The Secret Weapon...aka Andrea Hudy uses Science to enhance performance. Rock Chalk
Pretty cool
I sure wish we had HUDY know how back in the day. They had a lot of things backwards-tons of work and sweat that didn’t pay off.
Wow! That Wayne is really a football player that somehow found basketball. Glad he did!
Interesting how they use resistance training assessments to signal weather a player is going to show improvements on the court.
My kids and I got a tour of this facility a few months ago. Very impressive.
Now if we can make the next leap in performance enhancement… nutrition!
They have been doing that for a while now and they have a dietician that works with Andrea and many players have diets customized to their specific needs.
I haven’t heard anything about modern sports nutrition science. They’ve probably had an old-school nutritionist around for years.
If they were practicing modern nutrition, we’d surely hear about it, almost as much as what Hudy is doing in sports training. These guys are still drinking Gatorade. Big no-no.
Not a glamorous subject so it gets little attention outside of the people in the know. The nutritionist is part of The Sports Medicine Department at the University of Kansas. I would say they are pretty much up to speed and at the cutting edge.
Wow, Most of the items listed here were never on the menu in the 70’s. Still, the training table (located in the Jayhawk Towers Basement) was the best food around at the time-and guys did bulk up-just not nearly efficient as today’s programs, and now we see much better athletes as a result.