By the way, good riddance to all that have said that they will not watch KU Basketball anymore because they are tired of losing in the Champions classic to MSU and Kentucky. The attitude for this bunch is Perfection, not Progress. Coach was praised for having an understanding about the Football playoff system last night on his radio show and said “That’s good, because most people around here apparently don’t think I’m a good coach.” I’m sorry we lost, but I’m still a very big Bill Self fan. Too bad all of the board rats that watch practice every day with him and all the other coaches can’t see what a savior Hunter can be. Sarcasm intended. I’m sorry we lost, but as a fan of the game, I have to give credit to Valentine and the amazing game he played. Our leaders are the two wonderful guards that we haven’t had for a long time. they played hard but all of the lay ups failed to go in the basket. Our Bigs right now, are not the strong point, I hope Diallo plays in the Maui, but we must know by tomorrow or he’ll stay in Lawrence.
@wrwlumpy I haven’t stopped watching, won’t either. Don’t hate coach, don’t think he’s a bad coach, stubborn? yes worse than a mule.
I have pointed out that our turnovers were a huge turnover and usually try to point out the positives of the games, the team, the coach.
But I am allowed to call it as I see it and complain from time to time. This was a game early in the season, it’s a loss that really isn’t a bad loss in the way of it being just a loss, but the way it was lost hurts, stings and makes us want to bitch.
Valentine played amazing, only the 4th player at MSU to get a tripdoub, Magic F’in Johnson called him after the game, thats how impressive that performance was.
Why doesn’t Perry play with that kind of fire? Why doesn’t Frank or Devonte lead that way?
KU is chalked full of talent, but it doesn’t have a leader or a floor general.
The whining crowd will come back when (not if) KU wins in Hawaii which I believe they will. They’ll say they didn’t mean it, we misunderstood what they were trying to say, etc.
So I’m not going to be part of the whining crowd, I’m going to be part of (drumroll please) THE WINNING CROWD!! Winning not whining!! (I’ll probably whine some before this season is done)
@wrwlumpy let’s go!
@wissoxfan83 I don’t know if KU win Maui honestly. They’re rebounding issues are that bad. Maybe Diallo actually gets cleared between now and whenever KU flies out.
A loss to Michigan St. isn’t concerning by itself because they are a top 15 team. The concerning issue with this loss is that is happened because of the same issues that KU’s had for the past 2-3 seasons after it appeared KU had turned the corner on a lot of those issues in Korea over the summer.
KU was dominated on the glass, nobody stepped up to lead when MSU was gaining momentum, Self appeared to completely disregard what he claimed he learned in Korea and fell back into his old ways.
The most interesting/telling comment from the post game was Self saying Mickelson only played 3 minutes because Landen Lucas was more suited to MSU’s style of play. That is a really concerning comment to me because when has Lucas ever shown an ability to handle physical play? I’d really love to pick Self’s brain on why he thinks Lucas is more suited to physical play than Mickelson is because I jave yet to see a shred of evidence to support that point of view.
As much as people talk about the loss of Manning, I don’t Manning was our biggest loss. I think it Joe Dooley. I really hope Self takes a long hard look at his staff and sees that KU is stagnating with his current staff and that he may need to make some changes in the offseason. Townsend is the only one of the assistants I would keep. I would do everything possible to convince Aaron Miles to retire and joun the staff ASAP and get Howard out of Lawrence because I think he’s dead weight for KU in recruiting because he hasn’t closed on anybody except Cliff. Norm is supposed to have great ties to NYC because of his time at St. John’s but all that’s yielded us is the Diallo mess.
Stability is a great luxury to have on a coaching staff, but there comes a point where new voices become necessary to negate against stagnation which is where KU appears to be right now.
Thank goodness someone posted this so I can get past the loss
Looking at those pictures, I’ve made some poor life choices.
Norm is supposed to have great ties to NYC because of his time at St. John’s but all that’s yielded us is the Diallo mess.
Hey, what about Embiid?
I would definitely keep Norm!
@dylans I’m sure they could use some help w/pineapples!
@ParisHawk What about Embiid? I said from NYC and as far as I know, Embiid was in the central Florida area.
@Texas-Hawk-10 said:
@ParisHawk What about Embiid? I said from NYC and as far as I know, Embiid was in the central Florida area.
Well, Norm found Embiid, showed him to Self and then recruited him.
You said “from NYC” and you also said “keep only Townsend”.
Am I only allowed to defend Norm on the basis of NYC?
@ParisHawk So landing two players in 4 years is good? Embiid was a hold over from Norm being at Florida. He was brought back so he could reopen the NYC pipeline for KU and he’s failed at that, so I would absolutely replace Roberts. If I was Self, I would go bring CB McGrath home from UNC since they’re about to get nailed with some major sanctions. If McGrath doesn’t wanna bail from Roy, then I’m looking at Calipari’s staff or Coach K’s staff. Self needs an assistant coach he has no previous ties with so that someone can call out Self when he repeatedly does thing that don’t work.
McGrath is part of the Row Williams coaching tree not Self. I really do not believe he would come to KU when he might well be in line for HC at UNC.
Silverswords…who dat?
@dylans That s what I was thinking…why couldn’t t I have gone to school there?
@wrwlumpy and God help us if we lose a game this week…I don t think I will want to even look at the site if that happens.
@wrwlumpy But of course I will,