@jaybate-1.0 Good post. Pot doesn’t have money backing it. At least… not yet. Big Business likes pot’s current state being diffused into many small profiteers. This helps keep big money from coming to it’s rescue because no big players involved. Pot’s legality related to pot being used as a tool to demonize Hispanic people crossing our southern border as well as other people of color. Pot was the tool used to defend racism - “The effort to demonize cannabis was spearheaded by Harry Anslinger, director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1962. Anslinger was able to stir up anti-cannabis sentiment by citing it as the cause of violent and unlawful acts by minorities. “Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind,” he stated. “Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage.”” https://www.leafbuyer.com/blog/the-origin-of-the-term-marijuana/ Here is another example of how pot was attacked because of the economic threat of hemp to devastate the wood pulp industry. This is still a key factor today. Hemp has the promise to help our environment, yet it continues to be held back. http://theinfluence.org/devil-weed-how-the-newspaper-industry-and-nylon-played-shameful-roles-in-criminalizing-marijuana/ There has never been the avenue for profiteers to stand and support pot with large economic leverage. This has been the biggest issue around pot’s legality. Compare that to alcohol.