Royals place Ventura on 15 day DL today-that makes 3 starters on the lam now…JGuts, Volquez & Young have to hold down the division lead while these guys get healed, Ned said if it was late in the season that Vargas & probably Duffy both would be pitching through their recoveries albeit a few innings at a time, maybe even from the pen. Not many teams have the depth to do what KC is doing with their bullpen & rotation right now. As for Ace…time will tell about the fluid around the ulnar nerves. Don’t think they need to take chances with any of the arms on the DL. far as many are concerned, Moore has built a Mercedes out of the scrap heap. Then again, is obvious that some rats are only concerned that there is a lack of hoops threads & like to bag those who post MLB threads in Gen Discussion. Don’t fret. it’s OK to disagree, but several of us need that “live game fix” & will try not to use too much bandwidth so KU hoops & other sports get their due. After all, RCJH in FIVE MORE DAYS at Sprint…& I’ll yes sir, I’ll be there !!
@globaljaybird @Crimsonorblue22 on da mower so she probably missed sexy Esky with his leadoff 2 bagger.
@globaljaybird Well the way I look at it, if it makes them unhappy, there is always the other site. There’s alot of posts I’m not interested in and like tv, there are other channels.
@Crimsonorblue22 Did you miss big stick’s double too?
Run dem bags boys.
Gotta get 2 outs to score.
@brooksmd Squall line movin thru maybe a short rain delay comin…2-0 after one brooks, we’ll hold it down till she gets back. Am in the shop priming shutters…oh boy.
@globaljaybird Guts looks to have his stuff tonite.
@globaljaybird Just looked at map and appears it’s about through the area so don’t expect any problem.
Gotta love Royal BB when they playing their game.
@Crimsonorblue22 To bring you up to date. With 2 out in the 2nd, Esky gets an infield hit, steals 2nd on first pitch to Moose, who then singles to RF scoring Esky. Cain lines out to LF on a super laid out flying catch. No doubt an ESPN POTD catch by the Brewer left fielder.
@brooksmd but we r 3?
@Crimsonorblue22 Yeah, 2 in the 1st after 2 outs. Esky led off with a double and Hos scored him with a double. Hos scored on Morales single.
@brooksmd to much Pete rose!
@Crimsonorblue22 Check scoring in 1st. Esky scored on sac fly by Cain.
Don’t mind Gordo out at the plate. Be aggressive.
@brooksmd at least j guts is doing well!
@brooksmd miss our announcers! So do A-roids hits all count? Cheater!
Guess not
@Crimsonorblue22 nice hit sexy esky!
3 for 3…that boosts the avg…
Careless base running. Brewers bad but can’t screw around or ya get busted …
@globaljaybird heard thong wearer did not reclassify. Good thing for him!
Just for the record, I don’t think esky is sexy, myself. Somebody else gave him that name. He’s ok though!!
@Crimsonorblue22 I thought you gave him the sexy handle.
Well boys, gotta get s’more now to cover Guts.
@Crimsonorblue22 Thong-wearer? Cute.
Can’t play around wit these guys-need to put em away for good. Jguts ain exactly Don Drysdale. Important inning comin up with the heart of the order comin up. Can you say MOOSE !!!
Automated spell suggestion can be an editing pain in the butt…
@globaljaybird u talkin thong? I did that on purpose
@Crimsonorblue22 Who’s up now girl?
Cain on first moose on 2 big stick up
Ha ha big stick up
LSU-TCU tied 3 all in 4th. Loser goes home. LSU SS just made an Esky putout going to the left side of 2nd, 360 spin and throw to 1st. BTW, he was 2nd overall pick in the draft.
@brooksmd impressive!
Bummer dp.
@globaljaybird dble play, bummer! R u not watching?
Got the first & last letters right anyway-DP…
Guess I need to cast my votes, huh?
Ok, I done my civic duty.
@brooksmd good I did it all at once!
@Crimsonorblue22 u see what Pablo Sandoval did? Not sure how long he has to sit.
@Crimsonorblue22 Loved the t-shirt.
Sandoval = stupid Keep your head in the game.
Let’s go Royals,
Big Stick Hos bunts.
@brooksmd u are ahead of me, tiny bit. Missed shirt???
We don’t suck anymore?
When they asked Pete
who would he want to be now, didn’t he say Zach Harper?
Crap. TCU 6 LSU 3 after 5.
@brooksmd I thought u were for tcu