jSPN stringers have penetrated the inner sanctum of KSU basketball inside the Bramlage XPerimental Barn and we can now confirm that KSU basketball has decided to compete in DII. Interim Head Coach Bruce Weber tried to have his men’s team merge with the Lady Wildlynxes but the KSU women’s coach said she would not step aside so Bruce could build down the women’s team AND the men’s team.
@jaybate-1.0 hahahahahahahaha love it
@jaybate-1.0 I did hear 2 kstate bb ladies left.
Hope it was not due to eugenics.
@jaybate-1.0 something going around there, guessing it’s the emaw disease.
Hey, breaking news, Bruce found a recruit…
And another one…
@drgnslayr Bruce ought to sign up the curly haired guy. With a thumb like that the kid could catch a ride back out of Manhattan in a flash. Also sign up the runner in the blue shoe. Just imagine the native talent in that kid’s footwork.
@drgnslayr Love his T-Shirt! I wonder if he’s a sponsor or a recipient?
Or paid a quarter for the shirt at a second hand store and thought it might get him more sympathy change. I once saw a panhandler wearing a POWERBALL shirt. Thought that was brazen!
@drgnslayr When my son was little, he used to beg me to give money to these guys. I can’t do it. We give money to various agencies and to the Church, but to me, a guy in front of Walmart (wherever) with a sign just says “I’m too lazy to look for work”.
@nuleafjhawk Speaking of panhandling, I’ve a long ago former acquaintance who attended U. Mizzou. Considerably overweight, and she never did see the sun shine on a Good Hair Day. Anyway, she was extremely bright, more than somewhat avant garde (sp). After early afternoon classes she would trudge downtown to sit near a busy streetcorner, begging for coins. Said she pulled in about a dollar and a quarter per hour…about the average going rate for hardbitten labor in Columbia, MO, back in the early '70s.
I remember one summer in Vegas. Super hot evening and I’m walking downtown (this is already a bad story). Saw a young gal wearing a trench coat. I thought maybe she was a flasher. She was beside me as we stepped off the curb to cross the street and it sounded like all the change in Fort Knox chinged in her over-sized pockets.
I’m a sucker for a woman with kids begging… but all those old guys I might as well just go to the liquor store and buy them a bottle to save them the energy. Forget it!
I think I’ll have some business cards made up with Weber’s name and number to hand out. Guess I’ll have to give them a quarter for the call. Is a payphone still a quarter? Who knows… maybe I recruit them the next player to hit a last second shot and beat us. Maybe. Maybe not.
@drgnslayr said:
Is a payphone still a quarter?
I’m not being sarcastic - do they still HAVE payphones ? I can’t remember the last time I saw one.
@nuleafjhawk I haven’t seen one either!
I believe 60 minutes did a story of a panhandler lady in New York. She drove to town in a brand new Lexus, changed into ratty clothes and covered herself with a filthy blanket…she was maki9ng close top $200K per year…
I have offered yard work to some of those people with the “will do work” signs and invariably I have been turned down. I no longer give money to any panhandler.
@JayHawkFanToo Well, there you go. That’s the difference between panhandling in New York City and Columbia, MO. SEC! SEC! SEC!
If you are going to do it…go big or don’t go at all???
The worst thing I’ve seen panhandling-wise was a Boy Scout troop standing out in the median at a major intersection with buckets in hand asking for donations. For an organization that wears merit as badges of honor I couldn’t find any merit in this situation. What ever happened to car washes and such? I mean, do SOMETHING to earn the right to ask for my money.
After college, I’d often tell someone “working for food” that I’d gladly buy them a meal since I was heading to a burger stand and my offers were invariably turned down. That’s when I stopped offering as it became apparent it’s not food they’re after. How sad that the truly desperate now get dismissed because of the rather large number of people gaming the system and taking advantage of the kindness of strangers.
