Max swears he was in bounds.
Why didn’t they go to the replay? Just think, if they don’t mess up that call there’s no movie!
@wissox not funny!
From the perception of this photo based on the trajectory of his left leg he looks out of bounds if he dropped his heel. Not sure if he dropped it or slid it forward first
@Blown you would argue w/max?
@Crimsonorblue22 no not against max. For Truth. max was biased and probably didn’t have this angle from his spot on the sideline.
@Blown need to see back side
Every guy there is on his toes. Look at his leg. Heel couldn’t be on floor. CSI
Yes. Need to see back side to be positive.
@Blown must not be a pic of that.
The did find some additional photos a few years ago and did a study that determined he was in bounds. It’s all in the past now.
@Crimsonorblue22 Did I say something wrong? I don’t get your comment.
@wissox would rather have the WIN than the movie! You don’t get me very often.
A picture surfaced a few years after, that showed his heel up. Lucky Texas Western was, could’ve very well cost us a NC.
@JayHawkFanToo would love to read that study if you can find it again.
@Crimsonorblue22 That’s true! I don’t read between the lines very well. I don’t understand all of your little cartoons you put on here either, but that’s ok! By the way, not sure my post implied I’d rather have the movie instead of another KU championship.
@Blown me too
@wissox Hollywood conspiracy 40 years in the making!
Wife said he looks inbounds. So I’m going with that.
@Blown smart man!
Look at the ref. Not even looking at his foot. Jojo said his heel never went down.
@Fightsongwriter so@blown there’s the proof!
@wrwlumpy I watched it live lump-I was so pissed I almost pissed on myself !! Couldn’t believe we went down.
@Crimsonorblue22 some just act dimwitted & others really are… you pick …
@Crimsonorblue22 Lotsa Chuck Taylors all with shadows underneath them… JoJo never put his foot all the way down — Trust me I am a sworn witness !!!