Royals vs Oakland - Gm 3
Game 3 of the series kicks off at 3:05 CT with Jeremy Guthrie (5-5 and 5.90 era) on the hill for the Royals and Jesse Chavez (4-6 and 2.90 era) going for Oakland. Royals have taken the first 2 games so might as well leave town today with all the marbles.
@brooksmd get out the broom! Jguts!!
@Crimsonorblue22 crims another good game!
Dude played chin music to Cain. Best remedy for that is a hit…DANM SALVY GOES DEEP!!! 5-2gives the pen room to get a breather. 12th shot of the year for the MLB All Star leading vote getter…YEEAAAAH!!!
@globaljaybird I want to know about the Olympic bedroom events- no never mind!!!
@globaljaybird how’s the garden?
@Crimsonorblue22 …& you’re tellin me to watch the slip of the lip? What’s wrong with this picture woman? Just sayin…
@globaljaybird u wrote it!! Man
@Crimsonorblue22 First time in 11 years I don’t have a garden Got 4 measly tomato plants. Maybe I’ll get something out for fall Just too much time to take care of a large one like usual. Hard as he’ll just to keep up with mowing 2 1/2 acres & keeping all the trees trimmed so I can get under them. When I ain’t mowing I’m workin on the damn house or at the store. Would’ve prob missed the end of the game if I hadn’t stopped for gas.
@Crimsonorblue22 Then your definition works for me…:bowtie:
@globaljaybird what did u mean, I thought sure it was dirty!
Hope he doesn’t fall off
@Crimsonorblue22 @globaljaybird Somebody say “Olympic Bedroom Events”?
Hey how bout dem R’s? Can you say 5 1/2 game lead? Whoop Whoop
@Crimsonorblue22 What’d you do to Rio? Poor thing all snookered out.
@brooksmd global did in another thread!!
@brooksmd he’s so funny-rio. I tilled around the garden and for some reason he thinks it’s a track. Do your dogs ever run in circles, crazy like? Rio does it around that fresh turned dirt. After I watered, he did it again. Hosed him off. He goes hard!
@Crimsonorblue22 I guess mine are to mature to run in circles.