Inner City "Culture"
@HighEliteMajor @approxinfinity very good points. I’ve lived in two places in my life, the inner city and in the middle of nowhere. First thing I’d do is close the liquor stores that are around every corner. These folks don’t need the temptation of spending money there. Secondly we need to stop putting people in jail for non violent crimes. The system is a joke and no one gets rehabilitated, the prisons want them back to make money. Nearly 80% of inner city kids live off of single parent income. That’s a major issue itself. Jobs, lots of jobs, think if LeBron James or one of these celebs that claim they care lobbied for NIKE or someone to put a plant there instead supporting oppression in China. There will always be some people living below the poverty line unfortunately but when the stuff we brought at the store was made in this country it paid dividends. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Conceal Carry stops shooting by thug -
Conceal carry stops robbery by thug -
Leftists don’t want us to be able to defend ourselves with our guns.
Why vote for Trump? Why can I vote for a guy that personally turns my stomach? One of the reasons - Because he won’t do that. Warren, Bernie, et. al. - they will.
Policy over personality.
38 shot last weekend in Chicago. No crimes committed by legal gun owners.
Outrageous. Felon. Should be in prison.
You know, someone else’s fault
Weird. Black rappers always seem to be in the middle of this stuff. And shot by their bruthas. Hard to fathom. Rock and rollers? Not so much.
Sick, perverted culture of violence. No morals. No parents. No faith to guide them.
New Orleans -
Toronto -
Jacksonville -
Detroit -
New York -
Good folks that want this to stop. Will anyone focus on the culture that melds this disrespect for life?
“Too many young people are losing and have lost their lives,” said Rayon Dansberry, a spokesperson for Hearts Of A Safe House, the organization that sponsored Friday’s march. “We are tired of seeing young black men and women lying dead in the streets of East St. Louis, Washington Park, Cahokia and surrounding communities.”
This quote can apply to every major inner city.
“We have to talk to the young people and we have to listen to what they have to say,” he said. “We have to show them love and teach them the importance of loving each other even though they are not birth brothers and sisters.”
Uh, culture change. Value life.
Odd, but the white kids in poor areas aren’t shooting each other at alarming rates. No roving white gangs.
Does anyone really care about these black deaths? Dems only use it to attack gun ownership. Republicans ignore it. Aren’t these lives equal to those in white suburbia?
It’s sickening.
This one made me particularly mad … amoral thug.
@HighEliteMajor the 38 people shot by unlawful gun owners is part of the reason I’m against gun control. We need to find out how to keep them outta the hands of some people but if the try to disarm everyone, only criminals will have them. The police ain’t gonna go to east St. Louis, Compton, South Chicago or Detroit to get these guns because they don’t have anywhere near the fire power. I live and graduated high school in a small town, most of guys had guns in our trucks during school to go bird hunting afterward. I’d say upwards of 90% of folks in this area own fire arms but shootings are pretty much non existent. Teaching kids not only the value of life but fire arm safety is needed.
Lovely St. Louis - a sampling highlighted today. Now I suppose there could be rogue suburban invaders that perpetrated these crimes. I’m kind of guessing not -
Look at the list above. Is this a “mass shooting”? This is horrific. Yet a gunman shooting 7, killing 3 at an art festival would get the national attention.
So I looked up art festival … found a shooting in NJ. 22 people shot. Gang dispute. June of 2018.
From 2003 - Quite the insight. Now it’s just how the inner city black culture molds its youth. We accept it. Racist if we challenge this garbage. It’s part of the culture that leads to disgusting acts of violence. Period.
“The attitude and style expressed in the hip-hop “identity” keeps blacks down. Almost all hip-hop, gangsta or not, is delivered with a cocky, confrontational cadence that is fast becoming—as attested to by the rowdies at KFC—a common speech style among young black males. Similarly, the arm-slinging, hand-hurling gestures of rap performers have made their way into many young blacks’ casual gesticulations, becoming integral to their self-expression.”
Major news … meanwhile see our inner cities.
Not a suburban custom.
Five shot and killed New Year’s day in St. Louis. More wounded.
Here’s a “culture” that is murderous, unlawful and amoral. But consider the degree. Lots of horrific acts by all sorts of people. The inner city violence is like an elephant and other areas like Hell’s Angels is like a rat. One has overwhelming volume.
See the norm below. From Oakland. Inner city thugs kill over a f-ing laptop. Sick.
Folks have “had enough” … of bicyclists at risk. Worthy of KC Star priorities. How many bicyclists are killed in a year vs murder and maiming?
@BShark I know a Gabe.
@BShark I’ve seen that go both ways, people are too gullible for any type of media.
