It was just nasty mayhem.
How hard can it really be to identify the guy who slammed into Jamari? It’s captured in the picture below pretty clearly.
Haven’t made much progress. I think I will go get something to eat and then check posts on the handheld afterwards.
@Crimsonorblue22 SZ was sitting there with a strange look of neutrality. He earned his undergrad at KU and his Master’s and PhD from KState? Wow…talk about being divided. I hope he remembers who writes his checks.
This pic
The perp in question identified himself in a letter to the school paper.
@JayHawkFanToo BS letter from student and AD!!!
@bskeet The guy behind Ellis is actually securing Ellis. He then grabs the retard after hitting Mari. He should’ve taken him or had the police take him into some kind of custody immediately. IDIOTS
Sorry… i’m a bit behind on this… somewhat willingly
@Crimsonorblue22 Yeah…I think he’s part of their security team too. They did have a security detail on hand, just not very effective.
@Crimsonorblue22 Look at SZ in the background…WOW
@truehawk93 looks like he’s going to grab that girl.
@Crimsonorblue22 At first glance, his look, and his hand appears to be going for the hair…It’s the best pic of this whole malaise.
@truehawk93 I thought the security team was in the yellow shirts, not out there yet!!
@Crimsonorblue22 I believe some are contract security and they do wear coat and ties.
@Crimsonorblue22 I think some of those guys have some military or police background too…off duty or mercenary type security for hire.
10 Years of B12 Total Domination culminated their frustration. It is understood why they (the rest of B12) did what the did. How rare it is for them to beat Kansas! But, KSU should have done a better job to protect the visiting team. On the other hand, KSU may have done our Team a favor to NOT want to have such storming feeling again in Norman.
To date, we have 3/4 Court Storming for our Road Losses in the Conference (OSU, WVU, KSU). Does HCBS wants another one at Norman or he will amp the Team up properly? I hope when we go to OU, it is for an Outright B12 Ring when we win and not needing a Win for a Tie. If ISU wins out, I think a game of such magnitude (vs OU for a Tie of B12) will tune our Team for a Deep March Run. RCJH!
@Shanghai_RCJH I thought ISU players motioned for their fans to not rush the court. In other words saying that they expected to win. Or was this another game, team or did I dream that?
@Kip_McSmithers Thanks. Corrected.Too many Stormings lately.
@Shanghai_RCJH oh I don’t know if I’m correct on that though. I know it happened during a game Imthis season. Figure it was isu though.
Nathan Power is the moron that physically assaulted Jamari. This is his pathetic letter to the Kansas St Paper:* “I want to take this moment to share a sincere apology in breaking from the Wildcat way and stepping outside what is acceptable in the spirit of the game. Following the basketball game I simply let my emotions get the best of me in all of the chaos. In my excitement I was not careful of the people I was around. I am sorry that I made the KU basketball team — Jamari Traylor in particular—feel disrespected. By no means can I change what took place but in the future I will be aware of how emotions can impact good judgment.” *
You’re sorry for disrespecting Jamari and KUMBB team?? Come on, do better than that!! You purposefully struck with malicious intent an opposing teams player after the game in which you took absolutely no part in. Meaning you didn’t need to be anywhere near that player. You obviously were looking to draw contact with somebody from the KU team, why else run toward their bench. Why else jump directly into Jamari’s back? Nathan, your apologize sucks, just like you.
As for my take on our ADs take on this. It sucks as well. Actually SZ’s take sucks more and harder. SZ, you need to take a stand for the KU players. If it’s not for those KU players your ass would still be at whatever piss ant low major we got you from. You don’t want to “pile on kstate right now”?? Yes, poor kstate. They inadequately protected those players YOU are responsible for protecting but don’t pile on your former school, thier feelings might get hurt :(. Has BGL offered up anything. Maybe she has a bigger set than Sheahon and will stand up for her students.
Don’t want to pile on…smh
@Kip_McSmithers just pile it on!!! More please! Currie’s letter sucked too!
@truehawk93 True Hawk, you speak the Truth. I went back and looked at a higher def screen and it was a KSU player, NOT Oubre. Totally my bad. Thanks for setting me straight. I will edit my other posts.
I’ve thought about this a lot the past few days. I hope there are no charges brought against this young man. Have any of us ever done something when we were 18 or 19 that we regretted? (My hand is up)
I hope Jamari forgives the kid and they shake hands. Or man-hug. Something like that.
I do believe that the K-State fellow should have some consequences for his action though. Nothing crazy.
I was thinking a " I
KU " tattoo.
On his forehead.
not going to happen!
run dumb kstate kid! I thought both(AD and student) letters were all about kstate and didn’t own up to the actual intentional shove from the blind side! What happened to the TT fan after words w/m smart? He was banned! No way will Mari hug up w/him!
@nuleafjhawk I smiled at the tattoo line-then I laugher out loud when I read, “On his forehead”