If we only had a Coach - ----dammit

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  • @approxinfinity Ya that’s the problem with Society— never satisfied .- - the better things are the more greedy they get. I Swear to God we have about Twenty unbeaten Coach’s ever in this site , but funny thing is I don’t see any of them on the side lines in the Coach’s box during the game.

    I mean everyone has so much better theories, ways , Coaching strategies , Coaching ability, Where the hell they go on game day?- Wait don’t tell me in their recliners with their kool aide and Hoagies Screaming at the TV lmao.

    I keep saying they got all the answers that will solve all these problems - they need to just trot on down to Goff’s office - -door is always open , and tell him the concerns and how much better they all can fix them. – I’m sure he would love to hear the ideas, Hell who knows any might be our next Coach - -and you think it’s bad now lol - -get that S - - - out of here , cause I call BS

    I know maybe we can get Huggy to come Coach here and Kick Bill’s sorry ass out roflmao - -Some people can never be happy and appreciate what they got- -you win 33 games they think it’s an absolute disaster should of won 34 Coach is a bum-- ya I get it lol

    Wait 2nd thought - -better yet-let’s see if we can’t get ol squeaky from our Lil Sisters down the Road Ol Brucie you know the ol Web Master hell ya LET’S DO IT I’m all in -we will be unbeaten for the next Ten years,-- and THEN he loses that first game- - your out of here ya bum lmao

  • Yeah and UConn should fire Geno. His teams haven’t gone undefeated since 2013 and he hasn’t won a championship since 2015. Washed. 😂

  • @dylans they were in the Final 4 last year and finished this season with a 27-3 record.

    Thats a lot of doing lately.

  • @dylans LMAO --ya what’s wrong with THAT GUY

  • @SlimShaddy54 that guys a bum run him out lol- – --that’s not good enough, we gonna send him and Hurly OUT together

  • @approxinfinity that’s a lot of more painful losses than KU has had. Remember only one team gets to enjoy their season? That seems to be the rules here. lol

    It’s a form of rhetoric. Sarcastic as fuck I am. As in the fire Bill Self crowd is semi- (fully?) retarded. PC? No, but damn that some of the most idiotic shit I’ve ever heard.

  • @dylans i understand where you’re coming from. Thats all you can do, try to understand where people are coming from, not the choice selection of words they use to convey their point 😉

  • @approxinfinity fan passion is just a wild bi-polar ride.

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