Kansas QB Torry Locklin had opportunity to develop during grayshirt year

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  • Read the article , and didn’t realize. So if a kid is a grey shirt like Tory , then that means he wasn’t even able to take classes at KU during the year of 2018? - He had to do that somewhere else?

    I guess I don’t get it. - -Why could he at least attend KU during 2018 just as a student? -Can someone help me out? - - little slow I guess , but sure sounds that way from the article , that he couldn’t even be here while he sit out during the 2018 Season - -is that right? - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • I hope they see him as the future at QB after MacVittie. If not, they need to move him to WR or S. Guy is an athlete.

  • @jayballer73 greyshirts can be on campus the spring semester, just not fall. I suppose he could take classes in the fall and pay out of his own pocket, but I doubt many want to go down that road.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    I hope they see him as the future at QB after MacVittie. If not, they need to move him to WR or S. Guy is an athlete.

    ya, I hear ya and I think your right. - -from what I’m reading sounds like we need to make sure he doesn’t get frustrated and be yet another transfer out.

    A lot of people are talking casual you know they actually think that we may very well see him as the QB before this season is over - -they thinking Secreting that Miles already knows he has his QB of the future , as Miles keeps talking about him - - Saying he would have no problem playing him.

    This is what we need - - that true dual threat QB - -we shall see - when I watched him he looks like he can for sure do some things. – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • FarmerJayhawk said:

    @jayballer73 greyshirts can be on campus the spring semester, just not fall. I suppose he could take classes in the fall and pay out of his own pocket, but I doubt many want to go down that road.

    Hey thanks for the info guy I knew I could always count on some one to help. - - I understand your answer But that leads me to another question then , I mean I understand about him not being here until spring but - - -you was saying he could possibly be here in the fall but would have to pay for his classes - - so ok but even if he went some where else like he did obviously - -wouldn’t he STILL have to pay for his classes there? - - I dunno. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Saw off my local station that they are having a special tonight at 7 about KU & K-State football - -off my local channel - -not sure what the channel would be for anyone it’s channel 13 here our local station - -but guys might be able to pick it up - - I think it is a CBS station just sayin - -might be interesting to watch see if we can pick up some info - --ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • jayballer73 said:

    FarmerJayhawk said:

    @jayballer73 greyshirts can be on campus the spring semester, just not fall. I suppose he could take classes in the fall and pay out of his own pocket, but I doubt many want to go down that road.

    Hey thanks for the info guy I knew I could always count on some one to help. - - I understand your answer But that leads me to another question then , I mean I understand about him not being here until spring but - - -you was saying he could possibly be here in the fall but would have to pay for his classes - - so ok but even if he went some where else like he did obviously - -wouldn’t he STILL have to pay for his classes there? - - I dunno. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    For sure. A lot of guys go the JuCo route to save some scratch.

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