reading. But I actually lived down south of there near Andover.
@HighEliteMajor Though I’ve enjoyed them playing exciting bb this tournament, the Cal file isn’t waning with me. If I could only say one thing to him it would be, “Careful Cal, life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers, what you do today might burn your ass tomorrow”…
Young girl from Louisville just took out Baylor’s Heslip in the 3 pt championship. Dunkers up next.
@globaljaybird did you see CleAnthony’s miss? Holy cow, thought somebody was going to be hurting!
I have been switching back on forth and I thought the cute girl from Duke and the player from Oakland were pretty damn good. I was surprised Heslip won and I missed the women’s finals.
@Crimsonorblue22 Ouch!!! that had to hurt…
@JayHawkFanToo Duke girl got 2nd. Louisville girl won.
I prefer Let’s Geaux Badgers!
@wissoxfan83 thought you might like this!
Thanks Crimson, I’ll read it tomorrow!