West Virginia Mountaineers - 5 pm - ESPN
Buster 1926 said:
@Statmachine Far as I’m concerned Silvio showed a level of play that Doke hasn’t even shown a glimpse of yet, & quite frankly, may never. Didn’t take a
lick of crap
off Miles or Konate the crybaby either. He earned some stripes on a HUGE freaking stage in KC. Clearly without him & Doke & only Mitch … we probably loose this game by about 10 points. Of course this is JMO … but SILVIO PLAINLY KICKED KONATES ASS !!
In some areas like rebounding yes. Where Doke is still much better is knowing where to be on defense and just interior defense in general. We need Doke back. The huge thing is Self should mostly trust Silvio now, I mean he played more than Mitch tonight. Being able to choose between Silvio and Mitch depending on the situation in March is huge. And yes I think there are situations where Mitch would be better, mainly against a smart perimeter post player.
@Crimsonorblue22 link to his post game? I wonder what his excuse is this time? Im pissed Konate didn’t get a T, for Doke getting one in Morgantown for looking at a guy he deserved atleast 2 today.
‘‘They have a lot of guys who can make shots,’’ West Virginia coach Bob Huggins said. ‘‘Let’s be honest, all of those guys out there, if they’re not McDonald’s All-Americans it’s because they’re from another country. They have good players and their guy can coach, you know?’’
@BShark I don’t believe DG, Lightfoot, Desousa and Vick were Mcd All Americans but I could be wrong.
@RockChalkinTexas The 25+ wins in a season streak is very impressive too.
@RockChalkinTexas That tweet is incorrect. Newman had 72 points over the three games and broke the KU record.
@BShark Correct, This guy put that out 3 hrs ago.
This was before the game.
@kjayhawks I get it on cox tv
@Crimsonorblue22 we don’t have Cox (go ahead laugh haha) out here in the sticks.
@kjayhawks I don’t either. Only options are sattelite or stuff that works via internet. I have PSVue.
Anybody have the “Beyond The Streak” book that Jason put out a couple of months back?
@kjayhawks hey I grew up in the sticks, hutch is a big city!
@RockChalkinTexas like the pic of coach and Cindy, huge upgrade to my neighbors in wichita. Classy lady!
@Crimsonorblue22 Ol Greg lost today.
@BShark Told the guy he was wrong and he sent me this:
From Jesse’s article about HCBS pumping fists in the air:
Check out Mitch - Happy wife, happy life.
Devonte’: We’re not going for none of that.
Whew…the Mountain Goats are pissed. They’re blamin’ everyone, but themselves for losing three games to KU.
It’s great to be hated, because it means you’re winning.
Fantastic quotes from Mitch and Newman.
@RockChalkinTexas Newman’s quote!
@Crimsonorblue22 With a smile!
Night All. I’ll leave you with this beautiful site:
Trash talking is part of lots of sports. It can be entertaining in lots of cases. Fist pumping. back flips, etc. come back to haunt most players. IMO
Self said after the game that Silvio was playing so well that he couldn’t take him out. Malik said that if he could, he’d give the MVP .award to Silvio.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Filthy! That’s how you get at those thuggin’ billies. Don’t get flustered, take it back at them.