Interesting tidbits from KUSports including a great quote from Perry Ellis
@wissoxfan83 Well thats a relief to me. Im glad to see that the 76ers organization is going to bat for JoJo and that those allegations were old news revisited and that JoJo is working hard to get back on the court. He should know that his Jayhawk Nation is behind him the whole way.
“Embiid attitude questioned by S.I.: Former KU forward Joel Embiid of the Philadelphia 76ers has been accused of having a questionable attitude in his recovery from foot surgery that sidelined him his rookie season.” --Larry Urinal Planet
Gee, what a coincidence. At the very same time that Embiid’s attitude is reputedly questioned by S.I., S.I.'s attitude is reputedly questioned by fans that wonder if S.I. were trying to protect its advertising revenue stream with Nike by questioning adidas-contracted Embiid’s attitude.
Dang! Its flipping amazing the coincidences in life sometimes. Just amazin’.
Also, I want to praise the architect that did on the outside. He found the building vocabulary of AFH and translated it into a residential structure beautifully. Many may find it to understated, but to me it is just perfect. I love the materials and textures in the walls and roof over the entrance gives the building a memorable and functional look. Rock Chalk to the architect!!!
Ellis’ quote: “I didn’t see anything wrong with Jayhawk Towers” Classic! Way to go Perry!
@jaybate-1.0 Is everything a conspiracy?
What am I saying? of course it is.
@wissoxfan83 After they renovated the Towers (I lived in building A the first year after renovations), they weren’t horrible. There was new carpet, new linoleum, new cabinets, new beds, and new lighting fixtures. Only thing they didn’t replace were the stoves which were still old looking and really small. They obviously weren’t anywhere near as nice as McCarthy, but they were a lot better than before the renovations.
I lived in the Towers when they were still private and at the time they were consider very nice. I understand that after the remodel they were even nicer and much better than those in other schools. I am not surprised Perry did not have a problem with them.
I understand that the new digs run about 10K per year…