Fabulous Wiggins interview by Jason King.
Today’s (Friday’s) BLEACHER REPORT. Self, Townsend, Andrew and parents quoted; up to date info.
Jump aboard the Wiggins freight train now… while you still can!
Inside the Andrew Wiggins Spotlight: Kansas Star Freshman Hitting His Stride
@REHawk Loved that article on Wigs! Great stuff. Thanks Jason!
“Everything was moving so fast for me at first,” Wiggins said. “Coach would get on me for not being aggressive or not running the floor hard every possession. He was hard on me. He was hard on everyone. He doesn’t care who you are.”
That’s why Coach Self is the best! He pushes guys hard and the guys respond. That’s why more players reach their potentials under Coach Self. The Wiggins won’t regret their choice to come to Kansas because Coach will help Andrew to become ready for the NBA. It will never be merely a one year stop over.
Love Wiggins’ attitude. Keep faith and work hard! And listen to your dad.