@mayjay As noted in the post, it was all meant as fiction. No Malice. You did notice that, right? Sometimes an alias can overlook things, right? I thought it was a dark-funny, tragi-comic bit about Frank and Josh not getting taken higher. Not too on the nose, as they say in Hollywood, when the Hollywoodlings are not reputedly raping starlets and reputedly molesting children for reputedly sick, depraved power kicks. Now I just don’t see how my post could fit in the politics section, since it’s about guys not getting drafted as high as I might have hoped. But I can maybe see how your posts in this thread might fit in the politics section, so I don’t mind if my post stays here and yours get moved to the politics section, if you would like. But I’m also cool with yours stay in-thread so to speak But moving mine? I don’t think so. Nevertheless, these responses of yours appear kind a clinic in thread posting that some might benefit from learning the apparent techniques of, if you use any and would like to share. Let me try to see if I can get the hang of what appears to be a technique (but might not be), and remember: this is just an untrained board rat’s first dry run and is acknowledged to be entirely pretend, okay? Untrained board rat’s trial example #1: You’ ve appeared to suggest all kinds of things ranging from plausible to borderline no multiple shooters in Las Vegas, no pedophile rings in Washington, no Apollo astronauts going to the moon, no Werner von Braun going to Antarctica to get meteor fragments that could be given out as fake moon rocks with some stored in Neil Armstrong’s closet and yet not found by his widow in his closet. Now, again, so there is no misunderstanding, the above is a totally made up example, with exaggeration used to make its pretending unmistakable, but is that kind of the apparent rhetorical technique? Or was there none? It combines some inclusion of unrelated subject matter with a bit of conflation? Just between us, I’m not sure I’ve got it down yet. And it may only APPEAR you were doing it, and it may be that you really weren’t. But ROCK CHALK!!! Ball approaches on little adidas soles!!! And we got to play it anyway the opposing teams want! It’s the Selfian way!!!