Embedding pictures
I wonder if the site supports embedding pictures and video. Would the pictures (from a source outside of this site) cause this site to incur traffic?
By the way, I made sure I’m posting in Bugs/Requests this time.
Hi, @Approxinifity. It appears the site put the new topic in the wrong bucket. I made sure of where I was, and it showed up in the correct bucket after Submit, but when I navigated to the BBall News, my post showed up here.
Also when I tried to reply to my post, it wouldn’t respond until I reloaded the page. I’m using the current version of Firefox.
@wishawk Funny I’m seeing you in BBall News Stories. You must be a real fanatic.
@Careful, Thanks for making me feel better. And I do already.
Where did the smileys go when I needed them?
@wishawk Here is a picture from Bleacher Report from the GQ article on Wiggins. Try and see if you can open it. Copy and paste maybe? (http://bleacherreport.com/tb/dbzjn?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=kansas-jayhawks-basketball)
Right click on the link and select open in new tab and you will keep your current page and the article will open in a new tab.
@RockChalkinTexas Yea, I can open the page. But I was thinking about having the picture display inline with the post.
And I’d love to have that skeleton for my Halloween costume. The kid can use some meat. LOL
“You can use markdown to display images inline.”
yes, but you are just displaying someone else’s image and making it appear as part of this site. It’s the same as copying the content of a web page and pasting it here. There are copyright issues.
I’m not sure… is it, since technically its being served to the browser from the other site without ever having been on this site? I don’t know the legal line here.
“There are copyright issues.”
Another thing, my son did that on one of his early sites and the original site substituted porn pics. Son immediately torpedoed entire site.
@baris. Thanks and that’s awesome!
I think this will be useful when we want to share our own photos. If Approx doesn’t like our photos, he can always remove the posts or do whatever necessary. There are plenty of free photo hosting sites, such as www.flickr.com, photobucket.com, or http://picasaweb.google.com. And we don’t have to “borrow” others’ copy righted material.
By the way Paris, I was in Metz, France this summer and met a fellow Jayhawk there. Neither one of us were wearing any ku gear, just sitting at the next table during lunch but we figured it out. One of my favorite Jayhawk stories.
@wishawk I don’t think it’s really a big deal about the content in posts. I like the approach of using hosting sites and then linking for your stuff in a post that makes more sense than having to upload or send to me. I think I am more concerned about what images we use for the site of we add pics into our layout. I’m stoked we can embed images in posts. Will have to read up on markdown syntax in like @baris provided.
One other thing @approxinfinity can do is enable “drag and drop” image uploading, which NodeBB has bundled with every installation.
He needs to just register an “imgur” key, and whenever you drag and drop images into your post create/reply box, it will automatically get uploaded to imgur, no fuss, no muss.
Something to consider
p.s. Drag 'n drop image uploading also handles the image embed syntax, too! Bonus!
Wow, that’s pretty badass. Alright, i’ll do that!
So… I think the image is then publicly available on imgur site when you do this… I thought it would show up in the gallery of the account I created but it didnt… https://kubuckets.imgur.com/
But, that being said, as long as you dont care where the image goes, drag and drop is on, but it didnt work for me in Chrome, just Firefox.
EDIT Does work in Chrome after all.
Errrhrmm… You’re right! I stand corrected.
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