Is this website a joke?
Would I want someone who doesnt act his age (77) like Biden, or have bullshit baggage? Of course. Is Biden better than Trump? Of course.
I watched your video. It’s what I assumed. Biden had his “senior moments” on the campaign circuit and when debating 9 other candidates in a free-for-all. He also kicked Bernie’s ass in a 1-on-1 debate, or at the least, gave very compelling evidence that the claims of his mental demise are highly overstated. Don’t believe the hype.
I don’t expect Biden to be the kind of President that wanders the country searching for love at giant rallies. He isn’t good at this, and it doesn’t matter. I expect him to focus on priorities, take his duties to his country to be his only job, and delegate effectively.
It’s always good to discuss politics among “friends”.
@nuleafjhawk Well, I’m assuming @DoubleDD likes to drink, find alt-right media enforcing his bias, and then post it on here at 2am, 3am and 4am by himself. So I give him the benefit of the doubt when he’s nonsensical and combative. It’s his way of reaching out.
I’m just speaking from experience in a past life of mine. I drank all night and talked to people online all night for a stretch earlier in my life.
Maybe I’ve got it all wrong. Tell me to F right off if you want, and I can take it. Everyone is different. Just being honest with my assumption and experience.
Discussion matters always.
The issue with politics these days is no center. People like me that don’t give a rip about politics and KNOW that every last one of the goons are only about personal gain. No one runs for office to help the people IMO. The Trumpsters think everything he does is great and can’t be debated. The Democrats thought Obama was a savior and did nothing wrong. I’m a middle class working American, very very little changed in my life from Bush to Obama to Trump. These people are con artists they will say anything to get elected. Look at the amount of wealth of the Bush family, the Obama family and the Clinton Family. All made millions while in politics, I believe it was Teddy Roosevelt that said “You can’t get rich in politics, unless you’re a crook”. I see a lot of people getting filthy rich on both sides. Learn to give and take, maybe who you voted for wasn’t perfect. We don’t have to identify with whom we voted for 4 years.
@kjayhawks the good ones are few and far between but do exist. I talk to one (a state level congressman from another state) and it’s hard to stay positive when you see the corruption directly.
@kjayhawk Teddy Roosevelt’s net worth is 4th highest of all presidents.
Not an exact science. I’m living under the [assumption/delusion] that Thomas Jefferson was not corrupt.
Also, it’s a little unrealistic to assume that being the president won’t profit a person financially. I’d guess that all of these people, if they were competent presidents, could have been doing other things making as much money.
I do think its important that a sitting elected official doesn’t violate the emoluments clause while in office. After that, I’m not as hardnosed.
@approxinfinity there is definitely some truth to that. But my comment isn’t limited to just presidents. Look at Bernie for instance, blows and goes about rich people being the issue. The dude has 2 vacation homes. I know one person with a single vacation home.
@kjayhawks well… You have a point. I don’t know if most politicians are deeply corrupt so much as they are out of touch with what paycheck to paycheck (or near paycheck to paycheck) life is like for the vast majority of Americans. I mean Bernie campaigns on working for the little people. I think he’s aware of the problems and genuinely wants to help. He just doesn’t have to live in poverty himself. I don’t think that makes him a hypocrite. But it may mean that if his ideas wreak havoc ultimately it’s not him feeling the burn (pun intended).
@approxinfinity haha, agree to disagree on the hypocritical part. Both parties are very hypocritical at this point. I’d give the edge to the Democrats personally. I just laugh and laugh at their rhetoric “Rich old White people are bad!!, They are causing all these problems!!”. Not only is that racist and would be called it if it were any other race. But the last two elections they’ve hammered this all while telling us to vote for their old rich white people. Most of which haven’t worked a day in their lives. It’s just amazing how people these days on both sides can be so brain washed. They need average working men and women in government. They actually have done budgeting successfully and have an idea of what Americans need.
@kjayhawks I think there is a dangerous fallacy of “both sides are equally bad” being bandied about a lot. Both parties have their problems, but in terms of overall corruption of the elected officials for each party, I don’t think it’s close right now. You may be right that the Democratic elected officials are the bigger hypocrites, in that they are operating with the old playbook of over-promise and under-deliver (in part because they are getting stonewalled on every single thing by a Republican majority), whereas Republican elected officials are doing whatever they want, then lying as to what is actually happening, and convincing a hypnotized base that the sky is purple and the sea is red.
