Happy Valentine's Day!
Priceless. This is what @HawkInMizery has for his signature.
KU History @kuhistorytoday · 9h9 hours ago
Happy Valentine’s Day - James and Maude Naismith, 1927
@RockChalkinTexas Didn’t James marry a cheerleader?
@RockChalkinTexas happy VD to you!
thanks of course I’m sharing w/his true red blue gf @RockChalkinTexas
@Crimsonorblue22 and @wrwlumpy Thanks for the smiles each of you brought me.
@Crimsonorblue22 said:
@RockChalkinTexas happy VD to you!
I hoping for No VD for any of you!!!
But I hope you had a happy Valentine’s Day that didn’t include a VD!
You are showing your age…they call them STDs nowadays.
happy V day for every one
@bruges same to you! Thx!
@JayHawkFanToo maybe it’s a good thing he’s not familiar and why are you?
…because I live in the 21st Century?
@JayHawkFanToo yeah!
@RockChalkinTexas the game has come such a long way since then!