well read this morning that Paschal has 2 visits scheduled so far. KU the 1st weekend in June and Nebraska. yes I fully realize that is only one other school at this point, and there will be more, but if this is the kind of competitors we will face for him, which I’m sure there will end up being a few other big boys calling him possibly, but I would have to like our chances. all he needs to do is look at how big men have developed at Ku, we have one of the top strength and conditioning coaches in the game, he just needs to look at Jo, Jo, and Jeff and others, look at the new living conditions, look at our campus, and then THE FANS oh yes THE FANS. if not the top then right at the top for love of our players, and I’ve been in Allen multiple occasions and the place is a zoo you WILL NOT beat this atmosphere in college basketball period. plus the fact obviously yes he sits next year but after that year practing against Perry, Jamari, Hunter, Landon and with Cheick can’t do anything but obviously help the guy, and then the following year the spot is his no doubt , then you add the chance but yet not sure if he is another that could practice before the WUG but have to lke our chances. ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I think the big question Paschal needs to ask himself is “where would I develop the most, having to spend one year out of games before finally playing again?” He is a guy who can spend 16 straight months in the Hudy world full bore. Since he won’t play in a game this year, he can maintain a full-strength regiment during our season.
Imagine him in 16 months… 7’2" and 255 lbs!
definitely couldn’t agree more, there is nothing but huge benefits for him to come here
Man O Man, talk about being born with a silver spoon. This kid has decided early on to undergo his very own HOOPS REBIRTH. And where better to latch on to the silver utensil? Heck, if he is deadset on improving his stock for extended college game minutes, then playing life beyond, gold is quite likely in the forecast.
@drgnslayr I think he can play in the WUG!!!
Like Wiggins, he is not American…
@JayHawkFanToo oh no duh, you got me!! I’m more embarrassed than you were!