As for this:
I just laugh and laugh at their rhetoric “Rich old White people are bad!!, They are causing all these problems!!”. Not only is that racist and would be called it if it were any other race. But the last two elections they’ve hammered this all while telling us to vote for their old rich white people.
Clearly, there are enough people that voted in the Democratic primaries for those “rich old white people” that they don’t think they are bad. I think Biden and his wife are worth around $9 million and Bernie is worth around $2 million. I don’t consider that extreme generational wealth. That is not $3.1 billion (Trump), and it’s not $58 billion (Bloomberg). Those numbers are a much much bigger abstraction from reality.
They need average working men and women in government. They actually have done budgeting successfully and have an idea of what Americans need.
I agree that we need people grounded in reality. But I think there is something to be said for politics as a trade and having the skills necessary to be a politician. They also have to be good with people. I don’t know how you get the right people in office, but I’d love to see it happen.
@approxinfinity it’s a coin flip for me but that’s why I vote independent usually. The trouble I have is 90% of the issues in this county have lingering for decades. Both teams parties have had control and crapped themselves. If you have more money than 75% of the population I’d consider you rich, that could be argued right or wrong. Just the way I see it. The last decent president we had was JFK and he was shot more than likely because he was going fix a lot of stuff IMO.
@approxinfinity I’ll add that it’s a little shady with the decades that Nancy and Chuck have been around but their just now complaining about stuff they should’ve lobbied about years ago. They also have said the exact opposite of what they are saying now several times.
@approxinfinity so I’m a middle aged alcoholic the stays up till four in the morning to post stuff? Um did you ever consider that maybe I work on call? I don’t have days off I live be by the phone I go to work when I’m called. I can go to work at 4 AM in the morning and go to work at 4 PM in the afternoon.
@nuleafjhawk are we friends on this website? I’ve been nothing but nice and cordial, yet for some reason as I think Trump is a good president I’ve been called a A homophobe and a middle-aged alcoholic that stays up all the night to post stuff. Also I was mocked for asking if the governor of Kansas had banned alcohol sales as I heard it on the radio station coming home from work. I did my research I couldn’t find nothing so I asked the members of this board who some live in Kansas. Yet somehow I’m a fool.
I know this is KU topic website, yet @approxinfinity wants to talk politics. Okay let’s talk politics, but be fair. That’s all I’m asking.
I can hate republicans just as much as I hate Democrats. Yet the double standard on this website is just crazy. You know if you’re going to hold a republican president to a certain standard then hold your Democratic president to the same standards.
Why is it on this website there’s only certain news outlets that you can get your information and it’s true. And yet somehow I’m close minded?
Why is it when a liberal on this website can’t put forth a good argument wants to start name calling? I have been called a homophobe and a middle-age alcoholic all within the last two weeks.
How can the members the liberal members blast Trump when they want to elect a Manchurian president? @approxinfinity i’m not Hating on a Biden. He is losing his mind from old age or whatever. The guy can’t remember where he’s at or what he saying. It’s so bad he can’t even read his notes or a Teleprompter. Do you care about voting the best person in as president or do you care about just getting a president with a D beside their name?
In closing, I like being here and talking with fellow Jayhawkers. Whether you believe it or not I read your posts I try to learn because I know I don’t have all the answers. But when you guys bash Trump for everything and then tout Biden as a savior with a straight face? Wow.
I’ll be more than happy to leave the website if that Will make you happy. just give me the word
Just don’t pull my chain. Don’t tell me you want a fair and balanced conversation about the issues effecting our lives, only to mock me With name calling. Ever notice you don’t have many opposing views? Wonder why?
@DoubleDD Well ok.
You’re frequently combative and insulting. You ignore posts that don’t fit your narrative. You’re civil when it appears you’re trying to prove how civil you are. Most people have been far more patient with you than I have. You know, the people you call Democrats who have all stated that they are Republicans or Libertarians. But they being Democrats fits your narrative, so Democrats they are, right?
There are many different views on this site. As far as “opposing views” well, I guess thats you, because you don’t want a conversation, you want a fight.
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
I’ve been attacked relentlessly because I think Trump is a good president. Yet these same think Biden will be a great president. Huh?
