Decisions.... decisions....
I’m wondering who would make a good replacement for Snacks if Self decides to shuffle the deck this summer.
Here is a guy who loves basketball, and is about to retire from his normal 9-5. He doesn’t need money, and would probably work for free.
My guess is he would be great at teaching discipline and toughness.
@drgnslayr We get a boxer at KU on the bench, we should get, Oh I forget his name right now, but he was in Lawrence not that long ago. Pro boxer, really good, maybe from Kansas? Just retired I think?
Victor Ortiz?
I’m thinking you are referencing this awesome Jayhawk -
He’d be a good hire, too… just tell him to keep up his guard next time!
“Ya make any mistakes ya have to pay!”
@drgnslayr Yeah thats him! Ortiz!