Loyola chat here?
@wissoxfan83 I thought u were weird!
@brooksmd You finally sent your guests away so you can be sociable with us again?
@Crimsonorblue22 Perry 1-4 at the stripe… Bragg & Mick first 2 of da bench
@wissoxfan83 Only some. Still have the son, his wife and granddaughter from down under.
Well that’s good, they’re more important than KU hoops!
Mick wit da stick back & Svi off da bench
Loyola piling up the fouls early on.
Half way mark we’ll see Diallo.
4-13 from the field ugh…
We have missed a ton of bunnies, literally.
@wissoxfan83 jet lag?
Standing O for Chieck
I was wondering if that’s true. We’re playing like crap
Standing O for Chieck
Playing down
I think we’re starting to see Svi’s potential
@Crimsonorblue22 When did they come back from Hawaii?
Perry will get it together. Lucas has bad toe
@brooksmd think they left fri. So here sat? Not sure
@brooksmd Not sure but TV said they didn’t practice until yesterday.
Everyone’s trying to block the shot
I could definitely see Diallo breaking the school blocks record, but he’d have to stay three years. No way that happens unless he gets injured.
Diallo getting his name in the stat sheet in lots of good and bad ways.
I thought self said cheick had a great practice sun, not so great yesterday.
@nwhawkfan then he wouldn’t get record if he was injured
All this “fool’s gold” is going to make my head explode.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m thinking more along the lines of a late-season injury that might give him second thoughts about going to the draft.
I just looked it up. KU is ranked 2nd in the country at 46.5% and that percent has risen this game. Pretty amazing.
@brooksmd stop!
Some oops are kind of ho hum and then there’s that kind.
What the crowd gets into the game when a dunk is made?
Who knew??
Plays some dang D and pass the ball around
Bill needs to remind them what they just did in Maui.
Perimeter D, anyone ?
@Crimsonorblue22 I agree. Dribble dribble shoot is not an offense unless you are in the NBA. Defense they all need to be benched!! Talk about slow to close out. Slow feet.
I hate it when people say “he’s got to make that shot.” and I just siad it when Svi missed that 10 foot jumper in the lane.
i see we’re playing with our food…
one of the nights when you find five guys that can play and leave them in. sheesh.
Hunter is going to find the bench if he doesn’t learn to throw it back outwit all out post guys are black hole
Nice pic perry
Selden’s 3% is 58%, 4th best in the land.
More like it.
No help
dang adidas
Free throws