I don’t think Biden will be great by any stretch, but it’s definitely not fair to splice together a bunch of clips of verbal miscues. You could do the same for my lectures over the years and think old Farmer has advanced dementia before he reached 30
@approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:
@DoubleDD Well ok.
You’re frequently combative and insulting. You ignore posts that don’t fit your narrative. You appear to be civil when it appears you’re trying to prove how civil you are. Most people have been far more patient with you than me. You know, the people you call Democrats who have all stated that they are Republicans or Libertarians. But they being Democrats fits your narrative, so Democrats they are, right?
Where have ive been insulting? You know before I was insulted?
@FarmerJayhawk said in Is this website a joke?:
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
I’ve been attacked relentlessly because I think Trump is a good president. Yet these same think Biden will be a great president. Huh?
I don’t think Biden will be great by any stretch, but it’s definitely not fair to splice together a bunch of clips of verbal miscues. You could do the same for my lectures over the years and think old Farmer has advanced dementia before he reached 30
I respect you @FarmerJayhawk as you will engage in a debate without personal attacks. Nothing but respect
Come on @approxinfinity prove me wrong? Or is it okay to to bash conservatives? Is this the world you envision?
I mean anybody can challenge my claims. Call me whatever. Yet if I respond I’m the one being a dick?
You called me a middle-age alcohol and you don’t even know me? If this is your politics are your view of the future yeah count me out
Just curious if Biden wins the election who will be the actually president? You’re all talking good game but you want to elect a fAke President. Everybody knows Biden won’t be pulling the strings. Will it be Nancy? Or Chuck? Ever think that maybe us deplorable‘s don’t wanna world were gay man can walk around in a gay parade butt naked or are citizens just taking a crap out in the open on the sidewalk?
Not a homophobe just don’t think men should be walking around in a gay parade with their junk hanging out so little kids can see it but I know somehow I’m wrong. I’m sorry maybe you are into that.
Now that was a insult. See the difference?
Actually had a debate with a flamer from sf . Learned a lot from him. Actually a good guy, very truthful.
The point I’m trying to make? You just want to beat Trump. It doesn’t matter what’s best for our country. As long as the next president as a d beside their name. Damn the consequences
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
You called me a middle-age alcohol and you don’t even know me? If this is your politics are your view of the future yeah count me out
I assume you like to drink at night because that would be logical. I never said that you’re middle aged. I didn’t want to be too presumptuous.
Do you know alcohol sales went up 55% in the US the third week of March?
@approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
You called me a middle-age alcohol and you don’t even know me? If this is your politics are your view of the future yeah count me out
I assume you like to drink at night because that would be logical. I never said that you’re middle aged. I didn’t want to be too presumptuous.
Do you know alcohol sales went up 55% in the US the third week of March?
You made presumptions. I could tell your some stories but you wouldn’t care. Crazy I like you, even though I know you have an agenda.
@DoubleDD actually i would love to hear stories. Stories would be way more interesting and productive than us discussing ideology I think.
@DoubleDD We should be friends here.
First of all, you will notice (or now you can notice) that I’m not in on the politics conversations. I am 100% ignorant on politics. If I’ve ever called you a name ( and I’m pretty sure I have not), I sincerely apologize.
But, the points you make are why I would discourage political talk on this board. It’s a no win situation. You can not win, so why talk about it. There are Republicans and Democrats alike that would vote for Satan himself because he was Republican or Democrat.
As far as Donald Trump goes - I didn’t like him before he was president. I thought he was an arrogant, pompous ass. My opinion of him hasn’t changed, but if you like him - so what? You may know or recognize a lot of things about him that I don’t see. (Especially since I’m so politically ignorant)
Just don’t let it get to you, brother. Know before you start that if you’re talking about politics or religion it’s not going to end pretty.
This Op Ed was reprinted in the KC Star last week. I thought it was enlightening. (about Biden’s stuttering and how it effects the way he talks/communicates).
@DanR I saw him last pm on a late pm show. He was talking about how he like poems and reciting them helps him w/stuttering, the cadence.
@DanR Thanks for posting the link to that article. I agree that it is very enlightening. I’ve long admired Joe Biden and I hate hearing him accused of having dementia or being senile.
@nuleafjhawk said in Is this website a joke?:
@DoubleDD We should be friends here.