How about blaming a bankrupt culture for destroying lives? Focusing on changing that culture? Cakes don’t kill people. The violent and morally bankrupt inner city black culture kills people. And pieces of shit like Kaepernick and those that fall for that misdirection enable the killings. They refuse to direct the focus and blame on the horrible human beings that commit these acts of violence. People want it to stop, like the police chief in the article below. But all the left does is blame everything and everyone except the thugs that commit the crimes. Calling them “victims.” Or “victim blaming.”
Kaepernick’s statements after the killing the Iranian general are the perfect example. This is the left’s champion.
Are you going to do this forever?
@Crimsonorblue22 I just appreciate that the answer provided is to both make sure there are less single parent homes while at the same time putting more people in jail for longer. The math on that one is tough.
I also know a lot of single moms that are way better than most two parent households.
benshawks08 said:
I also know a lot of single moms that are way better than most two parent households.
Some of them even listen to rap music.
benshawks08 said:
I also know a lot of single moms that are way better than most two parent households.
It is so laughable. Yea, there are some people that can take pain killers and not be addicts. But it’s still an epidemic. It’s still destructive. Are you an idiot?
It’s because black males see it as a badge of honor to impregnate as many women as they can. No, not all black males. But it’s the real problem in the inner city.
Police say 2 dead, possibly 15 injured in Kansas City bar shooting
See you would complain about these folks going to jail. Don’t commit crimes. Difficult for those of your mindset.
Rap away, worship violence, explain away moral depravity. You must sleep well at night.
@HighEliteMajor Pain killers is actually a good analogy. For most people pain killers are medicine. Something that soothes and dampens pain. I would say that’s what music can do too.
To your second point all I can really say is, you see that’s racist, right? You see yourself generalizing and perpetuating negative stereotypes about people based solely on race, don’t you?
Third, I’m not sure where you’ve seen me advocating for violence or that violent criminals shouldn’t face consequences. Are there other factors influencing that violence that need to be addressed? Definitely. Is rap music top among them. Of course it isn’t. Generational poverty, systematic oppression, those seem a bit higher on the list of priorities.
Lastly, I do sleep well at night, thank you very much. I do my best to look for the best in people and treat others with kindness as much as I can and I have nice sheets.
@benshawks08 You can say whatever your want. You can rationalize whatever you want. I’m not perpetuating anything. You act as it it’s not true. Everything is something to consider or blame with people like you other than race. As if the most easily identifiable trait, the trait that binds cultures and groups of people more than anything else doesn’t have a large and overwhelming impact in how folks act and behave. That’s just ignoring reality. You act is if there isn’t an inner city black culture. That’s stupidity. Not stupidity, really, dishonesty. We see it every day.
You made the asinine statement about knowing single moms that do better than two parent homes, as if you made some intelligent point. Of course. That’s not the point. The vast majority is the other way. Two parent household has a major advantage raising kids. The single mom (which is usually is) faces huge challenges. No, pansy liberals like you don’t like the idea that two parent homes are actually BETTER than single parent homes. But that challenges the pansy liberal who wants there to be moral equivalence in any behavior.
Further, it challenges liberals to even talk about valuing life. You know why. You know what you think. You know what rationalizations you make in your mind. And it challenges you to even agree that a two parent household is better. Lefties can’t bring themselves to even concede that.
You act as if certain black men don’t act a certain way because they are a part of culture. Of course, you ignore stats and real numbers. Just watch the black athlete. Heck, watch the Chiefs players. Last night after the game – Listen to Frank Clark, listen to Tyreek Hill, then listen to Pat Mahomes. Quite a difference. The former two can barely speak, can’t enunciate words, spew profanity, and act like thugs. Gold teeth anyone? Domestic violence anyone? They act that way because they worship that culture. They’re part of it. They glorify it. Pat Mahomes, the opposite.
Two parent households, working together, for their children. Teaching proper lessons. Value life. Respect others. Supervision. Hard work. Help with homework. Guidance. Treat women with respect. Value life (again). Don’t hurt people. That’s what’s missing.
Racist? I don’t give one rip what you think. It’s that culture and embracing of that culture that kills people on nighty basis. It isn’t white people killing blacks. Thug mentality.
Try this, come to KCMO and walk down 53rd and Brooklyn, or 42nd and Troost, you know, around 9:30 pm. Go see the best in people. I’m sure you’ll get some of that in return.
Respect others? I had to raise my boys by myself, my husband died. I listened to quite a bit of rap music too. Being ugly is not attractive or intelligent. Instead of complaining about inner city culture or listing all the crimes, maybe try to volunteer or mentor youth in your area, you are not far from the city.
Treat women w/respect? Good gosh! Ashley Judd?
@Crimsonorblue22 It’s fine when he does it. You see he’s white so in his mind that means he is above black people. To him they are all rappers and thugs. The hate u give, right? It just blows me away that someone who likes the Jayhawks as much as I do could be a white supremacist (Pretty sure this is the first time I’ve called HEM a name but at this point he’s earned it). Guess it means I shouldn’t really generalize about a large group of people. Maybe we should all try that.