KU 5th all time

  • Read where KU is 5th all time in AP rankings sine 1939. -It’s based off appearance - - -1 pt for appearance & 2 pts for # 1 rankings: - - # 1 - - -Kentucky 1,111 pts - -# 2- - - N Carolina 1098 pts- - # 3 - - -Duke 1032 pts- - - # 4- - -UCLA 957 pts- - - # 5- - -KU 857 pts

    Just a little side note- - - - I also read where KU will play Syracuse on Dec 2nd in Miami in the showcase of the Naismith Memorial Basket ball hall of fame hoophall Miami Invitational, so be a good game. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

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  • Forgot to mention also in this article it mentions we have the Nations longest streak for being ranked in the top 25. - -We have a streak of being ranked in the top 25 since February 2 , 2009 that’s quite some time. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 where will KU be ranked st the end of this season?
    Ended the regular season as #1. Will we be 4th? 5th? 6th? Can’t see us going too much lower than that.

  • @FarNrthJHwk Not really sure. This here is for as where we rank in all times as far as being in the poll, which none of these really surprise me,I thought we might be a little higher but hey top 5 all time not to shabby. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • I think KU is #1

  • @jayballer54

    I respectfully submit that anything that goes back to 1939 has only entertainment value and nothing else. If you really want to rank the programs based on the current status of the sport, you should go back 10-15 years but probably no more than that. Keep in mind that the prospects that will be looking at your program were barely 1 or 2 year old 15 years ago.

    Yes, it is nice to say are number…whatever…since 1939, but does it really mean anything other than bragging? I personally think not…but I could be wrong.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Ya I would have a tendency to go along with that, I was just bringing this up from an article I read off the LJW. - -It’s kind of like I mean even in recruiting as we al know this was a huge household name one of the greatest our own Wilt. - - - -But that’s been quite some while ago, you can’t really use him per say he played here and ya da ya da in today’s recruiting because a lot of these kids today to them they can’t relate any to him -true they may of heard of the name but that’s about all. - Even to another extent it’s starting to or will get to a point where trying to connect the two Danny Manning and KU. - -I mean to these recruits it will be soon to a point where OH ya I have heard about Danny Manning but that’s about it. As far as using Danny as a recruiting tool for KU that’s fading. - - -Danny as far as that goes is more of a recruiting tool for himself at Wake - -Players think great player, Now the coach chance to play/develop with him - -wish we still had him here developing our bigs but - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    This is edifying, especially as it has been done without gambling scandals, the right shoe brand of late, long stacks, and without favorable asymmetric seeding paths and whistles.

    Rock Chalk!!!

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