First of all, you will notice (or now you can notice) that I’m not in on the politics conversations. I am 100% ignorant on politics. If I’ve ever called you a name ( and I’m pretty sure I have not), I sincerely apologize.
But, the points you make are why I would discourage political talk on this board. It’s a no win situation. You can not win, so why talk about it. There are Republicans and Democrats alike that would vote for Satan himself because he was Republican or Democrat.
As far as Donald Trump goes - I didn’t like him before he was president. I thought he was an arrogant, pompous ass. My opinion of him hasn’t changed, but if you like him - so what? You may know or recognize a lot of things about him that I don’t see. (Especially since I’m so politically ignorant)
Just don’t let it get to you, brother. Know before you start that if you’re talking about politics or religion it’s not going to end pretty.
I respect you as you are respectful. One of my favorite posters. I do enjoy you’re work.
The problem isn’t talking politics, it’s about being fair. What I’m to to think when posters hold a rep president to a different standard than a president that has a D beside their name? What that they are my friends?
I like realism. Love doing what is best for our country. Yet so many here want to blame Trump for the Coronavirus, yet completely looked the other way when it came to the h1n1 with Obama.
This is why I voted against mitt Romney, and voted for Obama. What man can leave a dog tied up to a bumper of his car and drive down the road yet will be coherent enough to lead the greatest nation on earth. A man that is willing to spend money on a deck so you can stand on top of it until his employees he’s letting them go?
I have been fair I’ve tried to talk to issues but because I’m a Trump guy or person I’m just bad. There’s no discussions there is no meeting of the minds. It’s mocking, laughing, and name calling.
I’ve called nobody any names. Just to try to talk the issues. That doesn’t seem like talking politics to me? And what is that ? the same people are going to vote biden. The guy doesn’t know he’s talking to you. He got confused who is sister was and wife wife. This isn’t a flub this is a man losing his mind. It is saying people are going to sit here and tell me that Trump isn’t worthy to be president but they’re going to vote In a Manchuria president.
Sorry @nuleafjhawk count me out.
@approxinfinity said in Is this website a joke?:
@DoubleDD actually i would love to hear stories. Stories would be way more interesting and productive than us discussing ideology I think.
Actually I think you are closer to your Ideology than you think. Everybody’s worried about the coronavirus yet nobody’s worried about what’s going to happen afterwards. This is a game changer I know you know what I’m saying.
So many sheep. I hope you are right.
@nuleafjhawk the Dem party had so many good candidates. Yet the liberal and Dem voters were so full of hate for Trump they gave us a man that is losing his mind. That’s not caring, that’s not love of country. That is extreme politics. Trying to grab power no matter what.
@approxinfinity what really upsets me is you. You come across as this person that is fair, and wants to hear the conversation. Yet I was called a homophobic and a middle aged alcoholic (by you) yet you do nothing. If I would have said half that, you would have messaged me personally and told me to cool my language.
You don’t want a conversation on the issues! You want people to agree with you. If a member doesn’t they face the rath of the posters.
Well I disagree with you. I vote for the best person. I can’t help it the DNC fixes their elections.
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
@nuleafjhawk said in Is this website a joke?:
@DoubleDD We should be friends here.
First of all, you will notice (or now you can notice) that I’m not in on the politics conversations. I am 100% ignorant on politics. If I’ve ever called you a name ( and I’m pretty sure I have not), I sincerely apologize.
But, the points you make are why I would discourage political talk on this board. It’s a no win situation. You can not win, so why talk about it. There are Republicans and Democrats alike that would vote for Satan himself because he was Republican or Democrat.
As far as Donald Trump goes - I didn’t like him before he was president. I thought he was an arrogant, pompous ass. My opinion of him hasn’t changed, but if you like him - so what? You may know or recognize a lot of things about him that I don’t see. (Especially since I’m so politically ignorant)
Just don’t let it get to you, brother. Know before you start that if you’re talking about politics or religion it’s not going to end pretty.
I respect you as you are respectful. One of my favorite posters. I do enjoy you’re work.
The problem isn’t talking politics, it’s about being fair. What I’m to to think when posters hold a rep president to a different standard than a president that has a D beside their name? What that they are my friends?
I like realism. Love doing what is best for our country. Yet so many here want to blame Trump for the Coronavirus, yet completely looked the other way when it came to the h1n1 with Obama.
