Nice Cain doesn’t have to run hard on that leg.
Where’s brooks?
They ain’t getting cheated on their swings so far
@Crimsonorblue22 Prob still in bed-LOL
@globaljaybird u guys enjoy torturing each other!!
@globaljaybird probably doing the dishes or picking berries.
@Crimsonorblue22 Just walked out & grabbed some plums myself…
see if Rios can swipe a base now…
DAMN again-Cuthbert with a triple & 4-0 lead…
see if Dyson can make it 5-0 yeaaaaah !!
Just showed film of the Willie Mays catch in the World Series…damn Dyson made a helluva play…make sure you see the hilites tonite
Ventura 3 shut out innings / 30 pitches. Very efficient…
@globaljaybird had a phone call behind
Am I alone? I’m still behind
Nobody said anything in almost 40 minutes. Y’all sleeping? Took some me time and went out to the range to listen to “bink” as lead hit the plate. See you guys didn’t need me.
@brooksmd scary top of 5! Glad u r here!
@brooksmd I had to help a friend w/directions. U should be dying laughing at that thought!!
Esky! Get that glove down!
Salvy!!! Great job!
@Crimsonorblue22 The one who gets lost in a round-about giving somebody directions. I can just imagine that conversation.
Was that ball in left fair?
@Crimsonorblue22 Which one?
@brooksmd same way too. There’s a detour around Marion she was asking me about. I’m an expert now!! Pat on back!
@brooksmd Dyson needs an anchor or drag chute to throw out once his fingers touch the bag so he don’t slide over it.
Dat speed
@brooksmd talking to yourself again?
@Crimsonorblue22 Have they figured out when KU plays and is it televised?
@Crimsonorblue22 Sometimes I’m the only one who listens to me.
Fri 10 pm on espnu. I think we are guaranteed 8 games so continue if we lose? Not positive. I know Russia beat canada and if we get by first we could play them. If they win too
@Crimsonorblue22 That gives them a little recovery time.
Sister sent this, they r there
@Crimsonorblue22 Cute
@brooksmd guess I’m not the only one jilted!
We have enough to finish game?
@Crimsonorblue22 Enough what? I was making appt for wife’s car. A/C been broke over a month and she’s finally decided she needs it fixed.
@brooksmd Cain got thrown for arguing bad call. Paulo in left now
@Crimsonorblue22 Push comes to shove we can put relief pitchers in outfield.
@brooksmd awesome rookie!! I’ve heard them talk about jguts out there.
@Crimsonorblue22 Cuthbert gonna be a good ballplayer. Seen him make some good plays at 3rd.
@brooksmd dang rios, hesitated. I like him though
@brooksmd and hitting decent!
And… And decent speed
@brooksmd I’m behind! Had to get apt in wichita for tooth! Wow esky! Just saw it. All star
@brooksmd is the rooks name chesler? Heard that before ?
@brooksmd Glad ya’ll could bring this one home without more help-had to make a run to town & just got back. We gave ya a 4 run spot…
@globaljaybird I appreciated that. Took some me time and went to the range. For working out there we can use it during the week when it’s closed. Had the whole place to myself.
I thought you guys would like this picture…
@JayHawkFanToo pretty cool!!