Time Trippin': Cheick's Mate?
Chaka Diallo?
Cheick and Chaka
Sittin’ in a (time trippin’) tree
What a virtual pair they might make!
@jaybate-1.0 she’s way to old !
In regards to Chaka, she wrote a song for the way the Jayhawks are feeling now about the NCAA and Mr. Diallo. In the song TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD, she sings directly to the committee.
Sometimes just what a young buck needs. An education!
Ya got no sense uh time trippin’, girl!!!
And enjoy the heart transcending time itself.
This is the beginning of Romanticism 2.0.
Wuthering Depths, baby!!!
@drgnslayr like Tharpe? Ewww
You see… Tharpe DID need an education from an older woman. He messed around with a young one and it cost him dearly.
@drgnslayr she was much older than him, had a daughter in high school. That sealed his fate! Eww