This is why I voted against mitt Romney, and voted for Obama. What man can leave a dog tied up to a bumper of his car and drive down the road yet will be coherent enough to lead the greatest nation on earth. A man that is willing to spend money on a deck so you can stand on top of it until his employees he’s letting them go?
I have been fair I’ve tried to talk to issues but because I’m a Trump guy or person I’m just bad. There’s no discussions there is no meeting of the minds. It’s mocking, laughing, and name calling.
I’ve called nobody any names. Just to try to talk the issues. That doesn’t seem like talking politics to me? And what is that ? the same people are going to vote biden. The guy doesn’t know he’s talking to you. He got confused who is sister was and wife wife. This isn’t a flub this is a man losing his mind. It is saying people are going to sit here and tell me that Trump isn’t worthy to be president but they’re going to vote In a Manchuria president.
Sorry @nuleafjhawk count me out.
The Romney’s kept their dog in a windshield equipped crate on the top of their car, nowhere near the bumper. That dog was in less danger than my coyote dogs in a dog box. Shoot, my old mutt got car sick riding in the back seat of my car. Non-story and part of the absolute hatchet job the press did on Romney to protect Obama. Now Romney is the darling is the D’s since he voted to convict Trump.
@FarmerJayhawk you are truly my nemesis. Ty
If Do you believe in Wikipedia then you might like this?
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
If Do you believe in Wikipedia when you might like this?
Jives with my recollection! I’m a HUGE dog person (literally my dad and me had a greyhound operation back in the day. I fed, watered, and exercised at least a handful of greyhounds 365 days a year) and thought it was a non-story. I would never eat dog meat, but Pres. Obama tried it as a part of that culture and it is what it is. I’d never do it because of my own ethics but ¯_(ツ)_/¯. To each their own. But here in the States we really do need bans on domestic animal meat and ownership of exotic animals. Call it a soft spot for charismatic megafauna.
Yea I agree. Sadly this going to sound messed up. But here in America our poor are rich. They are able to get their hands on certain animals they have no knowledge of or right too.
I used to have a walker dog show up at my house everyday. It was like clock work. They would show up in the morning then I would call the farmer to come get his coyote hunter. You know I loved that dog. It was like we were good friends.
@FarmerJayhawk wasn’t Obama just a kid when he ate dog meat not sure? Lack of research. Sorry to night @approxinfinity is right middle aged man drinking some beers.
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
@FarmerJayhawk wasn’t Obama just a kid when he ate dog meat not sure? Lack of research. Sorry to night @approxinfinity is right middle aged man drinking some beers.
Yeah, I think so. I don’t blame him, we’re all the product of our upbringing to some extent. I’m a 20-something having a few! Hope you and approx work things out. I love the diversity of this board. Would gladly have beers with any poster here.
@DoubleDD said in Is this website a joke?:
@FarmerJayhawk wasn’t Obama just a kid when he ate dog meat not sure? Lack of research. Sorry to night @approxinfinity is right middle aged man drinking some beers.
Man. Does this guy even English?
It just amazes me how people still want to turn this virus into a Political thing at such a critical time in OUR Nation. - - Trump did not bring this virus to America, some people just still don’t get it,
you talk about a country divided - holy crap. Save the cheap shots at Trump for another time. THIS is not the time. we can talk LATER bout your almighty delegate who will save the Country - this about the virus and us coming together to make it through this
I mean if you feel the need to throw shots then do what you feel you need to do I guess what ever floats your boat. but you want to go that route just remember when Trump was on this back in January the other party led by the demon Pelosi was so set on impeachment , her and her little clan so wrapped up trying to find witness for impeachment they were so blind to actually what was coming - -Well NANCY you didn’t get the impeachment - wasn’t removed from office was he ? - his approval rating was at an all time high - and we thought Hilleary was a mess - Nancy makes her look like the Virgin Mary.
I’m NOT Republican - - I’m NOT Democrat, I vote for I feel is the lesser of the two evils , Govt is so corrupt, but this is not a time to see who can talk more smak then the other about who. - -Now is the time to focus of the plague the Corona Virus -dam we have to come together.
@jayballer73 saying “this is not the time to be political” is a political statement.
In fact, your whole post is political rhetoric.
Just another political attack vector. “Look at the other guy all angry about politics!”