Awesome Photos at KUSports!
I’m really primed after seeing these:
Great job, KUSports!
Just wish they would give the photographer credit. Did Nick shoot these? Anyone know?
My wife and kids were in St Louis all week enjoying spring break and they actually went to the shoot around yesterday, they said Mason’s dunk to end practice was really cool and unreal.
In 1988 my dad got to see Kansas practice/shoot around in Lincoln before their first game. In 2008 I got to go to their first round game in Omaha.
We all know how those years ended up, so I am hoping my Wife, two daughters and son carry that same magic with them.
@JRyman thanks for sharing! I feel like we got this FOR SURE now. Have a blast and continue the tradition! Rock Chalk!
If you click on the photos it shows the photog. is, indeed, Nick Krug.