In addition to being the “Live Music Capital of the World”, Austin, Texas has the “Largest Panhandling Group” in the whole universe. No kidding. Every fricking street corner. I saw one woman sitting out in the median staking her ground and the sun wasn’t even up this morning - it was 5:40 AM. One of the TV stations followed some a few years back and found that like other stories above that they had BMW’s/high end vehicles stashed blocks away. I get hit up several times every day that I am out walking during lunch. But of course they put a homeless shelter right downtown… They found one of the homeless guys laid out dead and coming through on the conveyer belt of a green recycle center last week! A lot of cities PAY their homeless and give them a bus ticket straight to Austin. Hell, they made famous a crossing-dressing homeless man named Leslie - who old hippies thought personified the “Keeping Austin Weird” theme. He wore thongs while camped out at the corner of 6th & Congress (the main corner) waiving to people. When he died 2 years ago, they wanted to erect a friggin statue of this guy. Unbelievable.
@Crimsonorblue22 Sometimes you see a pay phone at a gas station on a busy corner here in Houston. A call is 50cents.
@JayhawkRock78 inflation!
@tis4tim I’ve done the very same thing at McDonalds I saw a guy digging in the trash and told him I’d buy him a meal-he said no thanks and kept digging.
Saw a guy digging at the same spot a few months later. I wonder if that’s a drug stash?
@JayHawkFanToo In LA they did a bit on panhandlers-same thing, they had cars a few blocks away. One guy said, “I’m an out of work musician.” Right, and I’m an out of work comedian.
I love the introduction of asymmetric imagery into my posts.
I used to live in Ft. Worth, but would head to Austin every now and then. You are right. Even 25 years ago, we would get accosted by people begging for money after the bars closed down, when everyone was in a compromised state of awareness.
My friends and I were there on my 21st b-day and, as we stumbled out of our last venue, I was approached by a girl who said she lived in a commune outside of town with 60 others. They were anti-government types and she was asking for a dollar if I supported the notion that our government was fraught with corruption. I told her I’d gladly give her a buck if she could cite specifics about why she thought our government was so evil. After spinning her wheels for a couple minutes, she could offer nothing more than “don’t you think our government is corrupt?” I told her that our government may not be perfect by any stretch, but that if she were anywhere else in the world spewing her anti-government garbage she would have been shot dead in the streets long ago. She told me to “forget it” and stormed off in a huff.
We all had a good laugh about the incident and it’s a silly story I can tell years later. For those that live and work in Austin, though, I can only imagine how much of a nuisance the day-to-day dealings with people like that can be. I’m sure it’s much, much more prevalent now than when I roamed 6th Street all those years ago.
@tis4tim Our government is corrupt because it wouldn’t 100% fund her and the rest of her fruitcake friends’ lifestyle of sitting around, not working, smoking pot, drinking booze all day, listening to the Beatles and having group sex.
@nuleafjhawk I’m still… Wait… Listening to the Beatles!
@Crimsonorblue22 I was on sixth street after the KU bBall game and saw a kid with a sign that said “25 cents for a joke.” My buddie was inside a bar using the bathroom and by the time he came out the kid was gone. I thought heck, I would have bought four for a dollar.
@nuleafjhawk wouldn’t you agree w/both have fruitcake friends?!!
Wasn’t it the joke about California being like a bowl of granola?..what isn’t nuts and flakes is fruits…not that I have anything against any of those groups…
@JayHawkFanToo I remember an episode of All in the Family where Meathead wanted to move to California and Archie said a similar line about fruits and nuts. He also said it was just a matter of time before they got too many of them and California would fall into the ocean. He was afraid if Meathead moved there with his daughter they would tip the scales to disaster.
Archie Bunker and the Meathead…probably most of the younger posters don’t know who they are.
@JayHawkFanToo Stifle Yourself Edith.
Too bad I can’t hook them up with Mr. Peabody and his Wayback Machine.
@RockChalkinTexas GREAT PULL!
There was the guy in the Plaza in KC, down by Barnes & Noble that won the court case to stay and panhandle people right outside their door. The Star investigated the dude and found out he wasn’t homeless at all and had a nice place and drove a Cadillac. I think he was pulling around upper 5 figures from that location annually.
@drgnslayr LoL Omg thats insane!
@drgnslayr That is pathetic. Some taxpayer should have punctured his tires on a regular basis. I am so fed up with free loaders who won’t pull their own weight and then work the system -I found a year ago I have a relative doing this. I had a number of talks with them about it and finally lost it. I told them if you keep being part of the problem and instead of the solution we won’t have contact anymore.