Clev vs Royals - Gm 2
Hey, we’ll trade last nite’s blown call for Moose being safe at home. Only fair.
@brooksmd I missed it, moose, what happened?
Big stick!! Rio just peed on carpet!
@Crimsonorblue22 Dere’s yur boy Big Stick.
@brooksmd finally some hits!!
@Crimsonorblue22 Esky led off with a single and went to 3rd on Moose’s base hit. Cain went deep to right field corner scoring Esky and Moose out at the plate. Cain at 3rd. Hos doubled off left field fence scoring Cain.
@brooksmd Dat’s da Royals bats at work.
@brooksmd With wife being gone next 4 days with ANG, if I didn’t have 3 critters I’d go visit sisters in Topeka. Especially with Royals in town.
@brooksmd so moose was out at plate?
KC will be in Houston later this month. Think it’s M-T-W games.
@brooksmd my bro lives In Houston.
@Crimsonorblue22 Yep. That’s why I said they owe us from last nite so we’ll take that run.
@brooksmd confusing! They owe us so I thought he was safe.
@brooksmd drop the critters off here, maybe they could teach rio how to potty outside
@Crimsonorblue22 It’s tough to keep up with a pup. Was so thrilled Rascal came made to order. He’s not gotten me up out of bed at night since the 2nd night he’s been with us. He’s only had 2 accidents in 7 months-once after eating the entire stick of Christmas cookie butter & the other when I left him out of the kennel for a test while leaving the house for about 20 min. If I go out to mow & stay out without coming in to talk to him he’ll get anxious & grab some banana bread or donuts, but as spunky & as wild as he can rough house, he’s really usually very much under control - for an 80 pounder.
@Crimsonorblue22 You’d be chasing Rio and our grandma daschund.
@globaljaybird he’s such a cool dog!
@Crimsonorblue22 @globaljaybird Since you 2 are in Royals country I assume you saw the apology and explanation from MLB on their screwup last nite.
Excellent dp by the R’s.
If the replay officials can’t see all the replays, then the on field umps should be able to reverse the call.
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks. Will post a link of some cute Boxer pics I got today. The one of the Boxer standing on his head with his butt in the air is a trick Rascal pulls all the time. Just sooooooo danm cute. He really is tons of fun.
@brooksmd read they admitted it
@globaljaybird ahhhh! Perfect for you!!
@globaljaybird I bet brooks can do that too!
@Crimsonorblue22 Easy after a few Crown 75th’s.
@brooksmd are you damn cute while doing it though? Sure glad nobody else comes here!
@Crimsonorblue22 June 21st.
@Crimsonorblue22 ABSOLUTELY!
@brooksmd what?
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m sure you’d laugh.
@brooksmd June 21?
Hoz is awesome!!
@Crimsonorblue22 Subscription runs out. I think I may try for the season pass if they have it adjusted for partial year. The lady I talked to said the discount would apply to it also. Should’ve done that from the beginning but wanted to try a month to see how it worked.
@brooksmd gives us something to do!
@Crimsonorblue22 We may still be able to pose but gravity might be really hard to overcome once in the position -LOL…
@globaljaybird Yeah, #9, I’ve been in that position before. So I’ve been told.
I bet salvy drives the coaches nuts while on the bench.
Big stick has SOFT hands! That’s what announcer said, not me!!
@brooksmd tmi!
@jsillyghawk Hey don’t just hide in the shadows, say hello. We don’t bite. Well, not sure about @Crimsonorblue22 , but the rest of us are ok.
@Crimsonorblue22 Big Stick and his soft hands again.
Time for some
, chips and guac.
@brooksmd but we r extremely weird!
@brooksmd how do u make your guacamole?
@Crimsonorblue22 Avacado’s, finely chopped onions and tomatoes. Minced garlic and some heat.
@brooksmd Speakin of heat-here’s Hererra…
@globaljaybird YeeHaaaa! Love heat.
triple digits…wow!!!
@brooksmd bout the same, I use the salsa I’ve canned, plus garlic salt, red crushed peppers, and a squirt of lemon or lime. It’s really good.
pat on my back
Nice play! Sexy esky!! Wow! Bout the same play we were screwed on last pm!