Happy Dad's day
Enjoy your day! Spend time w/your family.
TY - -appreciate that. - Gonna cook out tonight. Not sure of the meat is gonna fry or I’m gonna fry lol - -really hot
@Crimsonorblue22 thanks! It was a great day.
@jayballer73 if you are not sure of the meat?
Ya it’s been crazy hot for the middle June here in central Kansas, already 4 100+ degree days and 2 weeks straight of 95 or better. @Crimsonorblue22 thank you, it’s been a crazy weekend. It’s fathers today and both me and my sons birthday as well. Makes for a crazy weekend but mostly good lol.
Not much of a Spring this year, we jumped straight into Summer.
@JayHawkFanToo True story, I’m ready for fall.
kjayhawks said:
Ya it’s been crazy hot for the middle June here in central Kansas, already 4 100+ degree days and 2 weeks straight of 95 or better. @Crimsonorblue22 thank you, it’s been a crazy weekend. It’s fathers today and both me and my sons birthday as well. Makes for a crazy weekend but mostly good lol.
Ya I hear ya for sure. About the same here in Northeast Ks ( Topeka ) -we need rain - -you need rain - -we ALL need cooler temps. I hat to think what July and August is gonna be like if it’s like this already. - - -RPCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY