So you think things are better huh ?

  • Anyone thinking things are getting better? People just thinking this COVID gonna " poof away " right ?

    Well here is just a little FYI for those people, but to those people this won’t matter - - they will still think things are ok - -just ignore.

    In the State of California they are the 1st State to record 2 Million confirmed COVID infections. you need to see that number again ? - - TWO MILLION ! ! ! ! - -How about this - - - -let this sink in it’s call cold hard reality. - - The 1st COVID confirmed case in California was reported on Jan25th it took - – - 292 days to reach a Million cases , then it took 44 days - - let me say this again FORTY FOUR DAYS to go from ONE MILLION cases to TWO MILLION cases of confirmed COVID infections .

    They say " we are in a very difficult situation right now - - why? - -well will tell you why " People are JUST NOT PAYING ATTENTION to public health guidelines they say. The virus has taken more then 327,000 lives in the US with over 3,000 deaths per day repeatedely recorded over the past two weeks.

    In California alone they have recorded more then 23,000 COVID deaths. California’s confirmed COVID infection rate case per 100,000 people is lower that’s true then the US average BUT it’s nearly 40 Million residents means the outbreaks out paces that of other states by shear numbers more then 18,000 people in California are in the hospitals and many intensive care are full - - maxed out.

    Another discourgaging thing is the vaccine they were hoping to have 20 Million vaccinated and to this point they only have 1.1 million done. - -Nurses are exhausted, and terrified of what’s next , and Angry at those who just ignore Nurse saying " I just wish People could walk down our ward - - JUST ONCE walk down the ward and look at the faces of some of these patients

    But what I say to some is this. Go ahead you just keep on doing what your doing Sparky, you just keep that I’ll show them attitude they ain’t making me do shit - -ya you just keep that train of thought - -ya get some atta boys for that because you a PROUD MAN nobody telling me nothing approach , I won’t catch this - - -that’s exactly why we are where were at and you PISS me off, you may want to die - - but I sure the hell don’t - -not right now and it’s people like you that is making this twice as hard as it needs to be. - - wear the dam mask - -wash your friken hands - -and Social distance dip shit – I’m sick and tired of people who let their pride & ego get in front of their own fricken feet - Dam how hard is it to just cooperate in this virus

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  • My oldest son and his wife tested positive today. Ugh! They left for Co. Christmas Day with their lil ones, thankfully they were neg. As of last pm, they’ve just lost their sense of taste. I was hoping they would head back before the snow in case they get sick. Who would take care of the kids? We, my boys and the rest of my family had to go to my uncles funeral last tues. we went separately and social distanced in the church. We had n 95 masks on. 🤮

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Wishing your son and his wife well. Better times ahead, I hope.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in So you think things are better huh ?:

    My oldest son and his wife tested positive today. Ugh! They left for Co. Christmas Day with their lil ones, thankfully they were neg. As of last pm, they’ve just lost their sense of taste. I was hoping they would head back before the snow in case they get sick. Who would take care of the kids? We, my boys and the rest of my family had to go to my uncles funeral last tues. we went separately and social distanced in the church. We had n 95 masks on. 🤮

    putting in my prayers for your family & hope for the best that things get better soon, sad to hear. This dang thing just doesn’t quit.- - i know one of the top officials has said they think it will be towards the end of 2021 before we can get back to any kind of normal.

  • Just had two family members test positive…

  • @BShark said in So you think things are better huh ?:

    Just had two family members test positive…

    Dam , hoping for the best for them buddy. - -Heard today that things are so bad in California now , they have been reporting up to 600 cases an hour - -that’s past insane. - -pray things be ok your your loved ones

  • @BShark young?

  • Well dam - - THIS is for sure NOT GOOD OMG. - just read that this NEW strain of the COVID they have been talking about in the UK – -well , we just found out that this strain has found it’s way to the US. - - DAMMIT

    Scientists express world wide concern , as this strain is a lot more easily spread - -it is believed that it is not as deadly but A LOT more contagious.

    Of course this 1st case of this just so happens to be close to Kansans - - the guy is in Colorado. GREAT. Another scary part is - -the guy had no travel History , which means now they are trying to figure out in contact tracing. - - Bottom line is - - someone else had this crap and this guy caught it. - -Guy is in his 20’s they have him isolated this is in Elbert County - -it is offically called COVID 19 variant B 1.1.7 -this strain has where several European countries restricting travelfrom the UK

    Bottom line THIS is not good, we sure the hell didn’t need this kind of news - -mercy.

  • My son w/covid is heading back to Lawrence tmrw. His wife’s symptoms so far, a bad cold. No more headaches, still no taste or smell. I pray things don’t get worse, I hear so many are up and down quickly. Kids are ok. I read to much. Scared mom! My other son is getting the vaccine thurs. thankful for that.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in So you think things are better huh ?:

    @BShark young?


    My aunt in her 70s that is obese survived this…just seems be kinda be luck of the draw…


    Epidemiology experts said the most important aspect of preparedness costs nothing at all — calm.

    Wash your hands regularly. Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze. And when you’re sick, stay home from work or school and drink lots of fluids.

    Not too complicated.

  • This is a wild ass thread full of US news sources (CNN Wapo etc) saying not to wear masks (with links to articles and tweets from official accts), don’t wonder why people ended up confused. Frustrating!

  • @BShark that makes me angry all over again.

  • The no masks at the beginning was always to help supply our drs and nurses. Which right or wrong, there wasn’t enough for them anyway! Our hutch Ks Dr Bright tried to warn them in Jan. We needed to order all this ppe and start on a vaccine. Because he was a whistleblower he was demoted to a menial job. He’s now on Biden’s team!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in So you think things are better huh ?:

    The no masks at the beginning was always to help supply our drs and nurses. Which right or wrong, there wasn’t enough for them anyway! Our hutch Ks Dr Bright tried to warn them in Jan. We needed to order all this ppe and start on a vaccine. Because he was a whistleblower he was demoted to a menial job. He’s now on Biden’s team!

    I think this isnt exactly the truth either. It wasn’t about helping supply masks to doctors. Because the government denied sale of PPE to non medical people regardless. This was a f—ed up misinformation campaign designed to keep the public in the dark in order to prevent mass hysteria and civil unrest. In short, the government did not trust the people, so they lied to us.

    The government does not trust the people. The people do not trust the government.

    In my mind, this isn’t too much different than putting chemicals in the water to treat COVID without us knowing.

    The lasting effects of our governments misinformation campaign used on its own people will unnecessarily cost us hundreds of thousands of lives.

  • @approxinfinity Ding ding ding. Makes it hard for some people to trust experts. Need to actually take the time to think critically for yourself. I’ve been taking this seriously from the start. Making sure to be wash hands and whatnot. But I believe I mentioned this before I’ve been taking viruses and such more seriously since 2017 when I got a really bad one that had me on my ass. Until this year when I got sick after a dental appointment (I think something fell on the floor and they didn’t wipe it down…) I hadn’t got so much as a cold in between.

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