Now hiring

  • Just returned home from yet another disappointing and dismal Jr High basketball game. I gotta hand it to the coach. Guy has actually buffaloed ppl into paying him for better than 30 years to do a job he isn’t worth a two bit damn at. So im taking applications. No experience necessary. In fact. Even if you think you have zero basketball knowledge. All you have to do is be a member of this site. That’s the only requirement. You can be the absolute biggest basketball dummy in history. And I will like our chances better. 🙂

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  • @cragarhawk I sat through my daughters jr hi games for two years who sounds like the same guy. I spent many games wanting to just go down there and offer to help because we would have had a decent chance to be better, not great, I’m no Bill Self or even Scott Drew, but we would have been better.

  • @cragarhawk some jr hi’s just stick teachers, w/out coaching experience or knowledge in there. Finally after my boys were in hs the hs coach started working w/the coaches. It’s like that w/every sport. Are you talking boys? I went to a couple of jr high games last year. Watching jr hi girls is the hardest thing to do! Hopefully you got a decent summer team!

  • @wissoxfan83 Travis ford might be looking for a job, but then again he was kicked out of a hs game!

  • My sons team. He’s eighth grade this year. And yes the coach is a teacher. But has been a teacher/coach for almost 35 yrs. So ya might think the boys would atleast play fundamental ball. Team ball. But no. I mean they aren’t ever gonna be basketball juggernauts. Small school. Small kids. Etc… I don’t expect them to win every game. And maybe not even that often at all. But as I said. You see no fundamentals. No team play. Nothing you would expect from kids coached by a guy with that kind of experience. I had these same kids rec league/mayb for 3rd thru 6th grade. And I’m no Bill Self or Scott drew either. But they won a helluva lotta games. And when they didn’t. It sure wasn’t for lack of fight and team style play. And fact. That’s the only thing that kept them in alot the games they lost. But you could see a noticible progression in their fundamentals individually and as a team. Now they look 3rd grade ish again. It’s saddening to me. I worked very hard to instill those core values into these kids. By the time they left me for Jr high they had played nearly a hundred games. Alot for kids that age. Every season they won more than the year before. Now they’ve won 3 out of 30 in the last two years. And it’s usually a 35 pt beatdown. Ah… I guess I just needed to vent. And why not do it to the most knowledgeable awesome sauce group of basketball fans in the history of the universe right? 🙂

  • @cragarhawk how’s the hs program?

  • @Crimsonorblue22 middle of the road I would say. But a coach I may call an up and comer. Was actually a teammate of mine in HS and we had a top notch coach. A guy that’s still coaching HS ball in the area. Multiple state championships as a coach and player. So iim hoping that some of that rubbed off and our HS coach can elevate the program some over the course of the next few years

  • Bad coaching prepares kids for bad teachers, professors, bosses and political leaders.

    It normalizes futility, which is what private oligarchy wants for a nation they have stripped the jobs and wealth from.

    Good coaching would build a cadre of can do people that know how to succeed by working smart together.

    Don’t want that.

  • Just proves we are all animals. I think we forget that sometimes.

    So whether we like to think of it this way or not, life is a race, and as you run past people you have to fight through all the outreached arms, trying to slow your progress.

    With the exception of a few good people around, willing to help push you forward, affectionately labeled as “keepers.”

  • Hmmmmm. I have been blessed with a keen sense of intuition and I’m sensing the teensiest bit of frustration with you ?

    What’s the job pay? I may not win any more games than the current coach, but I’ll bet we have a lot of fun!

  • @nuleafjhawk It is frustrating from the standpoint that I used to coach this group and to see many years of work torn to shreds senselessly is tough to swallow. But its a balance. At the same time I just have to try to enjoy watching my kid play ball. Cause there will come a day and its just around the corner. Where he won’t be playing anymore.

  • @cragarhawk Jayhawk Brother I’d be there to help but I have a feeling the commute would kill me.


    Feel your frustration.

    Can’t believe the HS coach hasn’t stepped in somewhere and said, " Hey this is what I’m looking for when these kids get to highschool." ??

    Maybe I’m off in my thinking but you’d think he’d want them knowing different concepts of the game, fundamentals and so on so he doesn’t have to teach them and can start coaching them into te program right away.

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