Takes from Coach Self press conference.

  • Interesting couple of things Coach had to say : -Liked where the team was at , said wasn’t concerned at this point about depth. Talked about how the media & fans said they have 10 players and fees good unless injuries becomes a problem… Said w know he won’t play nine many minutes.

    Was asked obviously about the Morris situation, and dodged quite nicely , saying he couldn’t talk about that. there is still an ongoing investigation and he had been told what he could say as far s that goes and knows reporters may not like it but he just can’t talk about it - -Said he wouldn’t talk about it.

    Talked about really wasn’t thinking about red shirting Jamari McDowell, that probably wouldn’t happen BUT Zach option for red shirting was chances are that’s still quite the possibility. Talked about what Zach wanted when he came back and that’s what had been discussed - -so pretty much Zach is Red Shirting.

    Talked about didn’t know if the team was ahead of Schedule , but liked where they were at at this point, and thought the trip this summer had helped with Chemistry and such

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